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Everything posted by fastlinks

  1. hey carl, i saw the other UI builder able to refresh UI html on a click, can you take a look and get some idea to implement in SSUB? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0169FPBujk
  2. Hi carl, in "scroll box element", we need to enter the item and its variable in the same line. (the data were fixed) what if i have a list of sites scrape from the web (where the contents are random/not the same each time) i want to display the LIST of sites with checkbox in a custom element with html. when user click on an option, we know what is checked.
  3. 1. you need to make a define for "StopScrape", when user click on it, it run this define and set #stop=true 2. define StopSearch { if($comparison(#stop,"=","true")) { then { set(#stop,"true","Global") (should be "stop script") 3. then inside job for the run button, call the "StopSearch" command everywhere example: job start - goto gmail.com - "StopSearch" (it will check #stop, if "true" then job end here, else continue) - type username - type password - "StopSearch" (it will check #stop, if "true" then job end here, else continue) so on.... i think better don't d
  4. I dont get what you mean above, can you explain what you are trying to do? if you are trying to make one html button that to stop all actions instantly, i think it can not be done this way. i will create a define call "if stop", and it will check the #status variable is = stop or running. when click on the "stop" button, set variable #status=stop in define "if stop" if #status = stop, then stop script if #status = running, then do nothing put this define all over the flow, so it will check this variable whenever it is passing by. -------------------------------------- i think this
  5. I would like to show a list with checkbox, then when user checked it, we know what was checked in ubot variable. Anyone know how to do it? http://jsfiddle.net/markwylde/wzPHF/1/
  6. I think you want to navigate to a website in the browser area when user click on a menu. try this: <li class="ui-state-default"><a ph="" class="Link" id="12345" etype="NAVLINK" >Menu name</a></li> to <li class="ui-state-default"><a ph="" class="Link" id="" etype="LINK" onclick="ubot.runScript('Script_ubot()')">Menu name</a></li> Then in ubot, add a define for "Script_ubot", add a navigation command to goto the web page you want. ----------------------------- explain: - when you remove the id number, it will not open a new empty UI page
  7. @Volund - sometime i miss that px too, i think SSUB should check if the value entered have no 'px', then auto append 'px' for user. Hey Guys, Happy New Year!
  8. <div etype="PROGRESS" class="draggable progress progress-striped active ui-draggable" id="Element_3655419" style="width: 400px; height: 20px; left: 138px; top: 173px; "><div class="handle"></div> <div variable="#progress" fillwith="style" max="100" class="progress-bar progress-bar-success"></div> I run a test and confirm it is working in both v4 & v5, then i check the html and found you have "px" missing in your code.
  9. test with a simple method 1st: when process start set(#process, "width:20%", "Global") when process is in the middle: set(#process, "width:50%", "Global") when process completed: set(#process, "width:100%", "Global") if process failed or need to restart: set(#process, "width:0%", "Global") #process is the variable you set for the progress bar in ssub. Run the "set" node to see if the SSUB progress bar move. it is working fine here.
  10. here is how to find out the installed directory of a software: - right click on ssub shortcut > click "properties" > click "open file location" \Interfaces is where ssub store the UI code you have saved. if you created a text file and place it inside this folder, you will able to see and load it in ssub.
  11. if i have understand correctly, this source code is the bot 'engine' that enable scraping 1000s of pages without the bot overloaded, but when come to scraping the specific data i need, i have to write my own regex or xpath. am i right? i have your regex builder so i think regex is not a big issue, but how to get xpath? can you please share how to do it?
  12. @Pete_UK i never know how to use the Import ubot code until i saw your video, but i think it is not a big deal, you can add the dropdown easily from the element panel.
  13. Hey Nick, I am not sure what can i do with this 'engine', but i tried to grab a copy and the coupon no longer working. can you explain how to edit the code to scrape custom data? is it by regex or xpath? thanks
  14. arunner26 Sorry for missing the steps. i run a test with 62 keywords, add list to list (remove duplicate) get 579 items add list to list (Don't remove duplicate) get 661 items i am not sure about the other 2 list you add, but for scraping the data and add to the one list seem working fine here. ------------------------------ about the set var as number not working, can you post the code here? i tried i am getting 15 as the result.
  15. @arunner26 i test what you mention above with v5.5.11, i can add the result to list without any problem. my guess is you have not wait for the browser to complete before the next loop, so it scraped the same result on the same page multiple times. try this:
  16. the dialog and dialog button is working now, thanks for the update. @orbital my updater is working fine here.
  17. Giganut posted the skype group message by seth: it is true that you have to ship along your source code when you sell a bot for now. but when you split the code into many smaller files, you will release the tension of the master bot, so it won't lagging all the while when you code. now, i will code with many 'include' command and when its time for compiling i will decide either compile as it is or move all the define's from the ubot files back to the master bot. (just to make the previous coding process smoother - because i think time is = money) ----------------------------------------
  18. one of the best feature in v5.5.9 is the "include" feature, you can now call external code from many .ubot files. this can make your app lighter and you can code faster. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17239-include-function-in-ubot-557/ all plugin also working for me in v5.5.9
  19. Possible bugs: - load a previous project with dialog element, but the dialog is gone - created a new project, added a dialog element and dialog element button, the button is not showing up.
  20. I have done this on the ubot browser area with "load html". (not on ubot interface area) ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scrape the html attribute when user hit a button: -------------------------------------------------- Then i tried to add the code into the "ubot interface" area, it have no way to get the html output (like carl said) Question to Carl: although we can't get variable directly, but is it possible to use a javascript to write the html output to a specific text file? so we can read the output from the text file. thanks resources:
  21. This is FANTASTIC Carl! now we can show/hide element in a group with a button click and soon we can do it with a variable! Thanks for the update!
  22. sorry, my mistake.. i have the px added in the initial setup. ------------------------------ i found something.strange: - add a custom element and add an iframe to show a wordpress site the content will go out of the frame when scrolling this has been an issue for me for a while, but i have just accidentally found a workaround to solve this by adding another custom element on top of the 1st custom element. if this is something can be fix from your source code, please add this to your debugging list. --------------------------------------------------------------------- another thing
  23. The on/off gif feature making the UI design more elegant, thanks for the update! bugs: when i create a new project and add a new page, i get this:
  24. HI Carl, i am not sure the memory leak issue is only happen on my pc, but i found v6.9 have some growing thread or loops after export the html. (it happen occasionally, not every time) here is what i found: After run ssub, i check on my task manager, it show ssub open 5x browser.exe. (CPU normal) i open a project and export the output html, then i found one of the browser.exe is growing in CPU usage (up to 43 CPU used, RAM look normal) then i stay there and do nothing, the browser.exe will keep growing until ssub hang and can not close unless terminate it from task manager. I restart th
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