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Everything posted by UBotDev

  1. What are you trying to achieve? Why don't you just use the main one?
  2. 1. You can't, UBot still doesn't allow that :/ (Although it was added to v4 it was quicklly removed due to a bug, but never made it back) 2. Yes, you can compile a bot with script from botbank.
  3. Zap is exactly on point, it's becasue you need to escape some characters (because they represent "commands" in command line). Here is a snippet that I built based on the info from the site that he shared above (+ some trial and error ): http://ubotdev.com/snippet-open-url-in-users-default-browser
  4. Assuming that you are using the main browser....maybe try with a "in new browser" command.
  5. Here is a much shorter and more accurate method (using my datetime manipulation plugin): ui drop down("Wait","1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20",#TIME Wait) ui stat monitor("Time",#TIME) set(#TIME Start,$plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datetime manipulation", $date, "UBOT", "UNIX", "en-US", "en-US"),"Global") set(#TIME End,$add(#TIME Start,#TIME Wait),"Global") loop while($comparison($plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datetime manipulation", $date, "UBOT", "UNIX", "en-US", "en-US"),"<=",#TIME End)) { set(#TIME,$subtract($plugin function("DateTime Manipulation.dll", "$datet
  6. The software I mention above is meant to create your own proxy server, so in order to get a lot of proxies, you would need a lot of computers on different IPs. I hope this answers your 1st question and last. From there on you can use it as regular proxies (like the ones you can buy). If computers IPs weren't abused yet you shouldn't have any problems on the pages you mention, but I guess they wouldn't work long if you intend to "spam" them (if your computers have static IP you would quickly get them banned I guess).
  7. The example page you showed doesn't contain the 1st type of URLs, that's why I only gave you code for 2nd type. I think it would be the easiest to just scrape all URLs and then check in a loop if URL meets 1st or 2nd type, and do action accordingly.
  8. Otts, maybe this snippet will help you: http://ubotdev.com/snippet-load-valid-proxies-change-proxy
  9. I also use replace regular expression for that, with similar regex, just a bit shorter: alert($replace regular expression(#xx, "\W", "_")) For the difference of yours, this one also allows underscore.
  10. Or you could just use the snippet I published here: http://ubotdev.com/snippet-open-url-in-users-default-browser
  11. This is how you would extract specific URLs: add list to list(%URLs, $find regular expression($document text, "(?<=href=\")http://www\\.keek\\.com[^\"]+"), "Delete", "Global") P.S.: You should start using "wait for element" command instead of fixed delays...
  12. You can mute UBot's browser via a FREE command line tools called nircmd (also ships with some other great features). Here is an example: plugin command("Advanced Shell.dll", "shell batch hidden", "nircmd.exe muteappvolume \"Browser.exe\" 1", "Yes")
  13. No one else except you is having this problem or is being able to reproduce it. While you can't share your code we also can't help you "because of the obvious reasons". You've been doing UBot for long time.....but you made the most basic mistake with threading, while you didn't use a define command around thread. With such a basic mistake I think you still have some problems understanding threading in UBot, that's why I think the problem is actually in your code and not with the plugin; If you would read the post about how threads counter does it's job and understand the C# code behind, you
  14. Store "$next list item" into a variable first (set command), then fill the fields with that variable...
  15. You would find that info in a header that server sends back, but UBot doesn't allow us to read that part, it just downloads the file automatically. You may try with Sockets or HTTP plugin. Here is some reading to give you an idea: http://serverfault.com/questions/162884/retrieve-file-size-from-http-headers-without-downloading-the-file-with-curl-no
  16. Np, glad you figured it out.
  17. I think they are thread safe. You don't need wait for it, since variable should contain HTML once UBot proceeds with next node/command (so UBot does that for you).
  18. Thanks to Aymen we have an easier way to deal with JSON now: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16166-free-plugin-jsonpath-parser-plugin/ P.S.: For $eval to work you need JavaScript loaded inside the browser, HTML only won't help.
  19. I think the easiest way is to use my FREE plugin. Here is an example: Compare two UNIX timestamps to get time difference So you would get number of seconds between 2 dates...to get days you would simply divide that number with 86400.
  20. Instead of randomizing the table randomize the order in which you access the cells....meaning that you should prepare a UBot list containing random numbers, which are representing table rows. Once you have that you just loop through a list and pull row numbers from it....
  21. The only thing I see is that you should read thread count with plugin on problematic places, not by reading UBot variable...refering to this line of code (#ThreadCount doesn't have up to date info on threads count): loop while($comparison(#ThreadCount, ">=", 10)) { If threads go down to negative values I'm sure you are decrementing thread counter more often than you should (you haven't shared the whole code, so problem may be elsewhere). Without a way to reproduce the problem I can't really help you.
  22. Great to hear that works for you.
  23. I've told you how you can reproduce it, but looks like you don't want to hear about it... And I don't agree that it can be reproduced on any computer. As I already said once: UBot support should be looking for bugs, not waiting for them to pop up in comfort of their business/home PC.
  24. Strange...I can't reproduce it so I can't do anything to help you.... Again, local dictionary has nothing to do with that....the problem is in UBot variable "#ListItem" that you are passing to thread, and that value can change for thread because you are not using define command. EDIT: If you still need confirmation about define commands, Dan wrote a post about that recently: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17292-info-biggest-mistake-with-threading/
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