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Everything posted by UBOTEM

  1. Agh I must sleep now.... Will have another look in morning... But I may have to revert back if not working ;( Maybe is my host... Happy for you to have a look if will help you solve the issues Agh I must sleep now.... Will have another look in morning... But I may have to revert back if not working ;( Maybe is my host... Happy for you to have a look if will help you solve the issues
  2. ok I deleted all php files as told in instructions.... (kept config) then copied ALL mod folder files.... Added code to the config as per example..... ran installer file.... then deleted as told.... ran update 1.2 file.... then deleted as told... then read the change log (once you told me too).... and replaced the files from php5x.... Thats it.... no mention of the reset index file, and this is exact copy from the mod folder..... Have I done as was supposed to? or have I done something wrong? All licenses have activation limit of 1, even though my projects are still set to 2...
  3. OK maybe am missing something.....? Have read and reread the change log, and not sure what you mean by update /reset/index.php have even opened the file to see if i manually need to set the file up.... and can not see any files to replace/update it. ​TBH the most important thing for me currently is the activation limit, do I need to manually go through each license to get my 2 activations back? As I need to get this fixed before I sleep now!!! I can try and correct other stuff later... Have not had issues using my shared server for my licenses in the past...
  4. Maybe not compatible with my shared host? Gutted, looks amazing..... Just a few bugs at my end! also getting problems with ip lookup 'Socket Error 111 - Connection refused'
  5. nope dont know whats wrong.... Now read the readme, and ran the update install file, and replaced the php files and still same error on reset. Also the 1 activation is a big issue for me Will have to manually change them all? At least customers can open software currently but will get inbox full of complaints about 1 activation
  6. i had licenses at 2 activations set at project, on old setup. now seems all existing licenses are at 1?
  7. also my reset gives errors... Maybe due to my customers having same email and key for multiple products maybe? Warning: mysql_result(): resets_allowed not found in MySQL result index 4 in /home/content/14/xxxxxx/html/SUB-license/reset/index.php on line 13 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/14/xxxxxx/html/SUB-license/reset/index.php:13) in /home/content/14/xxxxxx/html/SUB-license/reset/index.php on line 17
  8. Ahh seems to have set all existing licenses to 1 activation? is this correct?
  9. my bad... sent to helpdesk not deskhelp oops! Have sent to correct address now 7AL32654W07929007 also how easy is it to upgrade my setup to this, hoping will not mess anything up
  10. Yes all installed and working fine, just awaiting my unleashed now Great work, thank you
  11. TJ's theme installed, files remodded to work with my setup... Now awaiting this badboy, and instructions...!
  12. Just backing up license server, cant wait to see it working.... expecting will have to remod to my settings....
  13. Not sure I use an installer for my commercial products similar to what I have done here.... http://www.ubotem.com/product/delooper-tool-by-ubotem/ Have many customers at my other store and installers are the same, I do have to help customers with AV, when the download my exe, but normally guide them through how to whitelist my installer and then they are fine. I install my software to the program folder and setup shortcuts on desktop and start menu (these are set to prompt admin rights when customer launches software). Also set launch hot keys on installation. Please try my installer, an
  14. Surely signing the dll file will do the trick?! Also are you not using installers?! Once the installer has admin privileges and is accepted by the AV surely the installed files are ok?! I don't seem to be having much issues?! Just normal AV stuff?! Surely signing the dll file will do the trick?! Also are you not using installers?! Once the installer has admin privileges and is accepted by the AV surely the installed files are ok?! I don't seem to be having much issues?! Just normal AV stuff?!
  15. Think also is good when they run our software, showing a trusted developer.... I may need to create a new company though ;( As my software site is not same as my current company!! And want developer name as my website!!! Will defiantly keep you all posted. This was something I wanted to do two years ago, but never did ;/ Will be 4th company.... Yawn!! Glad I have accountants
  16. Yes as far as research so far.... We need Symantec or will not be trusted.... Also think some other vendors are just selling same... Am doing more research now, and may look at getting a cert this month or next, and have a play Still unsure if can use one cert for multiple products... Seems cost is $500 per year, which is reasonable I think
  17. Will hopefully get a certificate this year and let you all know how it goes Hoping can have one certificate and multiple products... Failing that I had thought of signing just an installer, and have the installer install other tools. This way can use one product to install all other products
  18. Lol yes this is true, but is worth playing there game and having software secure for the customers. For example SSL sells more products for me even though it provides little benefit for my customers as I use a payment gateway! But anything I can do for customer satisfaction I try to do
  19. Hello have looked into this before (couple of years back) and would love to sign with certificate... It seemed that when I was looking the price was per certificate. But I would love to get own certificate if could use one certificate to sign all of my products, but can not justify price if per product. Do you know much about this meter?! Or if anyone has? Also worth noting that from research it needs to be Symantec certificate.... Also is a way to spoof the Windows certificate, but this is a method I do not wish to do... But yes have always had issues with antivirus, there are met
  20. Yay seem to have figured out my problem I was doing above code twice in my thread.... and did not work So fixed by launching only at beginning of thread, and closing once at end of thread... and a few nav commands in between Thought would share incase others have similar issue
  21. OK may need a little help multithreading... I have already have working multithread code, just swapping over the code that sets my document text variable... loop(1) { comment("PHANTOM JS BROWSER") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "PhantomJS", "", "") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", #var_url) set(#documentText, $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Document Text"), "Local") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Close") } But it is seeming that when I am multithreading the '$ExBrowser Document Text' function is grabb
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