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multithreading in ubot?

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Hey Abs,


I took a look at your code, and your explanation. It's a bit confusing, but I think I understand what you're trying to do. I'll try to do the same in my own way.


In the meantime, for everyone else, attached is a simple bot demonstrating how to run as many threads you like for a simple sub. You can use it as an example/template to build more complex bots out of.


Please note how the Thread command is inside the sub, and the in IE window command is inside the Thread. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU ORDER THE NODES THIS WAY, OTHERWISE THE BOT WILL BEHAVE STRANGELY DUE TO A DEFICIENCY IN THE UBOT ARCHITECTURE (read more: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5729-multithreading-bugsample-code-included/). Seth is working on fixing this deficiency, in the meantime if you want to multithread Ubot, I suggest you do it the way I suggested in the attached file.


I'll now go work on a bot that will take a list, split it up for each thread, and then have each thread process the list individually. Cheers guys,





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hi guys


im having a slight issue with the multi threading


What I am doing is choosing a url at random - I needed to match the random list poition with a keyword file so needed the random list position - I did do this before by using a maths command - random list item between 0 and list total however the list total would fail 50% of the time - so now the user enters the list total in a UI field -


Now the issue that im having is if i am multi threading then the set position always changes as another thread opens and sets it to a different position -


I have atatched a screenshot below - the set position takes place before entering the url or the keyword -


just wondering if there is any way to retain the position for each thread that is opened




Also meter just wondering if you managed to have a play with loop list total





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hi guys


im having a slight issue with the multi threading


What I am doing is choosing a url at random - I needed to match the random list poition with a keyword file so needed the random list position - I did do this before by using a maths command - random list item between 0 and list total however the list total would fail 50% of the time - so now the user enters the list total in a UI field -


Now the issue that im having is if i am multi threading then the set position always changes as another thread opens and sets it to a different position -


I have atatched a screenshot below - the set position takes place before entering the url or the keyword -


just wondering if there is any way to retain the position for each thread that is opened




Also meter just wondering if you managed to have a play with loop list total









With the list total not working 50% of the time is due to the added blank line at the end of list. So instead of using $listtotal(list abc), use $eval($listtotal(list abc)-2), this should fix the failure issue.


Now as you are trying to multithread with a single variable being passed to various thread and it may change a various point. With my experience I did similar experiment a while ago with threading. I suggest you pass the variable to a sub as a parameter, and make it return it vaule back into a variable. I hope this might help ya.


Cheers! ;)



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HI meter - Yes its a major headache - I believe if we had a way to auto increment list names then this would allow us to set new threads with seperate lists that would allow us to loop list totals - SO a basic maths command at the begining to divide the list total with the number of threads chosen by the user then to auto generate the names of lists based on a increment type of command -


Really not sure if that makes sense - lol-




Would you care to show a sample just to clear it up -


Im a little confused where I would set the variables as I will need to keep the random list item runing in order to vary the anchor text and urls being entered- I will want random list location changing each time it loops - the issue that I have is exactly as you note - I think if you could be kind enough to give a sample image or something then it would be great


Ive added another image so that you can see the set commands inside of the loop and also the thread command after them


Also just wondering why you would add -2 instead of -1 | I have experienced issues with blank lines at the bottom of the files and ensured this wasnt the case when I was using $ran 0 $listtotal - however I still had the issue


Thank you



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Hi Praney - have had a little play but not sure if this is what you meant - I have passed down 2 parameters - 1 for the keyword and the other for the url - I have attached a image below -


I tested the bot on about 10 urls - all worked fine but there was one mismatch - the software entered a keyword from list position 2 but a url from list position 0





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Hi Praney - have had a little play but not sure if this is what you meant - I have passed down 2 parameters - 1 for the keyword and the other for the url - I have attached a image below -


I tested the bot on about 10 urls - all worked fine but there was one mismatch - the software entered a keyword from list position 2 but a url from list position 0






Mate I am away right now, will respond when I get back to my idiot box.



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hi praney - no worries -


ive been having a play and realize where i went wrong with the parameter - totally forgot to refresh and include it into the sub


i have now included it into the subs however i still see a mismatch





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