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Praney Behl

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Posts posted by Praney Behl

  1. Get an id or class or something on the popup and then execute some javascript :


    var popup = document.getElementById("popupId");   // In case of id

    var popup = document.getElementsByClassName("popupClassName") // In case of class as the selector.

    and then:

    popup.scrollTo(0, this.scrollHeight); 



    like say for this page here your post (#1) has an id of "post_id_99088" now assume if it was the popup and you needed to scroll down to the bottom of this post here is the code you'll use:


    var popup = document.getElementById("post_id_99088");

    popup.scrollTo(0, this.scrollHeight);


    It would works like a charm :)

    Hope it helps ;)

  2. Well its pretty easy using a little javascript ;)



    To zoom-in use:

    document.body.style.zoom = 2

    Where to is the x-times zoom. You can use 1 decimal place if you want.


    To zoom-out use:

    document.body.style.zoom = 2
    Here is an implementation using ubot buttons:
    ui button("ZoomIn") {
        run javascript("document.body.style.zoom = 2")
    ui button("ZoomOut") {
        run javascript("document.body.style.zoom = 1")

    Hope it helps.


    Good Luck ;)

  3. Hi admins,


    Its been a while, I was busy developing for other patforms. I see a sleak UI in Ubot 5 now.


    Just have a quick question for the Ubot dev team - Do you guys have any plans for Cross Platform Deployment/Compile?


    Just wondering if you do, or else I'll have to use nodeWebkit or something equivalent.



  4. Call it a limitation and Ubot is not Zennoposter and vice versa. 1000 is a good size to work with in Ubot, smaller the better as Ubot has always had memory issues but the dev. team is trying to fix. Hopefully some time in future it will be treated lets pray together...


    Try to split your file into smaller chunks and then loop through them...

  5. Trying to make a simple thing here, not really working well.


    I'm trying to multiply two values (each a numerical value entered into the ui html panel)... Via set > eval > Multiply variable1 * variable2


    It's giving me an error saying "you cannot multiply two strings"

    set(#Je_FuelCosts, $eval($multiply(#Je_FuelMileageCost, #Je_CostPerMile)), "Global")

    That should work shouldn't it...?

    Works for me!



  6. I have a plugin that is enhancing Ubot and make it possible to use http post and http get (most of you know it, is a great plugin made by Aymen from this forum). I try to use this plugin to make ubot login to YouTube using HTTP Requests. I managed to get all the parameters from the login page using HTTP Get function and also using regex to sort the result. When I try to post using HTTP Post function I get as result the error page from youtube and this message:  There was an issue logging you into YouTube ...  Here is my code so far:

    clear list(%useragents)
    add list to list(%useragents, $list from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\UserAgents"), "Delete", "Global")
    set(#useremail, "YTLogin@gmail.com", "Global")
    set(#userpass, "YTPassword", "Global")
    set(#UserAgent, $list item(%useragents, $rand(0, $subtract($list total(%useragents), 1))), "Global")
    set(#Proxy, "proxy:port:proxyuser:proxypass", "Global")
    set(#URL, "https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=youtube&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsignin%3Faction_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26feature%3Dsign_in_button%26hl%3Den_US%26next%3D%252F%26nomobiletemp%3D1&uilel=3&hl=en_US&passive=true", "Global")
    plugin command("HTTP post.dll", "Clear Cookies", #URL)
    set(#GETloginpage, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http get", #URL, #UserAgent, "www.youtube.com", #Proxy, 15), "Global")
    set(#continue, "http://www.youtube.com/signin?action_handle_signin=true&feature=sign_in_button&hl=en_US&next=%2F&nomobiletemp=1", "Global")
    set(#service, "youtube", "Global")
    set(#dsh, $find regular expression(#GETloginpage, "(?<=id=\"dsh\"\\s* value=\")[\\w\\W]*?(?=\")"), "Global")
    set(#hl, "en_US", "Global")
    set(#GALX, $find regular expression(#GETloginpage, "(?<=name=\"GALX\"\\s*value=\")[\\w\\W]*?(?=\")"), "Global")
    set(#pstMsg, 1, "Global")
    set(#dnConn, $nothing, "Global")
    set(#checkConnection, "youtube:1000:1", "Global")
    set(#checkedDomains, "youtube", "Global")
    set(#timeStmp, $nothing, "Global")
    set(#secTok, $nothing, "Global")
    set(#_utf8, $find regular expression(#GETloginpage, "(?<=name=\"_utf8\"\\s* value=\")[\\w\\W]*?(?=\")"), "Global")
    set(#bgresponse, $find regular expression(#GETloginpage, "(?<=id=\"bgresponse\"\\s* value=\")[\\w\\W]*?(?=\")"), "Global")
    set(#Email, #useremail, "Global")
    set(#Passwd, #userpass, "Global")
    set(#signIn, "Sign in", "Global")
    set(#PersistentCookie, "yes", "Global")
    set(#rmShown, 1, "Global")
    set(#POSTloginpage, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginAuth", "continue={#continue}&service={#service}&dsh={#dsh}&hl={#hl}&GALX={#GALX}&pstMsg={#pstMsg}&dnConn={#dnConn}&checkConnection={#checkConnection}&checkedDomains={#checkedDomains}&timeStmp={#timeStmp}&secTok={#secTok}&_utf8={#_utf8}&bgresponse={#bgresponse}&Email={#Email}&Passwd={#Passwd}&signIn={#signIn}&PersistentCookie={#PersistentCookie}&rmShown={#rmShown}", #UserAgent, #URL, #Proxy, 15), "Global")
    load html(#POSTloginpage)

    If someone with a longer experience with HTTP Requests can help please show me what I'm doing wrong and how to make this work and login!! (I have replaced in the code here the user, pass and proxy with generic ones).


    I know that in our community are great programmers that know their way around HTTP ... and I also know that very few will want to help someone else find solutions to Youtube related problems but... I still hope :))


    Thank you! :)


    PS I get the user agents from an external file that I compiled from the most used user agents :) so you can assign one of your choice to the variable in the script

    need to squeeze

  7. search page for the mailto:?



    But how do I find the page with the contact information on it?  Not all pages are labeled "contact us"

    That is the bit you'll have to code. Try finding a common ground among your sites list pages to find the contact page, or maybe a little un-efficient way is to scrape all the pages and then go with a regex gun on it.


    Regex to scrape emails: 


    Hope it helps,




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