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Praney Behl

Fellow UBotter
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Posts posted by Praney Behl

  1. You mean something like this:


    These are screeshots from G-Webmasterstools





    I have been doing such things for a while, but the costs are pretty high, my clients are from the hollywood.

  2. <button onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'pause()\')\">Pause</button>", 100)


    This would only pause the operation but to start it from exactly where it was paused there needs to be a hook for the run command. Pretty much like if I remember correctly there was a command in V 3.x called "start script"


    Ubot Devs. please answer this.

  3. Guys been a while I shared some little code snippet.


    So here is a custum built shuffle list function that takes a list as input and return the shuffled list back to a variable or a list.


    [sHUFFLE LIST] Function:

    define $shuffle list(#your_list_goes_here) {
       clear list(%list_to_shuffle)
       clear list(%list_shuffled)
       add list to list(%list_to_shuffle, $list from text(#your_list_goes_here, $new line), "Delete", "Global")
       set(#list_total, $list total(%list_to_shuffle), "Global")
       set(#temp, $list total(%list_to_shuffle), "Global")
       loop(#list_total) {
           set(#random_list_item, $rand(0, #temp), "Global")
           add item to list(%list_shuffled, $list item(%list_to_shuffle, #random_list_item), "Delete", "Global")
           remove from list(%list_to_shuffle, #random_list_item)



    Hope it helps :)



    • Like 3
  4. I just wanted to drop by and say thanks to Jane for the FTP add-on for Ubot Studio a much needed app.


    I have got Jane's Ubot FTP Buddy, and I can vouch for the quality of little add-on.


    Its works great with no hiccups. Just read the manual and/or tutorials.


    Jane is also excellent when it comes to providing support.


    A great value for what it can get Ubot to do. A MUST BUY!




  5. Ok after a few splashes of Water on my eyes, I now see the problem. I added the prong variable. Here:


    Prepend to file(Corrected)


    define $prepend to list(#Filename, #Text To Prepend To List) {
       set(#list, $read file(#Filename), "Local")
       save to file(#Filename, "{#Text To Prepend To List}


    define $prepend to list(#Filename, #Text To Prepend To List) {
       save to file(#Filename, "{#Text To Prepend To List}
    {$read file(#Filename)}")




    Hey Praney thanks for sharing. The append code works fine for me but the prepend doesn't.


    The first prepend code (version on the OP) erases everything on the file and the second code (short version)just ads a blank space on top. Any one else having this issue?


    Now I just need to figure out how to do the same with tables :wacko:

    • Like 3
  6. Hi fellows,


    I requested this feature many moons ago here :



    But as it is not so hard to accomplish and the Ubot Dev. team is busy I thought I'll build a custom work around till they could implement it.


    Alright here we go:



    Append to File:


    define $append to list(#Filename, #Text To Append To List) {
       set(#list, $read file(#Filename), "Local")
       save to file(#Filename, "{#list}
    {#Text To Append To List}")


    Prepend to file


    define $prepend to list(#Filename, #Text To Prepend To List) {
       set(#list, $read file(#Filename), "Local")
       save to file(#Filename, "{#Text To Append To List}


    Usage Instructions:


    - Copy the code provided above into your Ubot script.
    - Use the functions from 
    > Parameters 
     > Custom Functions
       $prepend to list
       $append to list
    Drag Drop and Enjoy 


    Here is a screenshot on where to find them:




    Hope it helps.




    • Like 4
  7. Don't think you operate skype using Ubot 4.x but open/start it using shell command.


    Most whatever you can do using the windows run command you can do with the shell command.


    Hope it helps.


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