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Everything posted by tinear10

  1. I have searched the forum but I can't find a solution. I understand how to change the look of a UI Button. I am having issues with the UI Open File Button. I can't seem to remove the "standard button" or the "no file chosen" text. I am stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  2. Hello all, I have searched the forum for the help I need but I can't find a specific solution. I would like to navigate to a website and click on a random link. The link should only be an internal link and not an external link (like their Twitter profile). Ideally the code would work with a very wide variety of sites. Thanks, Matt
  3. There are sites that already exist like this. YouLikeHits and AddMeFast are 2 examples. The difference with the site I am thinking of is that automation would not only be okay but we could make it easier to manage. We could shut off captcha, allow multiple accounts from one IP address, allow the transfer of points from one account to another. It would be a place for bots to "exchange" with each other to earn points. The points would be used to promote one or two real websites or profiles.
  4. An idea - Have a site similar to YouLikeHits and AddMeFast but make bots and automation okay to use. In fact, make the site very bot friendly with no captcha or email verification. What would be the value? People are already using bots on these sites. The bots get great results. The losers in this scenario may be the people who actually buy points or credits. They want to buy real users or followers but are losing a significant amount of their budget to bots and automation. If a website was primarily a place for bots to "exchange" followers, likes and visits the points would be fair. The sit
  5. I would be happy to help out with UI designs and layouts. Please PM me. Thanks!
  6. Are there any other solutions for a monthly subscription option? Protect Gold sounds great but it is a big upfront cost.
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