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Everything posted by UBotDev

  1. Just use something like if($exists("<innertext="win">"))...else if ($exists(<innertext="lose">))... to recognize if word is displayed on the page Most probably you'll want to do that inside a loop or loop while statement.
  2. I think none of the if conditions are meet, so your code is looping like crazy, freezing the UI. Solution: Try to add 1s delay at the end of the loop.
  3. The simplest way to solve that is to use wildcards * on places where element attributes differ. For more advanced examples you could even use regex.
  4. I would suggest you learn it, since it will open a lot of doors for you...just start with tutorials you can find online. Else I think this is the code/regex you are looking for: add list to list(%urls, $list from text($find regular expression($scrape attribute(<onclick="window.open('index.php?view=article&t=668=*','_blank'); donte_disabledclass('*');">, "value"), "(?<=window\\.open\\(\')[^\']+"), $new line), "Delete", "Global")
  5. Maybe try to use semicolon instead ";", my Excel uses it for csv delimiter. Btw, you also don't need to remove delimiter character from the cell...if cell contains it, or contains a new line character, that cell value should be surrounded with double quotes, and it should still show in one cell once you open it in Excel or similar.
  6. Exactly as he said with one small correction...variables are LOCAL to the define command where you use them, not thread.
  7. UBotDev


    If you used pause command it act's the same as if you would press the Pause button, so the only way to unpause it is to click a "Run" button. If you want to unpause programatically you should use "loop while" command instead.
  8. Variables seem to be safe, I've ran this test and it passes, so it looks like variables are now safe. Not sure about lists and tables, haven't done any testing related to those...
  9. You can't scrape/click flash elements, although you can get it working with UBot's built in plugin called Windows Commands (especially "click mouse" and "type keys" commands). When using those you should know that you can only use one thread, since those commands will actually move your mouse around and so on...further more you also shouldn't be doing anything else on the computer that is running the the bot (UBot is actually automating Windows in this case), meaning that this approach occupies your whole computer/OS.
  10. Most probably you will need regex similar to this one: add list to list(%FOOTPRINT, $scrape attribute(<onclick=r"^Whatever\\.close\\(\\d+,\\s*[5-9]\\d\{4,4\}\\);$">, "onclick"), "Delete", "Global") If you want to use that regex inside click command directly you should use it in combination with "$element offset" function.
  11. Hey and welcome to the forum. v5 is actually backward compatible, so anything you learn for v4 you can use in v5. So keep learning.
  12. I don't think you can use greater or equal to inside element selector. If you need something more complex than wildcard, you should use regular expression for matching...
  13. I was using Corsair Force Series 3. Sure they develop better technology, but SSDs can still die (although they say they are safer because no mechanical parts). Btw, the other one I bought at the same time, "OCZ Vertex 4", still works, but it was a bit more expensive, but it also haves longer warranty. I am saving...have been using Dropbox for a few years, and it already saved me a lot of time. Sure it is possible, but it would be faster if you run it from SSD drive.
  14. I use SSD for a while now and I think it was really worth buying (first time I couldn't believe how fast notepad re-opens). The bad thing though is that they die sooner...I've already lost on SSD with all it's data, but at least I got replacement because it was still under warranty. Else I think UBot is also writing to disk when you use threading, so you could expect improvements there.
  15. Reply sent. Now back to fixing the problem. :/
  16. Thanks for letting me know, am investigating. If you need the plugin send me an email and I'll send it there.
  17. Here are my few cents...as a temporary solution (I hope /auto get's supported in v5) you can use Command Line Arguments plugin to pass /auto parameter to exe when starting it.... This way code won't start when you open it in UBot and will only start when you pass /auto parameter. Here is the upgraded code: ui stat monitor("<script type=\"text/javascript\"> window.setTimeout(function() \{ ubot.runScript(\'definesub()\') \}, 500) </script>", "") define definesub { if($contains($plugin function("Command Line Arguments.dll", "$command line arguments"), "/auto")) { th
  18. From my experience with Java in UBot v3 I think you are limited to native "Windows Commands" plugin if you want to automate that part, meaning that UBot takes over your computer.
  19. I know that decaptcher claims that it solves ASIRRA, so it may be doable (although not supported by UBot at the moment), but I haven't checked it so I can't give you any suggestions about it.
  20. Just FYI, with UBot v5.5 release this seems to have been fixed.
  21. Finally this problem seems to have been fixed in UBot v5.5, so I think this plugin won't be required for people using v5.5 or greater versions.
  22. I was thinking the same thing about the readability of the code in node view, and I thought that maybe I'm just not used to it and I need some time, but looks like I'm not the only one. Anyone else thinks that node view is hard to read in v5? Also, I really hope they do something with that clunky behavior of UBot v5 (window)....not sure why they couldn't use standard Windows application window (I guess it's because of new look, but I would prefer it to be more user friendly instead of being kitschy).
  23. Looks good. Most importantly first script that I tried to run ran smooth + some other fancy features added. Like it so far! EDIT: Looks like threading has also been fixed, so a great step forward.
  24. That's how I initially thoughts plugins will work, but unfortunately they decided for a simpler solution (not sure whats the point of compiling plugins that were not used). I also hope this gets implemented once v5 bugs are resolved.
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