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Posts posted by joshua

  1. Hmm so when the "click chosen" command don't work sometimes, can we use this method to simulate the "press enter"?

    What is "\n"? Is it inserting the string "\n" as the variable? I am using the $new line constant, is it the same?


    Absolutely yes. This method is god to submit forms when "click chosen" does not work.


    What you need to do is, just press enter once when entering text into a variable. This will simulate pressing enter.


    i have not used the #new line constant, but i suppose the result is the same.

  2. ui stat monitor is very helpful for monitoring and debugging the bots, and useful for compiled bots to show the user where the bot is working on, what items are found etc.


    the problem with that is, the ui stat monitor output is limited to a few chars, so, an url for example, is displayed in plenty of lines and cannot be read.


    my suggestion is to provide more readable uistatmonitor output.

  3. Yes, and this is a good point Alcr. There's practically no instruction on how to implement javascript with ubot and it's desperately needed.


    Javascript automatically covers many things that are not in ubot and the more I use javascript in ubot, the more I think it should stay that way! Why try to fix something that already has a tool for it but we don't know about the tool.


    Anyhow, I'm working on a new website, www.ubotjunkie.com - hold off, there's little content on it yet, but I'll be putting up videos and tutorials as well on how to use javascript with ubot.




    It is great that Ubot can use Javascript! Javascript is powerful.


    And i agree that Ubot should not provide tons of functions and procedures which would make it a thick platform.


    But, in terms of string functions, they are really, really essential for writing Bots. I am not comfortable with including a library and using the returned value of a sub just only to find the length of the newest line i have scraped from a page. Any programmer using Ubot will need access to Length of a string, need to find a substring in another string, etc.


    Btw, good luck with Ubotjunkie, Frank.


    Ubot rocks!

  4. Ubot is fantastic!


    But i am stuck when i need string operators.


    The following string operators, which are pretty easy to implement,

    will be a great addition to UBot.


    Length(string) : integer

    Concat(strings) : string

    Find(substring,string) : pos (0 if not found)

    Copy(string,startpos,numchars) : string

    Trim(string) : string


    Btw, i am aware of the great string library for Ubot. But it takes quite effort and time to return values from subroutines etc...

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