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kazmiwajahat last won the day on April 9 2018

kazmiwajahat had the most liked content!

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1 Neutral

About kazmiwajahat

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System Specs

  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
  • Framework
  • License
    Community Edition

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  1. Just like Twitter, Instagram has also restricted the number of followers/people who engage with content that you can see in the list. In order to go beyond that, you need to use the API of Instagram which is highly limited.
  2. Try this - It should definitely work as it is working fine with me! set user agent("Chrome") navigate("https://www.instagram.com/maccosmetics/","Wait") click(<href="/maccosmetics/following/">,"Left Click","No") set(#ClassName,$scrape attribute(<class="_gs38e">,"class"),"Global") run javascript("var objDiv = document.getElementsByClassName(\"{#ClassName}\"); objDiv[0].scrollTop = objDiv[0].scrollHeight;")
  3. Use this code and it will work fine: set(#ClassName,$scrape attribute(<(before="Close" AND class=w"_ms7sh _2txtt")>,"class"),"Global") run javascript("var objDiv = document.getElementsByClassName(\"{#ClassName}\"); objDiv[0].scrollTop = objDiv[0].scrollHeight;")
  4. I recently changed my PC. Now it says maximum number of activations exceeded. Can you please reset the license for me?
  5. Just purchased. Please send me the plugin ASAP.
  6. Hey, I emailed you for the license file as I recently changed my PC so the hardware ID has changed. Kindly check it and send me ASAP. The biggest set back of your plugin is this manual license file - Anyways I sent the email from the email address I bought your plugin from which is kazmiwajahat@gmail.com - Please send me ASAP.
  7. Hey mate! I got the license file as well as the plugin dll file but the plugin is not showing up in ubot so I can't even enable it. Before I placed the license file, it said I need to place the license file in the installation folder to work and once I placed the license file there, it stopped showing that error but it is not loading up the plugin still. I placed the plugin file in the ubot plugin folder inside %appdata% - Can you or anyone help?
  8. Hey bro, I haven't got the license yet though I mailed you the hardware ID but no response. Even added you on Skype.
  9. Hello, I can make you the bot. Please revert back with details on kazmiwajahat@gmail.com - Looking forward to hearing from you
  10. Hello, I updated to the latest version today but the bot has become extremely slow since then. I didn't change anything in the codes but when the same bot using firefox or chrome used to make an account on amazon in 3 seconds is now taking at least 30 seconds... It takes around 4-5 seconds to fill the each field of name, email etc. I am using type text option. It just keeps blinking on the empty field for 4-5 seconds and then populate it with the text. Previously it never happened. Can you please advise? I tried the same on Google and it is performing slow there too.
  11. Hello, I need a multi-threaded bot for doing multiple tasks on Amazon and the bot needs to have proxy and multi-threading option. I need it on URGENT basis so please message me on my Skype: kazmiwajahat so we can start the project.
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