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About cd1168

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  1. hi, we just ordered this service.. are there instructions on how to implement the 10 IP's as of now, it is nor working .. i have tried : change proxy("ip:port) set proxy credential("email login","password")
  2. hi, we just ordered this service.. are there instructions on how to implement the 10 IP's as of now, it is nor working .. i have tried : change proxy("ip:port) set proxy credential("email login","password")
  3. I am trying to login into a website that requires a version of IE and implements a Interactive Network Diagnostic requiring of lowering the security level, and then the server communicates with the client and sharing of information ... what is the norm of getting around this barrier, setting different agents in ubot does not seem to work and then of course the problem of changing the setting...
  4. thank you very much. this solved it... i guess it makes sense, even if you sell a bot, someone has to enable (pay) for the captcha service. thanks for your help
  5. in addition, now i have checked a compiled version on my local machine where this popup window DOES not appear .. very unusual .. please any ideas on this
  6. Hi, i have a question why my captcha service is not running in a compiled bot. run in "script mode" locally that bot runs fine, i.e. captcha is solved and scrape of page. all good. when i compile the code and have moved the server on a remote server, the captcha behaves differently. a captcha popup window pops up and nothing is entered. the popup window is a behavior that is not done in the non compiled version of my script any ideas, is this normal?
  7. this is actually a continuation to an early topic that was not responded, hoping to see if i can get some responses or insight .. the website: in.honda.com uses a network interactive diagnostic that only allows use of IE 11, then requires you to lower security, make itself a trusted site, allow activex init. and then i believe is "scraping" or gathering information of clients trying to access its resources. while in IE11 i can access the site using the above mentioned method, then i run a javascript in the browser which prints out the user agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trid
  8. Hi, a page I am trying to scrape on allows for IE11 and then in addition, manually configure trusted sights, compatability, active script etc... what advice can someone make on how to attack this ? is there an agent configuration tool that can force ubot to open IE with the required settings. or is better to emulate the process of configuring IE in using the ubot click commands, etc..i have tried changing the useragent to IE10 (highest in ubot) but it hangs. in addition, the website wants to install shockwave and some other scripting software i assume this is done to slow the ability to
  9. yes... but doesn't scrape anything .. no errors, just sits, doesn't finish .. comment("function to scrape") define $scrapeFunction(#row) { allow flash("No") allow css("No") allow images("No") set visibility("invisible") navigate("www.com", "Wait") wait for element(<name="id">, "", "Appear") wait for element(<id="recaptcha_challenge_image">, "", "Appear") if($both($exists(<id="recaptcha_challenge_image">), $exists(<name="id">))) { then { set(#id, $table cell(&idsToProcess, #row, 1), "Global")
  10. hmm... i have been looking but where do i accomplish this.. i assume it is using regular expression when it sees a ' to replace it with \' ?
  11. finally got it working, with a replace regular expression, removing the " ' " from the scrape attribute. .. i want to thank all who helped me ...really nice people ...
  12. i have it! mysql does not like the apostraphe's that are being scraped ...
  13. really weird, this returns 20 rows (expetcted).. but when i add a second column from same table only returns 1 row. for example, this works. i know i am close and i am doing something dumb loop(#QuantityidsUpload) { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=xx;uid=xx; pwd=xx; database=txx; port=3306; pooling=false") { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query", "INSERT into `ScrapeDump` (idSCR, every) value(\'{$table cell(&scrapedData, #idsUploadRow, 0)}\','hhhhh')") increment(#idsUploadRow) } } but, this will only return 1 row
  14. ok, so i know i am connecting, this inserts.. now i try insert from the ubot list, wish me luck loop(#idsUpload) { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "connect to database", "server=xx;uid=xx; pwd=xx; database=xx1; port=3306; pooling=false") { plugin command("DatabaseCommands.dll", "query", "INSERT into `idScrapeDumpGOV` (idSCR, every) value('123xxxx','cccccccceeeeedddddd')") increment(#idsUploadRow) } }
  15. when you say space after insert into, INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...) is this not correct format with space after into
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