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Posts posted by zenos

  1. Hello everyone ;)


    My problem is that I have one browser.exe that grows up, without doing anything with the bot.

    I only use plugin needed, I just open the compiled  bot.exe, doing nothing just opened and the memory of one browser is growing up untill it crash.... (it takes 3 hours and it crash).

    I know how to prevent the crash browser when I run my bot (don't use "close page", dont change user agent too much, don't use "stop script"...) so this is not the problem here.

    I use SSUBV7 to make my html code (really great tool), I tried everything but impossible to resolve the problem. I tried without css, without javascripts... The browser (it seems to be the UI html panel) is keeping growing up and crashing everytime...

    I have tested with differents splash pages, about:blank, google.fr etc... same problem...


    I use Ubot 4.2.20 on windows seven with 16 GO of ram (memory), my customers with less ram than me have lots of problems using my compilde bots, the bot is really slow and the crash appens rapidly.

    If I don't use ui html panel, I have no problem with the memory, but I cannot use the bot ;)

    List of plugin used :

    Advanced Ubot
    File managment


    If someone could help it will be very nice, thank you guys ;)

  2. Something like this, use table, not lists.


    Your txt file like this :





    clear table(&tableurllogin)
    create table from file("C:\\Users\\ze\\Desktop\\fichiers TXT\\urlstest.txt"&tableurllogin)
    loop($table total rows(&tableurllogin)) {
        set(#url$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 0), "Global")
        if($contains(#url"overblog")) {
            then {
                comment("code for overblog, login, pass, click, post...")
                type text(<username field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 1), "Standard")
                type text(<password field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 2), "Standard")
            else if($contains(#url"wordpress")) {
                then {
                    comment("code for wordpress, login, pass, click, post...")
                    type text(<username field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 1), "Standard")
                    type text(<password field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 2), "Standard")
            else if($contains(#url"tumblr")) {
                then {
                    comment("code for tumblr, login, pass, click, post...")
                    type text(<username field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 1), "Standard")
                    type text(<password field>$table cell(&tableurllogin, 0, 2), "Standard")
            else {
                alert("cms not find")
        plugin command("TableCommands.dll""delete from table"&tableurllogin"Row", 0)

  3. You need to use "$list from file" not $list from text" if you want to use your txt file.

    clear list(%myurls)add list to list(%myurls, $list from file("C:\\Users\\username\\Documents\\urls.txt"), "Delete", "Global")set list position(%myurls, 0)loop($list total(%myurls)) {    navigate($next list item(%myurls), "Wait")    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")}

    after the "wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")" you need to put  your code to login to your site, you have lo togin.... and to post...



    If you don't know how to do it, just watch the tutorials videos of ubot http://www.ubotstudio.com/tutorials

  4. Hi Zenos,

     I tried your code. It does not do anything. How do you work this thing? You can't run define's right? What is define used for?


    You have to make a button in a ui html panel to run the "run" define... Like this


    define navigatetotwitter {


        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")


    define connecttotwitter {

        type text($element offset(<email field>, 1), "user""Standard")

        type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), "pass""Standard")

        click($element offset(<login button>, 1), "Left Click""No")


        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")



    define run {




    ui html panel("

    <input type=\"button\" value=\"run\" class=\"btn btn-success btn-small\" onclick=\"ubot.runScript(\'run()\')\">



    </html>", 540)

  5. The best way for me is all on the same tab, and use define as much as you can ;)



    define navigatetotwitter {
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
    define connecttotwitter {
        type text($element offset(<email field>, 1), "user""Standard")
        type text($element offset(<password field>, 1), "pass""Standard")
        click($element offset(<login button>, 1), "Left Click""No")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded""")
    define run {

  6. Your code works on my system Zenos, but not my code!  


    The code my version of Ubot generates it a little different to the sample code you posted. Ubot version 5.5.9 removes the space after the comma's. Here is a vid showing it in action.



    May be something for you to look at Carl for the next version.

    Ok, I am using Ubot 4, I think you're right, the only difference is the space ;)


    I'm just starting to build my first interface but can't seem to get the IMPORT UBOT CODE working right. Seems to be an issue with UI Drop-Down's


    Here is a video showing the issue... http://screencast.com/t/oan5ouF4vPLb


    UBOT Code:

    ui open file("open",#open)
    ui save file("Save",#save)
    ui drop down("Dropdown 1","1,2,3,4,5",#drop1)
    ui text box("Text",#text1)
    ui block text("Block",#txtBlock)

    I have juste tried with only 2 dropdowns, like this

    ui drop down("dropdown_1""1,2,3"#dropdown1)

    ui drop down("dropdown 2""1,2,3"#dropdown2)


    It's working fine for me ;)

  8. Thank you, I know that, but it does'nt work for me since the last update...


    Just tested. Working fine for me. 

    You can not specify the height in the options. But you can change that with your mouse. 

    There is a small icon on the lower right side of the UI element.


    You have to click that. Hold your mouse for a second after you click and then drag. 







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