UI Stat Monitor Theme Pack

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UI Stat Monitor Theme Pack


This is for the Professional and Developer user of Ubot.

This theme pack will allow you to simply copy the CSS over to a UI Stat Monitor in Ubot and instantly have your Bot Styled.

This allows the freedom to move your UI elements around, change the variables, and do everything you would typically do with the generic UI Elements that are default in Ubot.

It’s simply the fastest way to style a beautiful bot.



UI Stat Monitor Theme Pack


This is for the Professional and Developer user of Ubot.

This theme pack will allow you to simply copy the CSS over to a UI Stat Monitor in Ubot and instantly have your Bot Styled.

This allows the freedom to move your UI elements around, change the variables, and do everything you would typically do with the generic UI Elements that are default in Ubot.

It’s simply the fastest way to style a beautiful bot.


~ The CSS was painstakingly put together to fit and flow properly with Ubots native UI elements. Simply Click the View CSS Button and the CSS will be loaded into Ubots browser window. Copy the CSS over to the Ubot Script you wish to style.

~ The CSS Is well Commented and the UI elements are Interchangeable. You can simply copy and paste the chosen UI element into your own personal theme (Remember the style tags). The Gradient backgrounds for both the body and Select UI element (or Drop-down) are easy to set and are commented in the stylesheets.


– Instantly style your Ubot Bots without touching HTML –

– Move the UI Elements around without Editing Anything –

– Change Variables “On the Fly” –

– Create a Specialized template for Your Repeat Customers –

– Well Commented CSS and Very Easy to Edit –

– Style Your Bot In Literally “SECONDS” –

– Works in the UI Stat Monitor to Style Your Bots-

– FULL SOURCE CODE Nothing encrypted –

– Beautifully Designed CSS3-

– Matching Progress Bars and Indicators Included –

– All UI Elements are Interchangeable Between Themes-


– Styles for the Ui Stat Monitor –

ubot theme blue


theme 2


theme 3

theme 4




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