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UBot Underground

Seth Turin

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Posts posted by Seth Turin

  1. To everyone who uses UBot -


    We are not against bots being created in UBot and sold outside of or inside this forum. That's what UBot is for! We created the software so that anyone can make bots quickly and easily, and if you decide that it's quicker and easier to purchase a bot that someone else has made, that's great. If you decide to sell a bot that you've made, that's also great. Bottom line - use UBot how you'd like. That's what it's for.

  2. Basically, UBot lets you program bots quickly and easily. It's designed to be faster than programming in visual basic for example, but just as powerful. Anyone should be able to use it to make basic bots and most tech-savvy users can make very complex bots, even if they don't know how to program.


    Please see the tutorials for the most information.

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