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Posts posted by cob007

  1. Hi dan,


    Thanks, the example below worked for me for the query i asked you, but when I tried as per screenshot according to the video (xpath plugin tutorial) of how to use generic xpath parser nothing was returned as u see in screenshot.




    Now it depends a bit on the ExBrowser Command you use.

    You probably use the single item scrape commands or the element exists command right?

    And then you can use an IF then else to determine what to write into your list?

    Basically you do (not correct syntax):

    var1 = element exist //div[@class=videoAdUiAttribution]
    var2 = element exist /a[@class=iv-promo-txt iv-click-target]


    if var1 and var2 = true

    set listelemet to BOTH


    if var1 = true and var2 = false

    set listelemet to AD


    if var1 = false and var2 = true

    set listelemet to PROMO


    Maybe I'm a bit to tired now, but could you please explain what exactly the problem is here? 
    What is not working. 








    if var1 and var2 = true

    set listelemet to BOTH


  2. Hi dan,


    To give you a real life example, see the screenshots as below.. I am trying to scrape the videos which have ads beginning in them, 2. Which have a optin box showing up. So my bot will tell which videos have ads or which videos have opt-in box.


    Now the exbtrowser   loops through a list and play each of these youtube videos..... while looping it scrapes the informaton of videos which have ads or optins


    Now I am using the xpath expressions for these as: //div[@class=videoAdUiAttribution] and 2.
    //a[@class=iv-promo-txt iv-click-target]


    Now the xpath expression worked fine but not all videos are going to have opt-in or an advert at the beginning infact 80% of them don't.


    So xpath should return an empty listing for this.


    The problem is i dont think I can use document text as an input because these ads and optins dont show in the html of the page. ( Not sure if this is what is called as iframes as to whatever data i am trying to scrape)


    So although the scraping happens it doesn't show for what videos exactly these ads and optins dont exist.




  3. Hi dan,


    You had created a video somewhere where you shwoed how to make exbrowser return an empty item if nothing is to be scraped , because currently in my bot it is not returning an empty item while it is looping through a list of youtube URL's. So if for a particular URL there is nothing to  be returned it should return an empty element so that list column stays consistent. I think you recorded a video for that if im not mistaken.


    To give u an example. xbrowser is going in a loop to list of youtube urls and scraping the vidoes which have ads beginning in them using xpath




    the scraping is working fine but what if a video does not have ads, it does not return an empty item for that video oto the list, so the synchonozing is wrong.


    Actually you had recorded a  video for this somewhere in the forum replying to somebody but I dont seem to find it. I cant find it  in members area as well. So can you show me that video again

  4. Hi dan,


    You had created a video somewhere where you shwoed how to make exbrowser return an empty item if nothing is to be scraped , because currently in my bot it is not returning an empty item while it is looping through a list of youtube URL's. So if for a particular URL there is nothing to  be returned it should return an empty element so that list column stays consistent. I think you recorded a video for that if im not mistaken.

  5. Hi dan,


    I ran into a unusual  issue bcause of youtube changing html.


    You had created a video on howtocode xbrowser in of your videos where you scrape the youtube URL and the xpath for that is:




    This worked fine for 15 days or so until my bot stopped scraping the title URL, so on checking my bot program, I had to change xpath to


    x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a


    Now all of sudden when I checked today the new xpath didnt work


    So I had to revert back to;





    So now the software is working again with regards to exbrwoser scraping title information.


    So what if the class element changes again, would I need to keep updating like this again and again by constantly checking or should I use a "or" command as

    below so that whichever class is working the exbrowser will use that]


    On running OR command as below didn't work in xpath builder Pro;(maybe i am doing something wrong with OR statement]


    x://h3[@class=yt-lockup-title" or @class="yt-lockup-title contains-action-menu]/a

  6. Hi dan,


    Thanks for all fast customer support, one question I wanted to ask is can a website come to know that some automation is going on and people are using the website to get some data if i distribute my software to lot of customers using exbrowser plugin?


    For example let us say we have a website like  xyz that allows to scrape tags and and lot of people use their bot programmed by me with exbrwowser to get data using headless browsing i.e phantom JS from the website , so can the website owner know in any way that some sort of automation is going on?

