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Seth Turin

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Posts posted by Seth Turin

  1. If I may speak candidly for a moment, I just want to say that private proxies have been the bane of UBot's existence. It's a consequence of using Internet Explorer as our browser interface. The good news is that this will be a total non-issue in UBot Studio 4. As of right now, private proxies work 100% in UBot Studio 4 Alpha.

  2. There are so many great things we can add to UBot someday. Ed's working full time working in amazing ideas. Having something like this in UBot might be pretty useful, but it may take some time before we have the man hours to devote to it. In the mean time, some good ideas have been shared here.

  3. Will Ubot 4 have the capability of multi threading?


    UBot Studio 3 has multithreading now, but UBot Studio 4 will push it to new heights. You'll be able to do more with multithreading than is currently possible with anything on the market and it will be easier to use than UBot Studio is even now.

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  4. it's a pretty big project. I'd like to get it done by june, but it's still too early to say for sure. I can't give away too much, but I can say that all the little idiosyncacies in ubot 3 are going to be fixed. I'm talking about things like the trouble with private proxies, user agent, the quirkiness of captchas, the shell command, clearing cookies, language barriers... am I forgetting any?


    Of course, ubot 4 will be more than a collection of bug fixes. the technology in it will make botmaking easier than is even currently imaginable. you'll be able to make even complex bots in a fraction of the time, and you won't find any websites that will limit your capabilities. I apologize for my vagueness. but I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.


    and sorry, no naked girls.

  5. Hey let me ask you something - if you had access to the ui customization but without the license removal, would you be content with that?


    I can't really divulge what abusive behavior was going on as it might be a security risk, but I can say that it was a result of the license removal and not the ui customization tools. If we were to come out with a dev version that cost a little less, didn't have license removal, but did have all the ui stuff, would that suffice? If you're unsure what I'm talking about, it's the link in the upper right corner of the compiled bots seen here: http://screencast.com/t/UULoqkzZW9HS


    Believe me, we want to sell the dev version, but we need to work out these abuse issues first.


    Thanks for pointing out the issue with out features and benefits page. You're right, we do need to change that, at least temporarily while we figure out what to do.


    Also, if anyone knows any tools as good as UBot Studio, I'd like to know too :lol:

  6. this is similar to a problem I face just recently in getting threads to work properly in ubot. I think the best way would be to create a variable called #threads and set it to 0. at the beginning of each thread, inc it, and at the end of each thread, dec it. after each loop iteration, use a while loop to wait until #threads is equal to 0. that will mean that all the threads have finished before starting the next loop.

  7. I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret. UBot is not a big company. I understand the frustration that people might have for the fact that we don't run the way that adobe does or that microsoft does, but I also don't think that you guys really understand the consequences of the way we do development.


    It's true, we've had some major changes lately, and when we make major changes, there are inevitably going to be a few bugs here and there. But the way that we run things is the reason why those big changes take weeks instead of months or years. it's the reason why UBot Studio is exponentially more powerful now than it was when you bought it. it's the reason why someone complained about a small problem with $eval 2 days ago, and the problem will be fixed tonight. I just hit a major bug in windows 7 dealing with my graphics card that made my computer fail to start up (don't cry for me, it's fixed now). if I'd posted on microsoft's forum, do you think they'd send out a fix in 2 days? seriously, what's the longest any of you have ever had to wait for a fix?


    if we really wanted, I could hire more programmers, have everything set up to deliver updates in a strict corporate release system, and we could be just like every other software company, and you'd be lucky to get an update once in a few months, let alone an update that actually incorporated something you asked for.


    as for me, I prefer to stay small and agile, and listen to what my customers want (at least when they're not calling for us to act like microsoft), and focus on getting things done, instead of getting caught up in the bureaucracies of corporate software development.


    that said, I'll keep your request in mind.

  8. most of the changes I'm making are pretty inconsequential, and are just intended to get things a little cleaner. I would bet money that there's a way to accomplish what you're trying to do in the version of ubot that you currently have. none of the bugs that I'm aware of and working on should keep anyone from doing anything. I'll also respond in the thread you posted.

  9. heh you guys lose hope way too easily. the text area problem is pretty easily solvable, and I'll include a fix in the next version.


    as for the file field issues, this was an unexpected consequence of using a web browser for the ui. I've been thinking about how to deal with the it. my leading idea right now is to somehow make the normal ui controls interact with the html panel. or maybe I can just create a couple new file ui controls for the dev version that allow you to choose a specific location for them. it's slightly annoying to have to create ui controls for only the purpose of solving some ie security issues, but what must be done must be done.


    what do you guys think?

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