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Everything posted by giganut

  1. I stoped using bit.ly a few years ago and switch to http://yourls.org/ to prevent bans and other bad this from happeing. I don't have a code for that, but just thought I would through that out there.
  2. Hi, dan I noticed this some time ago and just though it was how thay made it work.
  3. Unfortunately there is no 100% fixes for the browser crash, I spent many many days trying to find one, with no real solution. Until seth and his team take the time to find and fix the problem, there is really nothing you can do that will make any difference. This is not something that can be fixed through ubot code, it's a bug in the the Ubot parent application that they are refusing to recognize and fix. Your best bet would be to just move on and don't waste your time. You can start to use aymen's HTTP plugin so you can bypass the browser, thats about all you can do.
  4. that's really nice! do you have a ball park ETA on the next version yet?
  5. No that is a great update, thanks pash
  6. I would need more information on what you need this to do and a site that it's on to make a working example.
  7. Your great Aymen, as always. Thank you for taking the time to update the plugin.
  8. Thank you for your reply, but I would need to scrape the page that has mutiple different buttons and mutiple different usernames. Here is the whole page below.
  9. Hello, I need some help. For the last 48hr I have been trying to scrape user names from the html below. I can scrape the user names just fine but my problem is that I only need to grab user names from one of the buttons and not the other. The only indicator that shows they are different are the lines above the user name. I need to scrape the username name from this button code: data-screen-name="ClassicalPurist" <div class="ProfileCard-actions"> <div class="ProfileCard-userActions with-rightCaret js-userActions"> <div class="UserActions UserActions--small
  10. Hello, I'm getting a small error on the "Custom html Dialog Box" here is a video of the error. http://screencast.com/t/oUevvPrJqt
  11. I understand what you mean, I've made changes to elements and went back to look at the same command that I just made, and the elements where different inside them, and also when you select an element and then click the gear icon, and the wrong generated HTML shows in the advanced element editor. I guess I have just been using ubot for long enough that I have learned to live with some of the things that obviously are not working correctly. Where are you saving the ubot code? are you saving it on your c:\ drive or are you saving it in a library. Dose your user account have full admin rights?
  12. CTRL + S all the time. Also save as after big changes so you can revert back. Would love to see and auto save added that can be enabled and disabled.
  13. Just piced it up pash, thanks for all your hard work
  14. Thanks TC, and TJ I will give both a try and see what I can come up with.
  15. unfortunately ubot v 5 uses the same awesomium version as ubot v 4, so where still in the same boat.
  16. No problem, your welcome. One last thing that I forgot to mention, go into your wordpress site and follow this path: Downloads >> Reports >> Logs Then from the drop-down select API Request and press Apply. Now you will need to make sure the API request from the software are not being logged any longer. Make sure to cheack that log everytime you update Easy Digital Downloads to make sure the request are not being logged.
  17. Glad to here you have everything up and running. I will look into the problem you had, and see if it's a fix for the core application or more specific to your Setup. I released it as open source because some users may need to tweak it just a little to fit there needs. in the next coming weeks i will be making a sales email monitor from this setup so it can be independent from Easy Digital Downloads, that way it can be used with any site that sends out sales notifications or any gateway that also dose so.
  18. Well, where there's a will there's a way, but I don't know of any other way, but surely there must be a work around, there always is. be sure to press save so you don't have to configure the software again.
  19. Here are the complete manual steps for setting up the Easy Digital Downloads & Ubot Locker API Integration. 1. Here is what you need to do first: Login to your site, then do the following. Go Here: https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/plugin-editor.php?file=easy-digital-downloads/includes/class-edd-api.php&a=te&scrollto=680 Do The Following: changed public $log_requests = true; from true to false Make sure to change yoursite.com with your actual site if your site is not https then chage the link to httpNext Steps: (2 - 4) 2. Login to your site and follow the path: Downloads >&
  20. Now that you have that complete you will need to set the interface of the software up: Locker Username: = your ubot locker username Locker Password: = your ubot locker password EDD Public Key: = your easy digital downloads public key you generated. EDD API Token: = your easy digital downloads token you generated. Locker API Path: = the path to the api.php file you uploaded, with no traling slash at the end. it will look somthing like this http://yoursite.com/ubotlocker/api.php EDD API Path: = the api path for your sites easy digital downloads api. it will be just like this, with no
  21. 5. Now that you have your API keys you will need to go to this thread: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16837-free-ubot-locker-api-to-manage-licenses-iphone-app-out-now/ and find the link direcly under the text: You can download the API file here: and donwload the ubot locker api.php file. 6. Now that you have the api.php file, you will need to upload that file to your ubot locker server directory. Let me know when you have that complete and we will continue.
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