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Everything posted by BigEfromDaBX

  1. My bot connects to my vendor website and gets the status of the order than runs back to the my woocommerce site and changes the status. I also have it update my woocommerce orders with the tracking numbers that my vendors send me.
  2. Hi, Does anyone know of a chrome extension that will grab data from a csv file and automatically fill out a form on a website?
  3. Somebody else gave me this website link before also and it asks me to sign in with my facebook account. did that and downloaded the Ubot-Tools but I cant find the tutorial and how log in to websites using the http post plugin.
  4. Thanks I will take a look at the videos :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Im still trying to figure out how to log into wordpress with that aymen plugin.
  6. Thats exactly what I am doing. Im just running one bot with a scheduler. Why does the bots start slowing down the server after time?
  7. I have used the 2012 free tier but it seems slow.
  8. Which Amazon Instance do you use? I just need to run a compiled bot all the time? Do you run the server 2008, 2012 or 2016? Free tier?
  9. If I generate my key in woocommerce api section can I connect to it with ubot to pull data such as orders?
  10. Thanks for that link. I guess thats the phpmyadmin version of sqlite
  11. Besides the plugin do I need to install sqlite on the computer that its running on?
  12. So im creating a bot thats going to scrape an RSS Feed grab the UPS tracking numbers and log into a website and post the tracking number to a specific customer order. I already did most of it but my question is, whats the best way to create a log file or the best structure. Once I grab the tracking number do whatever I need to do with it, I dont want it to do it again when it scrapes the RSS feed again im guessing thats where a log file will come into place. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thank you. I will take a look at it
  14. I just purchased the http plugins which are great. Makes my scraping life so much easier. My question is, how do I scrape pages that I have to log into first?
  15. @HelloInsomnia I still need to practice on the encoder part as i was still getting the A's with the funny character on the top. But it didnt affect my scrape. Thanks Buddy. You rock
  16. @HelloInsomnia I finally bought the http plugin after remembering that I bought a tutorial from you on scraping. In that tutorial you showed how to scrape and use the http post plugin. Watched your video a few mins. Bought the plugin and now my scraping is soooooo fast and smooth now. Thank you sir
  17. Its a simple scrape of an email from each page. But there are alot of pages that i have to visit.
  18. i need to scrape one mail anywhere from 2000 to 10000 pages. That that http plugin the best way to do this? Or is the spawn thread just as good?
  19. You Rock. Stay Dry (FL Inside joke LOL)
  20. Am I going to have to man up and buy that http get or post plugin that everybody talks about? Will that help me scrape alot of pages fast?
  21. Do I need an extra plugin to run that?
  22. I got my Virtual Box running windows 7 with 8GB's of ram and 4 Processors.
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