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Everything posted by Otts

  1. I managed to fix this. Thanks for your input. However I am sometimes getting errors when doing so, it will show an error on Excel stating 'This file is currently in used, please close this and try again' This error will cause the program to get stuck, how could I close this error? Regards
  2. I am using UBot 5.5 I believe
  3. hi, I am using my php script that contains my PHP my admin database tables. when this PHP script is ran, it will download the MYSQL database table. When I use the 'Download file' and run the node for http for the PHP script it works fine and downloads instantly. However when I compile the bot to .exe, it isn't even running the script. Can someone help please? Thanks Code: download file("https://XXX.XXX/refresh.php","C:\\Users\\GOAT\\Desktop\test.csv")
  4. Anyone else get a CefSharpBrowser error using latest ubot? Also UI log stops working after certain amount of time? Cheers
  5. Will this happen do you think or not. Is there a way to set it to different variables?
  6. Hi, So I really like the idea of UI Log in the latest Ubot. However, If i have 3 tabs for example and I want the UI log to appear in all 3, I can only get the UI log to use #log variable, so whatever is happening in the UI log on tab 1, it will show in tab 2 and tab 3. Is there a way where you can allocate each UI log to a different variable, I.e : Tab 1 UI log is allocated to #log1tab, Tab 2 UI log is allocated to #log2tab, Tab 3 UI log is allocated to #log3tab Also is there a way to make the log automatically scroll down each time text exceeds? Please let me know. Thanks alot
  7. I cant afford ubot update, i purchase from when ubot 4 was about. if i was to use ubot 5.5 it has so many issues. my life is over
  8. I have a problem. Twice this has happened now, someone has purchased and their license key hasn't been added but they appear on "Paypal logs" Why is this? Cheers Also: Their business name is on paypal but on paypal logs their address is different? cheers
  9. So, for example. When you are creating a bot in ubot4, you use the command: Click mouse It brings up the page where you can select your X & Y coordinates and then it automatically generates the program name. for example, 'google Ubot Studio Professional', but when you compile the bot, the program name would change. Also the parent class is randomly generated text, so my question is. [ How would I use 'click mouse' on page when the bot is compiled? ] I hope this isn't as confusing as it looks, but you Ubotters with your expertise could assist me, please? Kind regards, -Otts
  10. Meter, how would I make a trial license and make the PHP script to disable the license after X days? Regards
  11. I have changed it, and it is now changing the proxy after the list total, but its not incrementing the proxies now, it just uses the first proxy on the list f($comparison(#num created10, "<", #number accounts10)) { then { if($comparison($list total(%proxys), ">", $list position(%proxys))) { then { set list position(%proxys, 0) clear list(%proxy breakdown) add list to list(%proxy breakdown, $list from text($next list item(%proxys), ":"), "Delete", "Global") change proxy("{
  12. Here is my code can't get it to work: if($comparison(#num created10, "<", #number accounts10)) { then { if($comparison($list position(%proxy breakdown), ">", $list total(%proxys))) { then { set list position(%proxys, 0) } else { } } if($comparison(%proxys, "!=", $nothing)) { then { clear list(%proxy breakdown) add list to list(%proxy breakdown, $list from text($next list item(%proxys), ":"), "Delete", "Gl
  13. Hi, i can multithread the browsers, it is just when the proxies reach the total list they stop rotating. I cant seem to get the code right by making it set back to 0 if($comparison(#num created10, "<", #number accounts10)) { then { if($comparison($list position(%proxy breakdown), ">", $list total(%proxys))) { then { set list position(%proxys, 0) } else { } } if($comparison(%proxys, "!=", $nothing)) { then { clear list(%pr
  14. Have you tried scraping the link to a variable then navigating to the variable?
  15. Is this something you are looking for? if($comparison($url, "=", "URLHERE")) { then { DO NEXT STAGE } else { }}
  16. Otts

    Ui Border Css?

    You know in your hotmail creator, you have that background html panel that seperates all of the features, how do you do that?
  17. Otts

    Ui Border Css?

    Hi, I would like to have some css boarders going round my ui text boxes etc, how would i add it in?
  18. I am so confused, I purchased but it is so confusing any tips?
  19. Meter, I am experiencing a problem with my web files, they use to work, but now when i login with my admin and password, and click login, the page just basically refreshes with no error messages or anything, and the two fields are blank again.
  20. Can you help me with my auto updater? Everytime i update to newer version, i get the "Windowsform1application error" It crashes? Thanks
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