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Add image to Reddit

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Hello. I just tried it using Automaxed Browser Automation & Desktop Automation Plugins, it works.

Recorded a video here:


Code used:

comment("launch real browser")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser cleaning up", "False")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add excluded arguments", "enable-automation")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add arguments", "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser connect", "Chrome", "30,0,30,10", "True", "False", "False")
alert("browser launch ok?")
comment("login to your reddit account")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.reddit.com/login/")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginUsername", #username, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginPassword", #password, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:AnimatedForm__submitButton m-full-width", "Left Click")
alert("login ok?")
comment("click \"create post\"")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Attribute[0]:aria-label=Create Post", "Left Click")
comment("fill in title")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Attribute[0]:placeholder=Title", "This is just a demo title", "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Class[0]:notranslate public-DraftEditor-content", "This is just a demo description", "False", 0)
alert("basic fill ok?")
comment("click \"Image & Video\" tab")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[1]:Z1w8VkpQ23E1Wdq_My3U4 ", "Left Click")
comment("upload your image")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element change file field", "Class[0]:sU2P34us34ODfjtvAFHEh ", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png")
alert("image upload ok?")
stop script
comment("alternative: go back to post area first")
image to post area()
define image to post area {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[13]:Nb7NCPTlQuxN_WDPUg5Q2", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "\{ENTER\}", "Mode 1", 0, 0)


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10 hours ago, PRO said:

Hello. I just tried it using Automaxed Browser Automation & Desktop Automation Plugins, it works.

Recorded a video here:


Code used:

comment("launch real browser")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser cleaning up", "False")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add excluded arguments", "enable-automation")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add arguments", "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser connect", "Chrome", "30,0,30,10", "True", "False", "False")
alert("browser launch ok?")
comment("login to your reddit account")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.reddit.com/login/")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginUsername", #username, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginPassword", #password, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:AnimatedForm__submitButton m-full-width", "Left Click")
alert("login ok?")
comment("click \"create post\"")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Attribute[0]:aria-label=Create Post", "Left Click")
comment("fill in title")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Attribute[0]:placeholder=Title", "This is just a demo title", "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Class[0]:notranslate public-DraftEditor-content", "This is just a demo description", "False", 0)
alert("basic fill ok?")
comment("click \"Image & Video\" tab")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[1]:Z1w8VkpQ23E1Wdq_My3U4 ", "Left Click")
comment("upload your image")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element change file field", "Class[0]:sU2P34us34ODfjtvAFHEh ", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png")
alert("image upload ok?")
stop script
comment("alternative: go back to post area first")
image to post area()
define image to post area {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[13]:Nb7NCPTlQuxN_WDPUg5Q2", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "\{ENTER\}", "Mode 1", 0, 0)


OK thank you 

I will look into it 

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19 hours ago, PRO said:

Hello. I just tried it using Automaxed Browser Automation & Desktop Automation Plugins, it works.

Recorded a video here:


Code used:

comment("launch real browser")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser cleaning up", "False")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add excluded arguments", "enable-automation")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser chrome add arguments", "--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser connect", "Chrome", "30,0,30,10", "True", "False", "False")
alert("browser launch ok?")
comment("login to your reddit account")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser navigate", "https://www.reddit.com/login/")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginUsername", #username, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Id[0]:loginPassword", #password, "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[0]:AnimatedForm__submitButton m-full-width", "Left Click")
alert("login ok?")
comment("click \"create post\"")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Attribute[0]:aria-label=Create Post", "Left Click")
comment("fill in title")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Attribute[0]:placeholder=Title", "This is just a demo title", "False", 0)
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element type text", "Class[0]:notranslate public-DraftEditor-content", "This is just a demo description", "False", 0)
alert("basic fill ok?")
comment("click \"Image & Video\" tab")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[1]:Z1w8VkpQ23E1Wdq_My3U4 ", "Left Click")
comment("upload your image")
plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser element change file field", "Class[0]:sU2P34us34ODfjtvAFHEh ", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png")
alert("image upload ok?")
stop script
comment("alternative: go back to post area first")
image to post area()
define image to post area {
    plugin command("Browser Automation.dll", "browser mouse click", "Class[13]:Nb7NCPTlQuxN_WDPUg5Q2", "Left Click")
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "C:\\YOUR-PATH\\YOUR-IMAGE.png", "Mode 1", 0, 0)
    plugin command("Desktop Automation.dll", "send keys focus active window", "\{ENTER\}", "Mode 1", 0, 0)


Where do I get the Desktop PLugin ? 

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