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Posts posted by cob007

  1. Agency Access at first I was not going to include this in the Ultimate Version of the license system.

    What this is going to allow you to do is sell multiple license access that they can issue there own licenses to others from their allowed number of keys.


    This is a very popular up-sell option on products sold on a daily basis for high ticket.

    This will help build your email list as well, as they are making licenses for actual users with real emails 


    I am also expanding on the API system for Admin/Agency's and making options for this as well for 

    Add license

    Disable license

    Reset key

    Add notes to license


    if wanting other things added to API access please let me know about that as well

    This is still a work in progress, and if you wish to see specific features be added let me know. 

    Im still working out some aspects of the system, and how everything will tie together.


    A small walk through of things done so far can be seen here 


    Hi TJ,


    This is a great feature added! if someone buys agency account and then will they login to our licensing system or not, if they sign in then wouldn't they be able to see our licenses also and our other products which they ideally should not see?


    An update is being pushed right now so it won't be in this one but I'll see what I can do about this since the datagrid is customized its not so simple as push the header and it auto sorts. But I think I can do it while also adding filtering at the same time.

    Update V 1.10
    • Add DataGrid Button Column
    • DataGrid Button Cell
    These functions can be used on the DataGrid to add a button column. The buttons will be created for each row on the DataGrid and you can run a command from the button.
    In order to use this you will want to get the selected row index of the datagrid - which will be the row the button was clicked. Use the function Get DataGrid Selected Index for this. From there you can get the necessary data using the function Get DataGrid Row.


    is it possible to add external style created with XAML instead of options with plugin because that can give more flexibility in terms of if we want to add corner radius or image to the button which is not possible and even have button as a hyperlink using external stying of buttons xaml,  i dont know if its possible or not but i just thought will ask

  3. this is regarding wait element. I have exbrowser in a loop going through lot of pages and scraping with headless chrome portable browser, i noticed that it scrapes the first page and then skips second and third and this problem is happening with both headless chrome portable and regular headless chrome and not if i use the normal chrome launcher which is not quickly skipping when i use it that way


    while i do have a exbrowser wait for element code added, ive also added in extra wait for 5 seconds.


    how do i slow down the bot that it goes through all pages properly,


    this is what im using as of now;


    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", #_bookReviewListURLs)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "//div[@class=\"nav-logo-base nav-sprite\"]", "Appear", 30)


  4. By the way you can use multiple words like so, just keep adding more with a pipe separator:



    thanks nick, that has all worked really properly now

    but say there is a word like well-written and there is word like well somewhere else so we should escape \- in that case so that only well gets removed and not the well from well-written

  5. (?i)(^it|it)


    Thanks nick, but then i have these as variabls, so sometimes i have ''and and sometimes it, of, the etc which are considered as stop words.


    so if user chooses and and then if we use this command (?i)(^it|it) then it removes the and from the understand as well if we replace that it with and


    So it is just one choice, if user chooses and, then the and should get removed on its own or if the entire sentence starts with and but it should not remove the word and from the understand.

    to give proper example, the user can choose any stop word to remove like and, of, the, it etc and these stop words can be in beginning or middle of sentences, so im using a variable to represent stop word.

    Now these stop words unfortunately can be part of words; like of is found in coffee and and is found in understand and it is found in it''ll

    The it'll is a bit more forgiving and understandable than removing and from understand and of from coffeee.


    i think is it best to have each word as a seperate list item in a list and then look for what stop word to remove than have them in a single list item as a sentence the way i have it now

  6. This will remove "it" - even if it's the first word:


    But because of the spaces, and the It'll which will leave the 'll then probably a better solution would be:


    This will ignore the case, then look for it with the start of the line (or not) followed by any characters except space, period, comma, semi-colon then followed by a space (maybe).



    Thanks nick, but then i have these as variabls, so sometimes i have ''and and sometimes it, of, the etc which are considered as stop words.


    so if user chooses and and then if we use this command (?i)(^it|it) then it removes the and from the understand as well if we replace that it with and


    So it is just one choice, if user chooses and, then the and should get removed on its own or if the entire sentence starts with and but it should not remove the word and from the understand.

