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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/14 in Posts

  1. Whoa - hang on since October 2013 I have been paying for support and updates for a product I can't currently use so I really don't fancy paying any more because the servers are unreliable and need 24/7 support. Quite honestly if an organization can't monitor their servers 24/7 at a negligible cost with the technology that is available today it says a lot about the organization. I don't know the details of what caused the two recent server outages but I run 24/7 websites, we receive automatic notification if any of the sites becomes unavailable and it is very rare that we can't fix, or at le
    1 point
  2. Does anyone know how to create a simple voting bot? Or know of a program that does it? My school is in a voting contest, and there are no terms or conditions about using bots, nor is there a captcha. Its just a simple one click contest. I can click and refresh but it takes a while. My school is Blythe Bower Elementary. One of the schools clearly has a bot voting for them. It's so unfair. Please help. The url is : http://mix104.info/vote-your-favorite-cleveland-city-school/
    1 point
  3. Already made this for ya. Been pushing 50 threads at it with kevs smart threading NO PROBLEMS very low memory too. You ll notice you ve jumped 3% in the last 20 min check your pm
    1 point
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