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Everything posted by DjProg

  1. Hi Guys, Sorry to update this thread but I really need a solution and couldn't find any. The problem is with the following workflow : - The bot fill a form - The bot click a "Submit" button - The website opens a popup displaying an error message - The bot stops due to the popup - But if I click on the "OK" button of the popup the bot will continue (and I can't fix what the popup mentions as "invalid" data entry) So what I need is a way to monitor, during the bot execution, if a popup appears / is clicked by me, and in this case add a "pause" so I can make the change. Any idea how I cou
  2. Hi JohnB, Sorry I wasn't clear enough : - No my Bot stops when the popup is there - But if I click the Popup button "OK" then it will continue the script What I need is : - The popup from the website comes - I click the button of the popup (Or I do it with Ubot but I don't know how since this popup will rarely comes, probably 10% of the time) - Ubot pauses so I can change the form according to what the popup said (description too short, whatsoever) So actually I would like Ubot to "know" that there has been a popup to change the workflow in this case. Hope it's clear now ! Cheers,
  3. Thanks I think the list will do the trick (even if i'm quite unhappy with this refresh ubot "feature"). When I was a developer we would have said "the refresh deleting all UI field is something we wanted, it's a feature" whereas our customer would say "what is this crappy bug" LOL ! It's not very handy but it'll save me some time
  4. Hello all, Do you know of a way to "catch" a popup event ? My script is running accross multiple websites and sometimes there is a popup showing up because the description was too short, or the name was too short, whatsoever . Is there a way to create an IF (popup event occurs) THEN pause ? Cheers,
  5. Hi, the problem is a CSV is going to create some problems as the spun content contains commas... Plus it's not pratical at all
  6. Hello again... I'm getting frustrated by the UI entry fields getting reset when refreshing. For some reason I have to stop my script to run sometimes and resuming produce most of the time an error in the script (I guess some variables are not reset when resuming). Any idea or tricks so I don't have to fill my UI fields everytime ? (I have like 8 fields and some include spin text, email and stuff so entering everything each time the script has a small issue is very time consuming...) Cheers,
  7. Thanks i'll do that. I seems that you have to send an email to bypasscaptcha so that they decode the captcha case-sensitive (from their FAQ)
  8. Hello All, I don't know if it's an old issue but i just realized that decaptcher.com was really really bad at handling mixed case captcha. Example, this captcha : AQ6vYn Is either returned as AQ6VYN or aq5vyn or (when you're really lucky) it's correct. So letter recognition is very high, but as the case is not respected it doesn't help at all... Anyone having the same issue ? The sites i'm posting on ARE CASE SENSITIVE... Do you know if the other decaptching services are better at handling this ? Cheers,
  9. Even double clicking on meter's EXE didn't work for me... i guess it has something to do with the virtualization (I guess I don't really have an "internal" speaker with a virtualized XP) I found a way , command line : mplay32 /play /close c:\windows\media\Vista_MSNMSGR_NewMessage.wav (assuming you have such a wav file in c:\windows\media\) it's not a beep, but it's good for me !!! http://screencast.com/t/67lJjfEzsd Cheers,
  10. I don't know if it's exactly what you need but I just found a way to make a CTRL A You need a small exe call nircmd, it's a freeware, the homepage is here : http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html Install this first Then it look like this to get a ctrl A : http://screencast.com/t/ChdcERodTgUY So : - put the focus in the field in which you want to make a control A - run 2 shell commands : C:\WINDOWS\nircmd.exe sendkey ctrl down C:\WINDOWS\nircmd.exe sendkey a down Off course I assumed you put the nircmd.exe in C:\WINDOWS\ Cheers,
  11. Thanks, but damn it doesn't beep. i'm just supposed to run a SHELL and then select the exe right ? All shell commands that i tried didn't work, that's why i wanted to use javascript (i'm on a virtual XP running on MAC OSX so it might be a reason why shell XP commands don't work the way it's expected)
  12. Hello All, I need to generate a beep in javascript (for some reason the traditional windows command line solutions don't wan't to work correctly). I think I should be able to do this with a RUN JAVASCRIPT function. Unfortunately i'm a real total noob in javascript . Can maybe someone help me ? Thanks a lot, Cheers, PS : if you are curious : it's because my script will pause and ask user to input some data... and to be faster I need to alert the user asap when the script is waiting for him
  13. Damn link is dead and i might have the same problem...
  14. Thank you VERY VERY much. I don't know why but the following didn't work : http://screencast.com/t/MWNlOTVhYzkt
  15. It's weird, I thought they way i had written my choose by attribute was correct. I'll try yours. Thanks !
  16. Hi thanks for your help ! I tried but it still doesn't want to collect the categories (i'm just speaking of unformated categories, formating is another story...) You can have a look at the bot attached, in case it inspires you category-scrapping.ubot I also tried to do a pagescrape but it doesn't work either... (I thought it would work with the following : pagescrape LEFT : <option label= RIGHT : </option> but it doesn't scrape anything...) Cheers,
  17. Hello guys, I don't succeed to do what I think must be really simple. On some websites, I found dropdowns with an HTML code like this : <center><select name="id_cat" class="list_cats"> <option value=0>Choose a Category</option> <option value=0>--------------------------</option> <option label="Category 1 " value=11>Category 1</option> <option label="Category 2 " value=5>Category 2</option> </select> </center> I "just" want to scrape : "Category 1 " value=11>Category 1 "Category 2 " value=5>Category 2 I tri
  18. Solved by myself, Here is the solution if you encounter the same problem (the library provided was buggy) : http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2205-library-strings/page__st__20
  19. DjProg

