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Everything posted by Varo

  1. Always save in google drive. So you can keep every revision for 30 days.
  2. using android apps: tasker with auto input plugin, repetitouch pro, hiromacro, etc.
  3. I tried your files too. And its size 12.8 MB. I am using Professional Edition.
  4. Same problem here. The temporary solution for me right now is just restarting the application and hope UI come out. . But lately its more difficult. http://i.imgur.com/QFMV3gT.png
  5. I have couple issues. 1. UI Glitch in Options - Default Form Fields like Dan screenshot. 2. Options>General>Browser:Chrome 39 always revert back to Chrome 21. but i solved those problem by uninstalling completely Ubot (Program Files + AppData). Download new installation files from dashboard. Install. Hope it helps
  6. Ya, i got this error too.
  7. Thanks a lot. It worked add list to list(%scraped, $scrape attribute(<innertext=w"* people">, "fullhref"), "Delete", "Global")
  8. Hi, I tried to extract every link on facebook fanpage that meet my criteria but still no luck. When we open facebook fanpage (example: https://www.facebook.com/UFC), we will found link url like: x people like this xx people like this and so on until xxx.xxx people like this. How do i extract every link that contain word "xxx people" in it. Do i need to learn regex ? Thanks, and sorry for my bad english. Picture: http://i.imgur.com/rdEq7YV.jpg
  9. Update: "The problem is not ubot, but in windows", this morning i try ubot on my laptop and no problem. I think i need to reinstall my windows PC. Thx ---
  10. Hi, Lately my ubot facing a problem. uBot browser can't load any site, until i resize the window. I already try the suggestion in here http://support.ubotstudio.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/73/0/ubot-4-error-the-browser-isnt-loading but no success. Anyone has the same problem ? I already sent the ticket to support team, but the programmer still investigate this.
  11. Thanks Kreatus and OP for this topic. For the first couple days using ubot, i can't work on multiple script.
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