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Everything posted by Varo

  1. Try these code set(#scraped string,"17 board • 2.1k followers 17 board • 521 followers 17 board • 1k followers 17 board • 781 followers","Global") set(#result,$replace regular expression($replace regular expression($replace($find regular expression(#scraped string,"\\d+(\\.)?(\\d+)?k?(?=\\s*followers)"),".",","),"(?<=,\\d)k",00),"k",",000"),"Global") alert(#result)
  2. Thanks Sanjeev, i learn some lesson in your regex
  3. If your ubot script is big and multi tab, you copy and extract .ubot file with 7zip And then use sublime / notepad++ search function to find in all those extracted file
  4. you can use regex function find regular expression or replace regular expression
  5. When you sent first GET request, then server will response with JSON data which contain parameter value, that you need to input as parameter url in the next request
  6. You are welcome Yagami. Http post is simple, just sent http get request to pinterest like this : https://www.pinterest.ca/resource/UserFollowersResource/get/?source_url=/infographicnowcom/followers/&data={"options":{"hide_find_friends_rep":true,"username":"infographicnowcom"},"context":{},"module":{}}&module_path=App(module=[object Object])&_=1510802889379 https://www.pinterest.ca/resource/UserFollowersResource/get/?source_url=/infographicnowcom/followers/&data={"options":{"bookmarks":["Pz9Nakl5TXpvM09ERXdPVFV4TWpFNU5UWTBNREkxTXpvNU1qSXpNemN5TURNMk9EVTBOemMxT0RBM1gwVT18NDk5
  7. you must put add list to list command inside page scroll loop clear list(%searchlistfollowers) add list to list(%searchlist,$list from text("/infographicnowcom /romper.com"," "),"Delete","Global") loop($list total(%searchlist)) { navigate("https://www.pinterest.ca{$next list item(%searchlist)}","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") click(<innertext="Followers">,"Left Click","No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") loop(20) { run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight); ") wait for browser event("Page Loa
  8. yes, it often crash when i open my big ubot file, and there is 1px UI bug there.
  9. The code work. Thats why i need you to post your code here, So we can discuss where is the problem
  10. Have you try it ? Those code work on pinterest, and the data is not passed through the header. The data is JSON format and in the html source code. You can scrape using browser (html) or you can scrape using http get methods (json).
  11. i am using 5.9.33, and its the most stable for my need.
  12. what do you want to do actually ? make the page scroll or scrape the data ? if you want to scroll the page then use 'run javascript' command. window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)and if you want to scrape the results/data then you can use regex or json path
  13. Hi welcome to ubot community, It seems you dont have access to write to Program Files folder. Try install as Administrator.
  14. Temporary solution while waiting for the update, modify the request or respond to load from another source / local file. ps: new location https://bootswatch.com/3/slate/bootstrap.min.css
  15. This is because https://bootswatch.com/slate/bootstrap.min.cssused by the software not found. (404).
  16. You can try to copy manually the supporting files for ubot (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\UBot Studio), so the software does not need to download it again. And i prefer to uninstall avast or another anti virus just to check the software run or not.
  17. i am using Chrome 49 and default User Agent. Everything is fine. Login succeed. navigate("https://www.hatena.ne.jp/login?location=http%3A%2F%2Fh.hatena.ne.jp%2F","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") type text(<full name field>,"testerUBOT","Standard") wait(1) type text(<password field>,"ubotter1","Standard") wait(1) click($element offset(<login button>,0),"Left Click","No")
  18. Try to switch to Chrome 49, and then restart ubot
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