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  1. Hey there guys i have a bit of a problem since i literally never used Regex at all so i never had to use it inside Ubot so i need small help to determine the best way to scrape Information. So i am doing this "Test Ride" on this particular Example Check the image attached first http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Routes-Car-and-Truck-Rental-Calgary/Calgary-Alberta/Routes-Car-and-Truck-Rental-Calgary-FRAUD-CHARGING-MY-CREEDIT-CARD-WITHOUT-PERMISSION-1193004 I am trying to Scrape this info with regex the Phone Number, Website and Category Thing is Phone Number sometimes look different check t
  2. Hi Fellow Ubot experts, Please assist me. I am trying to scrape the Name value, Address value etc from the below HTML. There is no attribute that contains these values: <strong>NAME:</strong> The Birdcage<br> <strong>IT'S:</strong> A reclaimed 18 Century pub on Columbia Road<br> <strong>OPENED:</strong> December 1st 2014<br> <strong>WHO'S BEHIND IT:</strong> Max Chater of Bump Caves and the Draft House group<br> <strong>DID YOU KNOW:</strong> Neon signage will light a daily 'cage' of craft beers on offer beh
  3. Hi Guys, How do I go about scraping just the values from the below div? So I want to end up with: peterjeffry86 jeffrypeter456 pjeffry27 Obviously suggestions are going to change so I think I need a regex? though i just cant figure out how to get going with regex in UBot. <div id="username-suggestions" class="username-suggestions" style="display: block;">Available: <a href="">peterjeffry86</a><a href="">jeffrypeter456</a><a href="">pjeffry27</a></div> Any help appreciated.
  4. I have a list of 100 items like the sample below <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(731)')">73</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(451)')">45</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(2261)')">226</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(1371)')">137</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(2101)')">210</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(1351)')">135</td> <td onclick="ubot.runScript('edit(2211)')">221</td> The only thing I know about regex is that I need to use it to get the data I need and I was hoping some
  5. Hi , I'm stuck in this I need to validate mobile number : The number may start with +9665 or 009665 or 05 OR 9665 The next digit after the 5 can be from 0 to 9 Then after that exact 7 digit. What i did so far by this site http://rubular.com/r/dodmKZnYLa ^(?:\+?966)[5]\d{8}$ I couldn't do the 009665 / 05 Any suggestions appreciated I forget the 9665 i add it
  6. Need a little regex help with look ahead (I think) Trying to get all numbers up to an underscore "_" for ex 146973095502995_234698373397133 So hoping to get 146973095502995_ or better yet 146973095502995 AND Then would also need the regex to match all characters after the underscore "_" _234698373397133 or better yet 234698373397133 best ive came up with is ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ but that just gets the entire string Thanks for reading
  7. Hey Ubotters, Seeking help for a regex that will delete the first and last item from a list. Thanks
  8. This works fine to grab the credit number in my editpad (?<=You have <font color=#ff0000>)\d+ but when i insert it into UB, it doesn't grab the number ? set(#credits, $find regular expression($document text, "(?<=<font color=#ff0000>)\\d+"), "Global") Here's the html to scrape You have <font color=#ff0000>1192</font> credits.</b> <br> Any ideas why ? Thanks
  9. For a while, I had no idea how to use the HTTP post plugin on websites to signup, and especially on websites that had captchas. I sorted of learned it by testing different commands one at a time, and then I decided that I would try to put them all together to solve the problem I was having. The tutorial I have put together will show you how you can make a signup bot using the HTTP post plugin without the browser even doing a thing! This will cut down on your ram and bandwidth usage. You may need to change some of the regex algorithms, but the process stays the same. ui text box("Loops", #loo
  10. Hello UBoters I need help on adding speech marks before and after strings from a file: Example: Before: word one word two word three word four After: "word one" "word two" "word three" "word four" Thanks for the help
  11. Hello everyone. I am a new bee to Ubot. I am attempting to pull this data from a web page of mine with Regex. i want to put it into a table so i can search it. Below is an example of the code from the page. I put together this code so far <a href="#" onclick="open.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.* that is doing what i want, but I need to remove all of the additional fluff. I am trying to sort it as follows in rows and save it to a searchable table: Single-Family-Home 813190 $200,000 274 Smith Rd Sometown, CA John Smith this is the code from the page: <a href="#" onclick="open(35166552); re
  12. I am working on a url scraper, and the website tends to include the referall source, but I cannot include that when saving it to a file later on. I was successful in getting it to grab everything after the "/". testwebsite.com/ubotstudio?ref=referral This is what I have so far: [^/]*$ testwebsite.com/ubotstudio?ref=referral How should I have it match everything before the "?" sign?