  7. clear list(%word)
    add item to list(%word,"It was easy to understand and really makes you think about choices you\'ve made in your life. It\'ll be on and of my coffee table for family and friends to peruse.","Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#fixed word,$replace regular expression($list item(%word,0),"(\\sand|\\sof)",$nothing),"Global")
    alert(#fixed word)

    removes all "and" and "of"


    what if i also want to remove the first word 'it' because then i cant use space if i use \sit , although it will remove all the 'its' from sentences but then what if it occurs as first word then there is no space in the beginnng of first word, so it is not able to remove the it from the first word of sentence

  8. clear list(%word)
    add item to list(%word,"It was easy to understand and really makes you think about choices you\'ve made in your life. It\'ll be on and of my coffee table for family and friends to peruse.","Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#fixed word,$replace regular expression($list item(%word,0),"(\\sand|\\sof)",$nothing),"Global")
    alert(#fixed word)

    removes all "and" and "of"


    thanks that was great simple solution

  9. your comparison does not have the extra line

    if($comparison(#length,"= Equals","Onepersonfoundthishelpful
    ")) {
        then {

    this works





    thanks that worked but see a case like this where its showing in my debugger and ive no idea of space in such a case, and when i try command it does not work because i dont know whats the space before and after




  10. as u can see ive the following text, ive trie to remove all spaces between them and made it like this,

    however when i do a comparison it does not work as a true statement  is it because of the spaces between text






    if($comparison(#length,"= Equals","Onepersonfoundthishelpful

    Helpful")) {
        then {



  11. clear list(%word)
    add item to list(%word,"It was easy to understand and really makes you think about choices you\'ve made in your life. It\'ll be on and of my coffee table for family and friends to peruse.","Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#fixed word,$replace regular expression($list item(%word,0),"\\sand\\sof",$nothing),"Global")
    alert(#fixed word)

    Thank macro but i wanted to get rid of all the ands and the one after understand, only the later and i was able to ger rid of


    It was easy to understand and really

  12. Hello,


    I have the following sentence and from this sentence I want to remove the words , and and of

    however it also ends up removing the word and from understand and of from coffee


    So in such case how to use regex to remove specific word but not the words for which it is also part of like understand and coffee from a single list item



    add item to list(%word,"It was easy to understand and really makes you think about choices you\'ve made in your life. It\'ll be on and of my coffee table for family and friends to peruse.","Don\'t Delete","Global")


  13. BASED on your example here;




    Let us say i want to update chart values 3 times and i want to update the values of jamie for last 9 years which will change say 3 times for 3 years but then if i want to run this commnd 3 times, not in loop but simply update the chart 3 times to reflect new values, how should we do that because if i change the values plugin command("EliteUbot.dll", "EB Add Series To Cartesian Chart", "employeeSales", "jamieSeries", "LineSeries", "Jamie", "134|139|151")


    of jamie from 134, 139, 151 and the chart displays correctly first time, now next time i want his values to be 130,138,152 but then in that case it throws error saying  an item with the same key has been added.


    unless i change the series name to something else like jamieseries1 but then i want a new chart to show up second time with new values for jamie, sara etc and not update the same chart with another series name


    in such a case where i want say a new chart with same series but new values how to do that, so that chart gets refreshed each time say i click the next button and each time chart gets updated with new sales values but the series name like jamie, sara etc remain the same 

  14. Hi there Ubot-er's


    I just upgraded to EXbrowser 2.0. And I am getting a request from the X browser log in validation server. I have attached those files herein.  Does anybody know how to remove the first version of X browser so I can get past this validation server. Currently I am completely shut out of ubot and cannot get past this validation server.


    Secondly does anybody have an email to get in touch with Dan? It also appears that his support page is not accepting support tickets. I have waited 15 minutes for a confirmation email from his support page after submitting a ticket and it has never arrived which would lead me to believe that his support page is not up and working.


    I have looked in Q: I updated the plugin and still get the md5 / version error A: Very likely that the plugin is not in the correct directory. It has to be in your %appdata%\Ubot Studio\Plugins Folder


    There is nothing in that DLL folder that looks like exbrowser DLL. 


