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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/13 in all areas

  1. Thank you very much This worked perfect. define List_manipulation { add list to list(%accounts, $list from file(#file_open), "Don\'t Delete", "Global") loop while(%accounts > 0) { set(#replace_email, $replace regular expression($list item(%accounts, 0), "@hotmail.com.*", $nothing), "Global") add item to list(%accounts_processed, #replace_email, "Delete", "Global") remove from list(%accounts, 0) }
    1 point
  2. Please visit http://tracker.ubotstudio.com and let us know how to reproduce the error that you're experiencing and we will absolutely make it a priority. Of course we would make any large scale problem a priority, as it is our goal to have the best user experience possible. However, as you are probably aware, there is not a single "browser.exe" crash. There could be a variety of reasons this occurs, and unless we can reproduce the problem that you are experiencing specifically, we will not be able to fix it. We are finding the majority of crashing bugs in UBot Studio 5 to be minor, and they
    1 point
  3. Here is something that checks results I haven't looked at the code in a minute but I believe it still works, it might point you in the right direction. comment("check for domain and print out results with positions") ui drop down("Check Pages:", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #loops) clear table(&rankings) ui text box("Keyword:", #input_keyword) ui text box("Domain:", #domain) plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "Page Scraper", "https://www.google.com/setprefs?sig=0_99_9Ba26GvHykubSeuKp228oSs0%3D&hl=en&safeui=images&suggon=1&num=100&newwindow=0&q=&prev=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.g
    1 point
  4. I'm trying to upload a profile image to Linkedin and I'm not really sure how to go about it. I haven't used the $http upload feature in aymen's http plugin before. Aymen mentioned to me that in order to use the plugin for this sort of thing I need to use $http upload. I'm just not sure where I need to plug in the data. These are the available fields on $http upload: URLParamatersFile to UploadFile param nameContent TypeUser AgentReferrerProxyTimeoutI know what to put for URL, User Agent, Referrer, Proxy and Timeout, but I'm not sure about what goes where for the other fields. When I ch
    1 point
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