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  1. I have a plugin that is enhancing Ubot and make it possible to use http post and http get (most of you know it, is a great plugin made by Aymen from this forum). I try to use this plugin to make ubot login to YouTube using HTTP Requests. I managed to get all the parameters from the login page using HTTP Get function and also using regex to sort the result. When I try to post using HTTP Post function I get as result the error page from youtube and this message: There was an issue logging you into YouTube ... Here is my code so far: clear list(%useragents) add list to list(%useragents, $lis
  2. Lately, Vine has become a lot more popular, and there are many, many good short clips that make good YouTube videos if compiled. Based off of Google trends, Vine Compilations are one of the top searched for videos, and the interest is still growing. http://seenive.com/ and http://www.vineviewer.co/ Both provide access to popular Vines, in which people appear to like. Is it possible to make a bot that could download the .mp4 file to a folder? The folder part is not a problem, but the extraction is what I am unsure about. I'm sure people would also pay to have a Vine collector tool...
  3. I recently purchased a few different YouTube programs, and I am currently in need of YouTube accounts. The guy on Fiverr delivered crap accounts, and I trust the sellers on uBot Forum a lot more.
  4. hi all i need to create several different bots or an all in one bot: ** a voting bot - the voting bot will need to be not just clicking on the voting, but also different personal details each time of voting , and choosing 10 different options each vote for exp.: name: david phone: 23143141341 and then choosing from 10 votes from different 50 votes , and 1 vote of course stays the same when other votes my change, if possible to pick each day lats say 100 votes and to repeat all 100 a
  5. Hi. I want to buy youtube comment rater with a private proxies support and multi threads. I want to load accounts in this format: youtube login:youtube password:ip:port:proxy user:proxy password If your product will have this options I can pay up to 100 $
  6. Youtube Commenter & Comment Rater I'm selling my Youtube Commenter & Comment Rater. It is working fine and I have tested it almost every day for 2 month now. It only require good proxies and youtube accounts. At first I have done only the comment rating module but I have update the bot with a commenting module and now it will comment on the videos that you choose then it will rate the comments and put them on top (IF your accounts and proxies are good and not overused, else you will only get comments with thumbs up but they will not get on top) The demo movie is made for version 1
  7. http://contentripper.com/uploads/ContentRipper1.jpg http://contentripper.com/uploads/ContentRipper2.jpg Youtube Video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/mcDZjxrJL80
  8. Bot Needed for Youtube Manipultaion: I am trying to spin out unique content with duplicate video on my blog. 1: input Youtube url 2: input a nested spintaxt article file 3: input desired number of embeds / posts 4: input title tag and al tag 5: input meta description & keywords {spin txt} 6: input image location to use for embed: "/wp-content/uploads/orange-county-realtor.jpg" 7: log into personal blog 8: embed video with the use of a plugin that turns image into popup video (NOTE "rel=0" after embed url) 9: use one of the spins as the articel title and article under the embed. 10: Outpu
  9. Hi, I've created a bot to like videos. After every one I am auto-logged out. When I do it manually, I have no issues. It's like Youtube knows when it's a bot and when it's a real person. Maybe it has something to do with POST and GET, although I'm unsure. How do I fix this? Thanks, T
  10. Hi, I haven't bought Ubot yet. I wonder if the standard license is good enough to make youtube bots. The bots I will make is Youtube Account Creator, Youtube commenter and rater. Youtube viewer.. Youtube video liker.. Well, anything that is Youtube related. Will Standard license be enough? Hope you can help me choose. I am slight in a budget. Thanks
  11. Hi y'all I have been having difficulties changing drop down menus. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Right now I am trying to change the birthdate drop down for the YouTube signup page(https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?). Waddya figure? url here is what I got: change dropdown($element offset(<fieldset="Birthday">, 0), "Random - Skip First Choice")
  12. Looking for a working bot for Youtube views. Bot should scrape proxies and have multithreading. Please give me your price. thanks
  13. Hey guys Im trying to download videos from youtube with my bot, with no success. I dont want to embed them. Only download. Anybody did that before?? There is alot of sites that I can use like savemedia.com, keeptube.com etc. But I want to do it with my bot. Please help me guys
  14. I am looking for a bot that will log into gmail, confirm that the account is NOT suspended. If the account is not suspended you will get a message that says we have noticed suspicious activity on your acct yata yata. please confirm your phone number that we have on file.. XXX XXXX XX23. I need the bot to also verify that the phone number I have on file is the same that google does. If anyone could make this, (preferably be able to load the Gmail/password/phone number from an excel file) it would be much appreciated.
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