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Posts posted by pash

  1. navigate("https://www.teepublic.com/en-gb/mug/1000159-downhill-mtb","Wait")
    wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    set(#Debug,$scrape attribute(<class="glide__slides">,"outerhtml"),"Global")
    load html(#Debug)
    clear list(%Debug)
    add list to list(%Debug,$scrape attribute(<tagname="img">,"fullsrc"),"Delete","Global")
    loop($list total(%Debug)) {
        download file($next list item(%Debug),"{$special folder("Application")}\\Img_{#Loop}.jpg")
    • Like 1
  2. Hi, sorry for the confusion, carriage return is just a Return on the keyboard, in the old days the bit that slid along the top of a type writer was called the carriage and to start an new line you would return it to the start position.. hence Carriage return :)

    So for exmple


    Sentence one





    Sentence Two


    So to delete all <return> 's


    To do this in a word document it would be Replace ^p with (empty)


    Also I need to delete all numbers in the text.


    alert($replace regular expression("Sentence one
    Sentence Two 123","[\\r\\n0-9]",""))
  3. Thank you for the updated version Pash, I appreciate it. However, when I try to use it it says "Plugin Name: Advanced Dialog - Unable to contact license server" but using Advanced Screen and Windows pops up with an update prompt, so I know the server is working. Any idea what could be causing that? When I try to use the text box dialog command it tells me the plugin hasn't been authorized.


    Also, I tried to use Advanced Screen & Windows to use the app window menu box control feature, but if I add the command before the "$text box dialog" call it doesn't take effect, and if I add it after the software pauses until the data is passed back from the text box dialog, so it doesn't get to call the code to disable the X. Can you please share sample code of how 'app window menu box control' and 'text box dialog' would work together if you get a second?


    I apologize for being a pain - once I get this sorted I won't bother you again (at least for a while lol). Thanks so much again.

    plugin command("Advanced Screen and Windows.dll", "app window menu box control", "Test", "", "True", "True", "False", 1)
    load html($plugin function("Advanced Dialog.dll", "$text box dialog", "Test", "wwww", "False", "True", "False", "False", "True,True,True", "600,200", "True", "FFF3F3F3", "FFBEEAC4,000000", "FFF3C1C1,000000", "FF778ABD,000000", "Center App", "Label 777,00FFFFFF,FF000000", "False"))
    • Like 1
  4. Hi Pash,


    Sorry to bother again - thank you for adding the option to hide the Dialog Name a few weeks back, I appreciate it.


    I do have a question: is there a way to allow the text box dialog to be dragged around? I have a customer who is on a small resolution screen and for some reason the box appears halfway off the screen and below, so he can't access the buttons at the bottom. If he could drag the window it would help, but it can't be dragged with the Menu Tools Dialog Name left blank as of now. I definitely need to keep the functionality of being able to tell whether the box was closed or if all text in the box was deleted and the user clicked the Ok button, so I'm trying to figure out a way to balance the features. Maybe possible to still show the dialog window but not have the X button in the upper right, or have the X button disabled?


    Please let me know if you have any ideas - thanks again for all the awesome support on your plugins.


    try command "app window menu box control" in "Advanced Screen and Windows"
    text box dialog: enable drag move
    • Like 1
  5. The youtube data api v3 quota is crazy tiny, can barely upload a few videos without exceeding the 10k

    What do you recommend for this conundrum? 

    I've made a quota increase request but chances are I'll be denied since I don't run a buisness, well not a serious one

    I could make a bunch of projects and use multiple api's but thats just extremely inconvenient

    Sucks though, very disappointing as it's ruined a few good ideas I had

    Is a restriction imposed by google.

    try read

  6. try

    alert($find regular expression("<p class=\"TweetTextSize  js-tweet-text tweet-text\" lang=\"en\" data-aria-label-part=\"0\">ORANGE <a href=\"/search?q=%24BANANA&src=ctag\"","(?<=\"0\">).*?(?=<a)"))
    alert($find regular expression("<p class=\"TweetTextSize  js-tweet-text tweet-text\" lang=\"en\" data-aria-label-part=\"0\">ORANGE <a href=\"/search?q=%24BANANA&src=ctag\"","(?<=q=%24).*?(?=&)"))
  7. hi there,


    is there any way to by pass ELA (Error Level Analysis) system, to make the image looks like never beem edited. I'v tried fotoforensics.com and imageedited.com with no luck at all, could you show me how to use your plugin to by pass this system ?

    by pass ELA?

    I'm sorry I can't do it.

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