  7. Hi dan,


    I am able to use exbrowser in incognito mode in chrome( because else fb shows shows a pop-up to enable or disable notification) to post a status update fb. However on switching to headless browing in phantom it didnt work... This is the code which works with chrome but doesnt with phantom, what could be issue.


    ui text box("Username",#Username)
    ui text box("Password",#Password)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "  {$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Incognito Mode")}")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Delete All Cookies")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://facebook.com")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "//*[@id=\"email\"]", "Appear", 20)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://*[@id=\"email\"]", #Username, 100, 150)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", #Password, 100, 150)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Send Special Key", "x://input[@type=\"password\"]", "Enter")
    if($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Element Exist", "x://*[@id=\"loginform\"]/div[4]/a[1]")) {
        then {
            alert("try again!")
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close")
        else {
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://textarea[@title=\"What\'s on your mind?\"]", #hello, 100, 150)
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://button[@class=\"_1mf7 _4jy0 _4jy3 _4jy1 _51sy selected _42ft\"]")
    ui text box("hellp",#hello)

  8. Hi TJ,


    I followed your video and also was able to get the exbrowser to post tweet with CHROME as well but as soon as I switched to phantom JS it is not posting tweet. You can see my code below. I even changed the user agent to mozilla firefox and it still didnt post the tweet with phantom JS. What could be the issue?


    ui text box("Username",#Username)
    ui text box("Password",#Password)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser CleanUp")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "PhantomJS", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Set User Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"))
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Delete All Cookies")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://twitter.com")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://*[@id=\"doc\"]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div[2]/a[3]")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://input[@name=\"session[username_or_email]\"]", "Appear", 20)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://input[@name=\"session[username_or_email]\"]", #Username, 100, 150)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://input[@name=\"session[password]\"]", #Password, 100, 150)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Send Special Key", "x://input[@name=\"session[password]\"]", "Enter")
    if($plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Element Exist", "x://button[@class=\"submit btn primary-btn\"]")) {
        then {
            alert("try again!")
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close")
        else {
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://*[@id=\"global-new-tweet-button\"]", "Appear", 20)
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://*[@id=\"global-new-tweet-button\"]")
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://*[@id=\"tweet-box-global\"]", "Appear", 20)
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text (Human Delay)", "x://*[@id=\"tweet-box-global\"]", #hello, 100, 150)
            plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://button[@class=\"btn primary-btn tweet-action tweet-btn js-tweet-btn\"]")
    ui text box("hellp",#hello)

  9. Hi TJ,


    I used as you said the command like this but it still didn't work: I even added a 2 second wait, I am looping for each list item and adding log file for each list item.


    loop($list total(%thumbnails)) {
        plugin command("Advanced Systems.dll", "create custom log file", "Thumbnails", " Success : {$list item(%thumbnails,#thumbs)}", "{$special folder("Desktop")}\\test.log")

  10. Hi pash,


    Sorry I was not clear..


    What I meant was...


    I used your command like this in image...





    It only prints time and success only for the first list item. For remaining list items it is not showing success or time.



    06/12/2016 20:08:59:
     Success : https://i.ytimg.com/...bA/hqdefault.jp  [Note: time and success is showing only for first list item,,)
    https://i.ytimg.com/.../maxresdefault. [ Note: remaining list items are not having time or success appeded to them)


    So if i have scraped a list of items and i want each list item to have time and success message before it, how do I do that

  11. Hi pash,


    after scraping a list of thumbnails and using your command like this to create log file, the time is shown only for the first image and after that no time is shown for remaining images.


    plugin command("Advanced Systems.dll", "create custom log file", "Thumbnails", " Success : {%thumbnails}", "{$special folder("Desktop")}\\test.log")




    06/12/2016 20:08:59:
     Success : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JvnABGut5bA/hqdefault.jp

  12. I have 2 datagrids attached to my XAML UI. The datagrid context menu function of opening a URL(right-clicking and open URL) is not working with XAML UI. Also the delete rows is not working. Is anyone else facing this issue?


    define open_website {
        shell("cmd.exe /c start {$plugin function("DataGridUI.dll", "$datagridUI get value", $plugin function("DataGridUI.dll", "$datagridUI selected index"), "URL")}")

  13. Hi itexpert,


    I tried to find your twitter thread but I couldn't find it, so I am replying here. Moreover I sent you a PM almost a week back, regarding issues with twitter software and updates needed for both twitter and linkedin for which I haven't received any reply. So I would appreciate if you can look into it and get back , I can even record a video showing the issue. Also thanks for putting up great products and helping ubot community.

  14. Hi pash,


    I tried both ur examples of saving app setting from advanced dialog-2 and they are not working as per ur demo videos. although config.dat file did  get created. Has there been any updates? When i try to restore. no data is restored to my app

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