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About lioncool

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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    Windows 8
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    Developer Edition

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  1. ubot how to copy link to clipboard
  2. why ui button scrape link not work but when i go to ubot 4.2 run mode on set(#HotmailConfirmEmail, $page scrape("<", "<https://instagram.com"), "Global") } then work ui button("IG Master Scrape") { click(<title="Inbox">, "Left Click", "No") click(<onclick="onClkRdMsg(this, 'IPM.Note', 0, 0);">, "Left Click", "No") click(<id="lnkHdrreply">, "Left Click", "No") set(#HotmailConfirmEmail, $page scrape("<", "<https://instagram.com"), "Global") }
  3. anyone know how to use $Heopas Recaptcha solve for mail.com i have no idea how to get captcha work
  4. i got it how to solve recaptcha
  5. i have few problems try to create mail on mail.com last name and first name not fill in how i get recaptcha work navigate("https://service.mail.com/registration.html?edition=us&lang=en.7518-header-signup2-1", "Wait") type text(<name="z34122201">, $account data("First Name"), "Standard") type text(<name="z763540791">, $account data("Last Name"), "Standard") change dropdown(<name="ListRegistrationData:0:ItemRegistrationData:BorderBoxRegistrationData:PanelRegistrationData:RowBirthDate:Field:month">, "Random") change dropdown(<name="ListRegistrationData:0:ItemRegis
  6. why instagram show blank page in ubot browser http://prntscr.com/d97w0r
  7. do you know why Instagram page not load in ubot it show blank page i changed diff agent sometime show blank page
  8. i tried this code not work it work but scrape everything Remote Host xxxx IP Address xxxxx how to get ip only http://www.lagado.com/proxy-test set(#captureIP, $scrape attribute($element offset(<tagname="p">, 7), "innertext"), "Global")
  9. i add .5 sec or 1 sec still have problems define registration procedure { thread { in new browser { registration code here() decrement(#used threads) wait(.5) }
  10. why i get script error access to the patch data_0 and cannot create temp etc..
  11. set(#Username, $scrape attribute(<data-reactid=w".$userprofile*">, "innertext"), "Global") i tried scrape <data-reactid=w".$userprofile*"> it come out alot text post, followers and followings how to save only username, followers and following in item to list
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