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Everything posted by LazyBotter

  1. Little Update V7.1 - Added a new "Scroll Box" element, this will create a scrollable box containing checkboxes as a list. - Added a #Variable attribute to the "Image Element", this enables you to hide/show the image using a "#Variable" in UBot. Demo Video: Hope you like! Carl :-)
  2. Scrape the href, then use "In Shared Browser" and navigate to the url..
  3. Here you go mate: ui text box("Keyword", #keyword) ui drop down("How Many Pages to Scrape?", "2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40", #dropdown) set user agent("Internet Explorer 6") clear table(&Results) navigate("http://www.yelp.com/", "Wait") wait for element(<name="find_desc">, "", "Appear") type text(<name="find_desc">, #keyword, "Standard") click(<id="header-search-submit">, "Left Click", "No") wait for element(<class="pagination-results-window">, "", "Appear") clear list(%SEARCHRESULTS1) loop(#dropdown) { add list to list(%SEARCHRESULTS
  4. Another update V6.9. - Setting width on the buttons now works! - Added selectable area to the "Status Element" if no label is added. (Use the "Show/Hide Grid" button to display the selectable area..) Thanks! Carl
  5. Yes Dan, intact it is really easy! Get your gif image that you want and convert it to base64, then add a custom element: <span variable="#Icon" fillwith="innerhtml"></span> And then set your bot code up something like this: on load("Bot Loaded") { set(#The_Icon, "<img style=\"height:20px;\" src=\"yourbase64image\">", "Global") } define ON { set(#Icon, #The_Icon, "Global") } define OFF { set(#Icon, "", "Global") } Hope that helps!!
  6. Update to V6.8. I will get this added, but try this in the "custom element" field for now: <label class="label label-default" variable="#Your_Var" fillwith="innertext"></label> Added width option for buttons. :-) This should better and fixed now, use the resize icon in the right hand corner of the textarea element. I have fixed this issue with this update! :-) Here you go Kev please follow the tut: http://lazybots.com/setting-up-a-progress-bar/ Thanks! Carl
  7. I have found this before, i think it is just meant for public proxies or IP authenticated proxies.. I just ended up using the "http get" and look for something on the page..
  8. http://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/AutoTAC-Twitter-Account-Creator-Software-%E2%80%94-Twitter-Account-Creator.jpg Screenshots http://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-09-at-16.11.23-1024x564.pnghttp://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-09-at-16.15.52.pnghttp://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-09-at-16.36.04.pnghttp://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Screen-Shot-2014-11-09-at-16.37.57.pnghttp://twitteraccountcreator.com/wp-content/up
  9. Hi Guys, My apologies for the problems with the last update! It has all been fixed, hopefully! Update V6.7: - Fixed issues where elements could not be added! - Fixed issue where the buttons would not be aligned correctly in UBot. - Fixed Issue where the "Textarea Elements" could not be resized. If you find any other bugs in the builder pleases let me know and I will get them fixed ASAP! Thanks, Carl
  10. 2) You are saving a "%List" to a .csv file, First you should try and workout what format you would like to save your data... If it is a list save to a .txt file, if its is a &table save to a .csv file. ​You can use a "wildcard" (*) and scrape straight to a list.. Like so: load html("<div class=\"mod result idx0 people hover\">Innertext Value 0</div> <div class=\"mod result idx1 people hover\">Innertext Value 1</div> <div class=\"mod result idx2 people hover\">Innertext Value 2</div> <div class=\"mod result idx3 people hover\">Innertext Value
  11. I will take a look at that and try and make it a little easier selecting elements inside dialogs! :-)
  12. Update 6.6! - Fixed issue with "Checkbox Switches" after importing interface. If the switch still looks strange after importing, just click the switch and update the element by clicking the "Edit Element" button and re-save. - Elements are now 10x easier to move around the builder, you can now move the elements by dragging any part of the element. (Not just the label or border!!). - Changed some attributes to (Optional), like the "Label" and "Placeholder" because having "Labels" on elements is now unnecessary. You can now create a more "Compact" interface this way!! Thanks Carl!
  13. Sorry bout that I will get this fixed ASAP! With the dialog button, once you have doubled clicked the "Dialog To Connect" to get the ID, click the Page you want to add the button to and add the button. Example: I have just noticed that the "Align Buttons" are not working myself! I will get that fixed soon as!
  14. Something like that? set(#Content, " ipb.vars[\'highlight_color\'] = \"#ade57a\"; ipb.vars[\'charset\'] = \"UTF-8\"; ipb.vars[\'time_offset\'] = \"-7\"; ipb.vars[\'hour_format\'] = \"12\"; ipb.vars[\'seo_enabled\'] = 1;", "Global") set(#Pos, 0, "Global") clear list(%List) add list to list(%List, $list from text(#Content, " "), "Delete", "Global") set(#Output, "", "Global") loop($list total(%List)) { set(#Output, "{#Output}{$list item(%List, #Pos)}", "Global") increment(#Pos) }
  15. V6.5 Update! - Fix issue when editing element inside a Dialog Element, where it would not stay inside the Dialog Element. - Code has been reduced drastically. - Added ability to add link to CSS file externally. Thanks Carl :-)
  16. I will be starting the update today, sorry I have been quit busy. Shouldn't take too long! Thanks Carl
  17. This is fantastic software guys! Tons of options and very stable! I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants mass email accounts! Good luck with the sales! Carl
  18. Yes sorry guys my server was down for maintenance.. @Dan I will change the way the scrips are loaded and add them using a CDN, the reason I did it this way was to keep everything local rather than using a CDN. Will update in the next few days, and hopefully you will see some performance increases in UBot.. Carl :-)
  19. I don't think so, Im not experienced in coding for android... Maybe in the future!
  20. Hi Guys! The UBot Locker iPhone App is now available on the app store! Just search "UBot Locker" or view here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ubot-locker-app/id915982044?ls=1&mt=8 I hope you guys like!! Carl :-)
  21. Hi Dan, Yes this is normal, this is so you can align the elements by multi-selecting elements then use the align buttons. Double click to deselect all. Thanks Carl
  22. You can leave the "Tooltip" blank already! I will see what I can do with the next updates... The problem is that there needs to be a label on the inputs because there needs to be a handle to "drag" the element. Anyways I will see what i can do! :-)
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