    [library] Strings

    WARNING : At the time of this writing two functions don't work, and can't work. The following functions : substring and substring alt will not work as they are not returning the "eval" of the javascript , so they simply return what has been concatenated within ubot and not the result of the javascript expression. Example : NOT GOOD : GOOD : I also changed the " into ' but I don't know if it makes any difference... not a javascript expert, just trying to make this thing work I don't know how to do it but if someone could correct the original ubot file posted by the OP
  20. Weird, it doesn't even look as a real captcha, i'm always getting the same code even when refreshing... Do you get a code different than : 0949e2 ???
  21. Hello all, First I got a "little" crazy when I saw that the most basic string functions were not natively supported, but that's another issue. So I used the Strings library posted here above. However it simply doesn't work as expected. The library with my test script is attached. ulib-strings-doesnt-want-to-work.ubot If I enter something like this : jhskjhsvkjsgvkshgvkshgvskhgsvkshgvskhgvskhgsvkshgvsk I got this as a return value : "jhskjhsvkjsgvkshgvkshgvskhgsvkshgvskhgvskhgsvkshgvsk".substr(0,10) Which is absolutely NOT what I want (I want to truncate the 10 first characters so jhs
  22. LOL !!! I've just playing a bit with Ubot for about 4 days it's really the impression I have !!!
  23. Thanks all. Here is few tips for the next one trying to do what I did. (could be interesting to save it somewhere, i'm not the only one doing this kind of stuff). So the whole point was to go through around 1000 URLs from a given plateform and "analyze them". If buttons are named correctly then save the URLs in a TXT files (i'm also saving the categories from a dropdown for later use). But : - Sometimes the page is buggy - Sometimes the owner puts load of crap (javascript popups, ads pops up, sliding ads, "you have to be 18+ to see the page", etc) - Sometimes the page is not in the correc
  24. I had to make this yesterday, here is how I did it : For me it just make a CSV with the format : URL,Scrapped-categories But off course you can do it to make : elementofpage1,elementofpage2 SO THE SCRIPT IS : - Get element1 and put in variable - Get element 2 and put in variable - Concatenate variables containing element1 and element2 in a list with a comma in between - Save the list to a file (which will end up being CSV as you added the commas). This part is not in the screenshot but it's simply a "save to file" Cheers,
  25. Yeees I want that too !!! Plus I would like to be able to select multiple nodes (example with the Shift or Control + click command, like when you select files in windows explorer). Then "right click" > "comment nodes". Then the nodes would be greyed out and would be ignored when running.
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