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Everything posted by Bot-Factory

  1. Hi 1. Not at the moment. But I can this in the next update. Please keep in mind all of those hot keys are only targeted at the website itself. It’s not possible to send those keys to the browser. So you can not control the browser Itself or use it to open menus or other stuff. The engine is only capable of sending that to the website itself. And it can’t be changed. 2. No I’m sorry. I never worked with mobile some little. But maybe some other people here have some experience with that. Regards Dan
  2. Hi. Some people had that problem sometimes. Maybe try it with a different browser. Cheers Dan
  3. Nothing I can help you with. That's a ubot function. But I never had any issues with it. And in your post you write that it's only on your work PC. So maybe that PC has some issues and needs to be reinstalled. Or there are company policies who prevent that stuff from working. Probably nothing that can be fixed on ubot site. BTW.. My support files command doesn't use that function at all. You have to specify the ZIP download URL. Everything else is handled from there. So hopefully we're not talking about different things here. Cheers Dan
  4. Awesome Mike, saw your ticket. But no need to post it here as well. It's not making things happen faster Cheers Dan
  5. Ensure that the support files are downloaded correctly. Then everything will work. On your home PC the files might be there already if you use Ubot Studio there. With Ubot Studio the plugin will download the files. With a compiled bot the plugin will NOT download the files and you have to use the new command in the right way! So a compiled bot on the same system (ubot studio) might work fine, even though the new support file download is not configured correctly. So to test this, delete the support files on your development machine (after closing all bots and ubot studio). And then test you
  6. I'm not sure I understand your question. You are the coder. You have to use the command in the right way. And you provide the download of the support files for your compiled bots. If you still don't understand how it works, watch the video again please. Kindest regards Dan
  7. Hi. Please watch: https://bit.ly/2j2DGcz For support: https://support.bot-factory.com Regards Dan
  8. When you use the plugin in ubot studio, it will download those files for you automatically. Then you can just copy them from the folder and integrate them into your compiled bots.
  9. Unfortunately you can't. It's a security feature of the new browsers. Same as the chrome notification. But at least with chrome you can disable it. Didn't see a way to disable the FF one. Dan
  10. Hi Mike, 1. It comes with 3 slots. So you can run it on 3 systems. 2. Compiled bots will work fine, there's no limit there. 3. It has a 30 day refund period. So you can try and test everything on your own. If you have more questions, you can also contact me here: support.bot-factory.com Cheers Dan
  11. Thanks Carl, purchased UStrap. Thanks for putting in the work and making it a better app. Hope we will see you around more often now and get some updates and new stuff for the app. Cheers Dan
  12. There are some known issues in chromedriver with 63x for navigate command: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=2025 Nothing generic, but I just wanted to give you the information before someone runs into problems. Cheers Dan
  13. Quick Heads up. Chrome 63x is NOT supported with EXB Always check: https://support.bot-factory.com/knowledgebase.php?article=25
  14. Hi. I hope you already watched my free Xpath Tutorial videos? What elements and attributes did you try already? Sometimes it's just about testing different options. And try what works. Test all the attributes in an element, if that doesn't work, move one level up or down. I didn't check if the IDs change every time, but here are the two commands: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//input[@id=\"SignDocument_13_4_2\"]") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "//input[@id=\"SignDocument_7\"]/..") Also made a little tutorial (With an important TIP for every
  15. Hi Carl, I was using SSUB for many projects in the past. And I loved it. Can you explain a bit if there is any advantage for me as a user? SSUB compared to Ustrap. I understand the architecture change. But that's mainly an advantage for the developer, that it's easier to update and manage. But that's nothing I really care about as a user. If I would mess up my C# ExBrowser code, my users would probably not care as well :-) Because it's me who made the choice to develop it that way, so I can't assume they want to give me money for making my live easier. So are there any new UI elemen
  16. Exactly as TJ explained. And the main reason for this is.. it's a security thing so people don't forget to take care of the support files. So the idea was, if people update their bots and add the command, I can be sure they know about the support files stuff and take care of it. Yeah, I could also check for the files and notify only if they are not there... always different ways to do things. And because most people will use the command to download the files anyway, I did not spent the time to code the file check routine
  17. Did you execute the new command? If you don't know what I'm talking about, please watch (again?) the video => https://bit.ly/2j2DGcz Cheers Dan
  18. Thank you Sir. Appreciate that. But just one question. It did NOT happen with the previous version? Because that would then really confuse me. Dan
  19. Oh and.. did you double check it? Like downgrading your version and check if the error is gone again? Just to ensure that it was not somehow aligned with an os update or anything else? So reboot system. Test with latest version => Error? Downgrade EXB. Reboot, rebuild, test => Error gone? Cheers Dan
  20. Hi Guys, this is not the place for support. But two people have it, so I'll answer it here. There was no change in that component in the last couple of updates. That DLL is from the AutoIt Framework. To control windows an apps. It's used in 3 commands in EXB: ExBrowser File Upload Dialog Window ExBrowser Bring Browser To Focus ExBrowser Minimize Browser Window So in a compiled bot, you now have to take care of the support files (%appdata%) yourself. So you have to ensure that this DLL is present in the correct folder. If it's not there, those commands will fail. Now I'm not sure if t
  21. Give it a try and let us know what you find out. Cheers Dan
  22. Well.. It's not possible to answer a generic question like this. What's your usecase? Are the http features of EXB enough for your scenario or not? So if you only need the features of EXB, yes it can replace it. Do you need more advanced stuff, then no it can't It by far has not the same features as HTTP plugin. But it has some basics. And you can share cookies. That's a very nice thing for some scenarios. So login via the browser, and then execute http get requests for scraping of data for example. HTTP post hasn't been tested a lot I think. Not sure if people already tried to use it. Http
  23. Hello. First of all, this is not the place for support. If you have problems, open a support ticket: support.bot-factory.com Second, please watch ALL the training videos. Every single one before asking any question: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLun8zsNfYLfIWrYEDRk14AwU2UdASbexp From experience I can tell you, that 97% of all questions anyone had ever had and asked me, is covered there. People are just not investing the necessary time to read, watch and listen to everything. They instead think they can use my time for helping them, instead of investing their own time to study
  24. Thanks Luis, and I even work Saturday for you guys Cheers Dan
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