  13. I am pulling in a string from a table and attempting to look at a text string to identify if it starts with an alphabetic character (i.e. A-Z), and if it does I want to insert a space (i.e. " "). I was attempting to do this with a regular expression, but I must be missing something, below is a snippet of the code I am using. I think I must be missing something in how I am attempting to identify the alphabetic characters. Any help would be greatly appreciated. set(#SomeTextString, $table cell(&SomeTable, #SpecificRecord, 4), "Global") set(#1stLetterSomeTextString, $substring
  14. I have been using Edit Pad to test my REGEX out and it is usually seamless to bring it over to Ubot, however, this time I cannot get the Edit pad REGEX to work on Ubot. Does anyone notice where the error is? Here is my starting point (what I want is between the (Start HERE) and the (<=STOP Here) LinkedIn ------------ (Start HERE) "you can feel free to add your email and continue the thread: aaa@instructor.net aaa@travelinfosys.com aaa@aim.com aaa@lawyer.com traveltechnology@aol.com aaaa@msn.com aaaa@consultant.com aaaa@natsr.com aaaa@aim.com aaaa@instructor.net aaaa@dr.com aaaa@progra
  15. I'm scraping emails from yellowpages.com and I can scrape the email but it always has the mailto: in my list. I want to remove that before I save it or remove it from the start. Should I use regex or some other way?
  16. Hello, I'm trying to scrap only the "3006" to a text file. And it could change to more than 4 digits. Possibly 5 digits such as "355356". And If possible, The Item ID should not be case sensitive. Please help. Thank you!! <br> <b id=\"yui_3_7_2_1_1365476531574_1800\">Se habla espanol!</b>Brand New White Wood BunkBed Rounded Ends and Stackable!<br>Please note: the above is not the actual price.It is for posting purposes only.<br>ITEM ID:3006<br><br><img border=\"0\" alt=\" photo Coupon50off_zpsa7b32ab320.jpg\" width=\"400\" height=\"400\" i
  17. I have a list of scraped hrefs and I want to extract the urls from them. The list looks like <a href="https://www.facebook.com/isu.iv?ref=br_rs">ISU InterVarsity</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/WSU-InterVarsity/149571488395581?ref=br_rs">WSU InterVarsity</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lindenwood-InterVarsity/133851456707688?ref=br_rs">Lindenwood InterVarsity</a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Intervarsity-Memes/171459952966826?ref=br_rs">Intervarsity Memes</a> I want to extract links like: https://www.facebo
  18. I have tested the below regex online using a regex editor and it gives me the desired results which is to return the first 5 words from a paragraph. Do I have to set it out differently in Ubot? I haven't used regex before so I am not sure if I am using it incorrectly. (\w+\b.*?){5} set(#title, $find regular expression(#finalspunarticle, "(\\w+\\b.*?){5}"), "Global")
  19. Hi, I'm trying to set up a regular expression string to basically scrape a chunk or HTML between two set points. However between these two points is an irregular number of lines. Now I've watched the Regex video and I can see a way to do it. However I'm looking for a foolproof way to do it. I tried (.*\n)* and then using a lookahead assertion but it didn't work Without the lookahead assertion it did work but obviously pulled up everything after the initial string I specified. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do this please? Best regards Steve
  20. Hey fellow UBot, My first post here, got a problem in my first bot that I am dying to finish. Have been doing this little project for a few days so it's time to ask for help. Please help! I use regexbuddy trial but since I am new to UBot and this tool, I am not quite there yet. Here is my problem, I am trying to get test1, test2, test3, test4 from the following html text: <div test="asdf" asd="adfasdf;:"><div test><div test>test1</div></div></div> -->fail <div test>test2</div> --> regex found test2 (good) <div test='dsf'>test3&l
  21. Hello People, I am a newbie with ubot and regex. I am trying to grab username from emails.. Here is the email in table Column 4: your username is: Banana123 visit this link to verify your email address: http://example.com/verify/qw123t thanks for using our website! Below is my code:- connect to mail server("POP3", "mail@example.org", "pass123", "mail.example.org", 110) { create table from emails(&allemails) } add list to list(%username, $find regular expression(&allemails, "(?<=your\\susername\\sis:\\n\\n\\s\\s\\s\\s).*?(?=\\n\\nvisit\\sthis\\slink\\sto\\sverif
  22. I was trying to write some REGEX to filter out the LAN IPs and I found that MightyG has a dedicated tool for that. Thought I'd share, maybe you guys will need such a thing sometimes... http://support.googl...34830&ctx=topic Enjoy!
  23. I tried a few things but can't get it to work. What i want to do is loading a page, then using a regular expression that scrapes a particular strings (let's say phone number for example) and add that to a list. I need to scrape this way, because $scrape page or $scrape attribute is not possible on this particular site. So what i want is the webpage loads, it checks whether a particular string is present anywhere on the page, if yes then scrape that string and add it to a list.
  24. I'm trying to separate articles into single sentences, but I'm not sure about the best way to go about it. Would this be something I would need to use regex to complete? Any thoughts? Ideas?
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