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Everything posted by jamesfar

  1. where is the tutorial file (.ubot file) ? Suggestions : - Please name the file in order. It seems jumping around - Could be good if you set your computer in english language - Next video tutorial about facebook registration would be awesome Thanks
  2. Yes that is possible. Grab the ID of the photo or post then you can grab comment or liked and those who commenting or liking that post or photo
  3. Same problem here I thought it was just me
  4. same with me ... where to download TJ ?
  5. i have tried with local list plugin but mostly got "the key is not in the dictionary" error or something. Mostly if your bot is faster
  6. I wonder does the HttpOnly part of the cookies above means that the connections is from http and not from browser? Means that the admin can know if we use bots?
  7. owh ... i tought the issue is with leaking cookies ok Dan waiting for your test result Thanks alot bro
  8. Does it works also with cookiestring set to basic or only on advanced mode? Sorry asking this to you since you are our best tester and Aymen did not provide tutorials or videos on this (he must concentrate to solving)
  9. wonderfull so does the multithreading issues solved in 2.5.2 ?
  10. does multithreading issues fixed in 2.5.2 Aymen?
  11. Dan how you change the colour to red and blue in fiddler like in amazon seller video?
  12. Does multithreading issue fixed in http plugin 2.5.2 Dan?
  13. what is this "used objects" is all about Aymen?
  14. Have you test it and update the video to google oauth part 3 ?
  15. PMed you on skype TJ. I have not received the email either
  16. thanks Dan clear for now can't wait for the multithreading tutorial videos. After Aymen released the new version of http plugin officially off course cheers
  17. i just saw the login to blogger.com video where you are talking about clearing cookies (around 18:30 minutes) my question is if we use multithreading environment then should we still have to use clear cookies command? if we used it then would that will clearing the cookies for other accounts as well ? or the cookies will automatically deleted when it is out of a thread? thanks b4 Dan PS : for those who has not purchasing this tutorial you missed alot of usefull or golden information here. These tutorials also explain about other 3rd party tools such as Aymen Socket Code Generator and
  18. My fiddler only capturing traffic from firefox using fiddler addons for chrome and ubot it did not capture anything anyone has same situation?
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