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Everything posted by iamddr

  1. Couldn't find commands examples in wiki, most obvious is new commands could name python code as a module. Anybody knows it, a bit code would be helpful. Thanks
  2. Just saw the name and intro video, pretty interested in this, any one know it?
  3. Just wonder what will happend when subscription expired, could not access bot bank section anymore or just only no new bot bank commands updated, old ones still available to use.
  4. Thanks pash, you solved my problems, I really appreciate your help.
  5. Newbie and just subscribe dev-lisence, I have two questions here 1、I create a list and use $next list item() in a loop(), of course I works, but when I try to access this list again with $next list item() It's not working, I believe $next list item() auto delete list items in the first loop, how to prevent $next list item() delete list items? 2、I tested a little, I can assign a list say %list to a variable say #var, but I can't drag #var to any commands which accept list it's no accepted, so can't list be stored in a variable?
  6. The "document text" command only works on html text, can Ubot simulate "Save Page As" command on common browser save image/js/css in a folder?
  7. Newbie here, Just wonder how to get all matched strings or total matched strings numbers with regular expression? Example:Ex.html contains lots of urls, I need to find specific urls which contain /imags/random-numbers/anyname.jpg and get total number of mathed urls.
  8. Just saw your code, so many inspiration for me ! Could you upload .ubot file as forum attach files, forum filter some code, copy&paste not work on Ubot .
  9. Create ua.txt & proxylist.txt then paste ua.txt & proxylist.txt code into it . Please keep them in the same folder with the .ubot file. ua.txtproxylist.txt
  10. Rough-Vote-Bot-Code-Here ui stat monitor("current proxy", #currentproxy) add list to list(%proxylist, $list from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\proxylist.txt"), "Delete", "Global") define init_stuff { clear cookies add list to list( , $list from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\ua.txt"), "Delete", "Global") set user agent($random list item( )) } loop($list total(%proxylist)) { init_stuff() set(#currentproxy, $next list item(%proxylist), "Global") change proxy(#currentproxy) navigate("http://www.gamefaqs.com/","Wait") wait(1.5)
  11. I love super mario 64 too, I will help you!
  12. Terrific! Thanks for your replay, I just browsed the plugins that you've built for ubot. I think they were hardcore coder's work.
  13. Im new here and I used loop a lot, just wonder what did you guys do when you need a break/continue operation.
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