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Everything posted by pash

  1. If you don't give that website or URL it is difficult to diagnose the problem.
  2. 1. Videos without subtitle cannot be used. 2. Library not supported
  3. wordpress connect: add option "Connect Time Out"
  4. clear list(%newlist) add list to list(%newlist,$list from file("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\daves.txt"),"Delete","Global") ui stat monitor("Stat:","{$list position(%newlist)} of {$list total(%newlist)}") set list position(%newlist,0) loop($list total(%newlist)) { set(#Debug,$next list item(%newlist),"Global") wait(0.1) } clear list(%newlist) add list to list(%newlist,$list from file("C:\\Users\\David\\Desktop\\daves.txt"),"Delete","Global") ui stat monitor("Stat:","{#loop} of {$list total(%newlist)}") set list position(%newlist,0) set(#loop,0,"Global") loop($list total(%n
  5. "UI Stat Monitor" Should be placed on the top. Should not be placed in any node exemple https://wiki.ubotstudio.com/wiki/UI_stat_monitor
  6. http://network.ubotstudio.com/blog/why-your-bot-is-showing-up-as-a-virus-and-what-to-do-about-it/
  7. Play button in the middle of the video? You may have to use image clicking.
  8. i test on ubot 5.9.44 click(<class="ytp-play-button ytp-button">,"Left Click","No")
  9. youtube channel list: update
  10. youtube get video transcripts: return only plant text
  11. Add new command $base64 encode/decode: encode or decode text or file output text or file example file $base64.ubot
  12. set(#Debug,"19-0215458-test.pdf","Global") alert($find regular expression(#Debug,"[\\d\\-]\{10,10\}"))
  13. remove blank lines: fix
  14. youtube search list: fix type parameter
  15. test at file "$remove blank lines.ubot" first.
  16. use command "youtube get video transcripts"
  17. (BETA) (Warning: Your old code can not be used with the new version of the plugin.) youtube search list: add and change Parameter "channelType, eventType, forContentOwner, forDeveloper, forMine, location, locationRadius, onBehalfOfContentOwner, order, publishedAfter, publishedBefore, regionCode, relatedToVideoId, relevanceLanguage, safeSearch, topicId, type, videoCaption, videoCategoryId, videoDefinition, videoDimension, videoDuration, videoEmbeddable, videoLicense, videoSyndicated, videoType"
  18. Add new command system info/software: get software list on your pc
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