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Everything posted by BigEfromDaBX

  1. Never mind. I fixed it by going to Tools>Options and in the general tab I changed the proxy settings to "no proxy". Thanks
  2. When I try to drag out the change proxy command it does nothing. Every other command I can drag out. When i type "change proxy" in the search bar at the top it doesnt even show up.
  3. Regexbuddy gives me the option to change to .net, java, perl etc. Is that the engine you speak of?
  4. Thanks Dan. That worked great. Your way seems alot more cleaner and easier . I only added those extra pages on to my regex buddy to illustrate how my regex should work. I should of informed in the post that the page would only return one contact link. My only question is how come the regex I created with regex buddy didnt work on ubot?
  5. So im trying to create a bot that scrapes the HREFs then with a regular expression grabs the any href link that contains the word "contact". I created the regex in regexbuddy which is really good. But the regex doest work in ubot. clear all data navigate("http://keywestwatertours.com/","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") set(#links,$page scrape("<a href=\"","\">"),"Global") set(#links2,$find regular expression(#links,"(^[-a-zA-Z0-9]*contact\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)|(^[-a-zA-Z0-9]*contact[-a-zA-Z0-9]*.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)"),"Global") The regex i created will grab anything like:
  6. Im gonna get it too because he's my favorite ubotter and love his work.
  7. This bot works great and HelloInsomnia gives great support. I plan on buying more bots from him. Thanks for all the help
  8. Programming is not something I do all the time. Im mostly a graphic designer/ printer .
  9. Yes CD it makes sense. Its just that when I stop using ubot for a while and come back I forget everything lol. It worked perfect.. Thanks
  10. Hi Im trying to capture the .com .net .us in an email address. My regex works fine but it when I come across emails that have a subdomain it picks up the domain part after the period of the sub domain. Here is my regex (?<=[-_.0-9a-zA-Z]+@[-0-9a-zA-Z]+)\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+ Here is my example: set(#emails,"AccreditedOnlinePsychologyDegrees@smallnach.science EducationOnline@smallnach.science info@twitter.com joe.schmoe@yahoo.com goeorge@mail.yahoo.com BellyBuster@now.netjewi.eu news@news.punchingbagnews.com Vydox@low.fluentr.eu big-john@yo.com Best-Carb-Preventer@ray235.growartistdiet.us","G
  11. I find myself spending alot of time with the debugger window not resizing. Or locking up. Right now all I get is a full screen of it. Why cant I make it smaller? I cant grab it anywhere. Windows 7
  12. Thanks guys. Makes sense now. Usually I have regex automatically disregarding the case sensitive on the results. You guys rock
  13. My Regex works in Regexbuddy and EditPad Lite 7. But no in Ubot. What am I doing wrong? This is my Regex code (?<=class="business-name" data-impressed="1">)[0-9a-z ]+ Im a trying to grab the Company names from the results. Its a total of 32. Here is the code: set(#page,$nothing,"Global") navigate("http://www.yellowpages.com/search?search_terms=realtor&geo_location_terms=Homestead%2C+FL","Wait") wait(3) set(#page,$document text,"Global") set(#Compan Names,$find regular expression(#page,"(?<=class=\"business-name\" data-impressed=\"1\">)[0-9a-z ]+"),"Global")
  14. I am connecting to an email server using the "connect to mail server" command. I see that I can crab the email body, the email date, the email from, the email recipient etc. But is there a a command for the email headers. Im want to grab the ip address from the "Received: from". I already created the regex to grab the ip : (?!Received: from)\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\]
  15. Thank you Code Docta (TC). I will take a look at it.
  16. Wouldnt clicking on the more info link and scraping all those different pages cause yellowpages.com to block me?
  17. hi, I would like someone to point me in the right direction. Im using an ibeacon on my iphone that posts to a RSS Feed. So when I step in and out of the geofence it posts to RSS feed Entered home and exited home. I would like to know is there a way so that I can check an RSS feed lets say every few minutes to see if there is a new entry and if it says away or home make it do something. Here is what i want it to do. I already make a bot that logs into clickdesk.com and changes my status to offline.. I answer alot of support chat windows and sometimes i leave my desk and forget to set
  18. Thanks DMBFan. I totally forgot about this post. Wondered why I didnt get any quick replies. Maybe its because I failed to mention that I was trying to find out how to match it with REGEX. but I found it already. Here is what I use. [-.0-9a-zA-Z]+(?=\?fref=grp_mmbr_list" tabindex=“)
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