    Any assistance that anyone could offer me that would help me out would be greatly appreciated .


    Thank you

    here is what i did


    1. go to your ubot plugins and delete old exbrowser


    2. then copy the next 2.2 version to that folder and now u will not get that message


    3. then on load command add the license key from exbrowser email u have received and only then run the commands



    ive had good customer support from dan yesterday

  15. this probably may not be necessary to implement, but if selected index property is added to list of UI set property command then it might work but this was just an idea and not necessary

    If u see mahaapps metro page for the flip view control, they are talking about using selected index property to automatically scroll the images without user clicking the button




    Automated scrolling (batteries not included)

    Disabling the control buttons is useful when you want to provide an automated scrolling experience. This can be implemented by using a timer and by incrementing SelectedIndex by 1 until the index is equal to Items.Length - 1. At that point, you would reset SelectedIndex to 0.



    I noticed that i could make changes to flipview control via the UI set property but since it does not have selected index i couldnt select that to make a custom command to auto scroll it.


    Anyways this was just a suggestion and apart from tab control i dont think all the other properties use selected index

  16. For the last one week or 2 weeks i was sending http request to kindle using following command


    set(#_httpRequestSingleReview,$plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas HTTP Get", "https://www.amazon.c..._reviews_only","", "", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0", "", ""),"Global")


    I never got detected but it looks like my IP got banned and requests are gettinf detected s u see in the response it is asking to solve captcha


    what to do in such  a case and to hide httpp requests in future



       <div class="a-box a-alert a-alert-info a-spacing-base">
                <div class="a-box-inner">
                    <i class="a-icon a-icon-alert"></i>
                    <h4>Enter the characters you see below</h4>
                    <p class="a-last">Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies.</p>

            To discuss automated access to Amazon data please contact api-services-support@amazon.com.
            For information about migrating to our APIs refer to our Marketplace APIs at https://developer.amazonservices.com/ref=rm_c_sv, or our Product Advertising API at https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/advertising/api/detail/main.html/ref=rm_c_ac for advertising use cases.



    Not in the current version but I do plan on adding this in a future update.


    You can get a similar effect by doing this:

    plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Load XAML", "<Border BorderThickness=\"0 0 0 1\" BorderBrush=\"Blue\"
                    <TextBlock x:Name=\"hyperlink\"
                           Text=\"Open Website\"/>
                </Border>", "False", "False", "False", "BaseLight", "Blue")
    plugin command("UltimateUI.dll", "UI Add Event", "hyperlink", "MouseLeftButtonDown", "NavigateTo")
    define NavigateTo {

    Actually I want to do the way you did it in the regex course regex genius, use a hyperlink but then run a define command and not necessarily a hypelink for which you created the links like these;


                                                    <TextBlock Height="26" Foreground="White" FontSize="12"  Margin="0,10,22,0" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Width="116"><Hyperlink x:Name="filterProjectReviewsLink"   NavigateUri="http://google.com"><RunText="Filter Reviews"/></Hyperlink></TextBlock>


    And then inside of regex genuis u used that tectblock link to run a hyperlink event(as aymen had  hyperlink event) to a define code and not necessarily a hyperlink to google.com


    So can we do that here, because if i choose a textblock simialrly i cant run any other code


  18. What I meant by grab the data was if they wanted to get the stock data using something like http post in a loop. Then as they get the data in they could add to the graph (when I add the update command in that is).

    Thanks nick, is it possible to get the data from the graph also by clicking on graph, like as an example, say i have a bar chart and i click on the bar chart, can it read values to a variables for some other operation,

  19. Ultimate UI is not required to use the charts but it is highly recommended and you will need it or another xaml plugin in order to display more than one chart at a time. Both are currently on sale for the holidays but that sale is ending tonight.


    This plugin does not do websockets, you will need to have the data already in order to display the chart. Soon there will be a command to update the values already on the chart so you could grab the data and then loop through and add the values to the chart as you get it.

    Thanks nice, great update, what you are talking about is graph interactivity am i correct, so we can move the mouse pointer to the graph and can get values from the graph

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