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Posts posted by ds062692

  1. Might not be the cleanest but this should work. 

    add list to list(%test,$scrape attribute(<class=w"data-row*">,"outerhtml"),"Delete","Global")
    loop($list total(%test)) {
        set table cell(&out,#row,0,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col0(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
        set table cell(&out,#row,1,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col2(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
        set table cell(&out,#row,2,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col4(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
        set table cell(&out,#row,3,$replace regular expression($find regular expression($list item(%test,#row),"<td class=\"data-col5(.*?)/td>"),"<(.*?)>",""))
  2. I don't have access to kwfinder site but this should work if you fiddle around with it a little. 


    Instead of scraping item to list, scrape list to list using the same attribute to some temporary list. The list will compromise of all the values but each value it scrapes will be independent. 


    So then you can add the valuesyou want to your main list using the position of that value in your list. So add item to list (main list) - list item (temp list) position 0 if you want the first value. 


    To get all of the values in one row with comma separated you can do add item to list (main list) - text from list (temp list) using the comma connector. 


    You can use the replace command remove the quotation marks.

  3. I am somewhat lost at why there is such a difference in output between running my script in Ubot and compiling it. I am using the HTML parser function from Aymen's post plugin. It runs perfect in Ubot studio but when I run the exe it misses a lot of fields. Does any one have any insight in why it's not running exactly the same. I am scraping linkedin and for example this code gives a blank most of the time in the exe. The annoying part is that it's not the same every time. Some time it will pick it up and leave another field blank while in the dev environment it picks everything up. 

    $replace($replace($plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$html parser", #linkedin profile, "tr", "data-section", "currentPositions", "InnerText"),$new line," "),"Current","")


  4. A couple of days ago I got a ssl certificate for my site and everything went well until I got people emailing me that their bot gives them an Invalid License error when they try to open it. I installed a WP plugin that rewrote/added rules to the .htacess file. The file is below. I have no real clue what to change in order to make the folder (locker) to not redirect to the https. I think this is the issue but not entirely sure. If any one can help me out or dealt with this before, I would greatly appreciate it.

    # BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.2.12]
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header always set Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age=31536000' env=HTTPS
    # END rlrssslReallySimpleSSL
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
  5. You don't have to download it. You can just use the read file command. Something like this. 

    add list to list(%links,$find regular expression($read file("https://news.google.com/news?cf=all&hl=en&ned=us&q=Red+Skelton&output=rss"),"(?<=\\&url=).*?(?=<\\/link>)"),"Delete","Global")
  6. I am trying to use Inno setup for my new bot (in case it's important it's not ubot, but c#). I locked the exe and then followed the steps in Inno. Everything seemed to work fine until I had submit the license details. It gave me an error that license.lic had no access to the folder. When I ran the bot in Administrator mode everything worked fine. Is there a specific setting in Inno that I have to change to make it have access to the folder without having to run as Administrator.



  7. I have a bot in a very specific niche that I want to sell. I sell a Ubot version, and have a similar Java version for Mac users. The selling site is ranked #1 or #2 in google for the main keywords depending on location. The income generated from the bot follows a wave pattern, has very little sales for parts of the year, while selling very well during other times. I would like to sell it for a couple of reasons, mix of financial/risk aversion, and generally fatigue of having to deal with a certain type of user.


    I have a couple of questions to people who have sold their bots entirely to someone else, code, site, social media accounts related, basally everything. 


    Is there a specific place or should I just list it on Flippa?

    I know some sites sell for 12 months profit, should I be looking for a similar price?


    If you have any experience, suggestions, please reply. 



  8. Maybe this might be what you are looking for.

    ui text box("Prefix", #pre)
    ui save file("Save", #save)
    clear list(%alph)
    clear list(%results)
    add list to list(%alph, $list from text("a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z", ","), "Delete", "Global")
    loop(26) {
        navigate("http://t1-completion.amazon.com/search/complete?method=completion&q={#pre}%20{$next list item(%alph)}&search-alias=aps&client=amazon-search-ui&mkt=1&x=updateISSCompletion&sc=1", "Wait")
        set(#result, $replace regular expression($find regular expression($document text, ",\\[\"(.*?)\"\\]"), "(,\\[\"|\"|\\])+", ""), "Global")
        add list to list(%results, $list from text(#result, ","), "Delete", "Global")
        save to file(#save, %results)
    • Like 2
  9. I have a bot that scans a website for certain links at a predefined time. During that time the site comes under heavy traffic. The way the bot works is that if a certain link is not there it does another get request. Currently there is no timeout. Would it be advantageous to set the timeout to 1-2 seconds instead of leaving the timeout field blank?



  10. add list to list(%urls, $scrape attribute(<href="">, "href"), "Delete", "Global")
    loop($list total(%urls)) {
    set(#current list item, $next list item(%urls), "Global")
    if($contains(#current list item, "/video/")) {
    then {
    add item to list(%good urls, #current list item, "Delete", "Global")
    else {

  11. This should help.

    navigate("http://www.netflix.com", "Wait")
    click(<login link>, "Left Click", "No")
    type text(<email field>, #username, "Standard")
    type text(<password field>, #password, "Standard")
    click(<login button>, "Left Click", "No")
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "")
    click(<ng-click="switchProfile(profile)">, "Left Click", "No")
    set(#inc, 1, "Global")
    clear list(%scraped URLs)
    loop while($true) {
        set(#url, "http://movies.netflix.com/WiAltGenre?agid={#inc}", "Global")
        navigate(#url, "Wait")
        if($exists(<class="err-empty">)) {
            then {
            else {
                add item to list(%scraped URLs, $scrape attribute($element offset(<tagname="a">, 60), "innertext"), "Delete", "Global")
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