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Everything posted by illmill

  1. Go with meter's system. Just trust me on this one...
  2. It's because the links are in a new tab (target=_blank), not to mention they redirect through t.co. It's something that twitter has set up. I have managed to do it before. Try scraping the href attribute on the links and then navigating to them.
  3. Hey Aymen - Getting a 404 error on your download page. You might wanna check that out. I'm hitting you up on skype now. EDIT: Someone on the skype group informed me you took down the download link and will send it. No worries, I will wait for your email or response on skype
  4. Whoa, just noticed all the amazing bonuses. Just one of these bonuses alone would make it worth it. I'm getting this now before aymen comes to his senses and raises the price One question: is there a list of all the sites this plugin works with and what it can do on each (sign up account or post content)?
  5. Soooo.... I have to ask. Why The450Man? Why not The420Man???
  6. Watch this tutorial: On this note, can we use html5 in the ui panel or ui windows?
  7. Quick question> I think the answer to this would be yes, but I just wanna double check. On the auto updates, can we include extra files in the zip that they will download for the update? For example, if I add some shell commands to my bot that require external scripts, so I just add those inside the update.zip. That should work, right?
  8. Wow man. This looks awesome. Maybe I will get started on projects I thought about doing in the past, but didn't because there was no reasonable way to do ftp. Keep 'em comin'! Maybe seth can offer you a job to just create awesome plugins for the whole community???
  9. 10:15 AM EST is the best and 5PM the worst?
  10. Take a look at his post from the first page --- Hey stanf, Yes it can be used by all ubot users. Some users are even using it with other .NET projects -meter
  11. I didn't say he was American. I said I was. LOL, I guess I could have just looked at your username (*facepalm). I haven't been to bangkok yet, but I have been to several places in the islands in the south (Krabi, Songhkla, Phuket, Phi Phi islands). I used to do regular visa runs to thailand. It's a great place! I love the food there. Anyway, have fun with ubot. I'm no expert, but feel free to ask if you get stuck on anything.
  12. Should be. Did you try using windows commands to 1. Open the window. 2. Press CTRL-A 3. Press CTRL-C 4. Paste into a textarea on your own server that will create the #variable???? There's probably a better way to do this, but this is what I came up with on the fly.
  13. Ahhh, American here currently living in Malaysia What part of Thailand are you staying in? And welcome aboard!
  14. VB droppin' in to offer some more great advice Yeah, I revisited our last discussion on this recently because I want to make WSO's a regular part of my business. I was also looking through the warriorplus setup and it's shit. You can't even sort offers based on price or expected payout (only avg. sale which requires past sales from affiliate to have already happened). So how the hell do you get affiliates interested in your product if you don't already have a list of affiliates? I would love to offer prizes to them, but I have no idea how to contact them or let them know about prizes.
  15. Title says it all. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight to the best day and/or time to either start a new thread or bump an existing WSO thread. I remember seeing someone on wf say that tuesdays were good to start, but I don't believe shit those people say. I have much more faith in the ubot community for actual facts. So, any ideas on this? What days have you found to be best? I have tried noticing patterns on how many people are viewing the wso section of wf like if more people are there on weekends or on weekdays. Or if it's better if it's morning in california or evening there.
  16. LOL... Sorry, I don't know why, but I literally laughed out loud when I read this.
  17. Do you have a list you can also promote the bots to? I have tons of bots I just haven't had time to do anything with yet, but I need someone with a solid list in the IM niche.
  18. So what I posted in the OP definitely helps, but doesn't resolve it. Before, when the stats were happening in the UI panel my stat monitor would freeze every time after 30-45 minutes. Now that it's in the browser it consistently freezes after four hours, almost exactly. PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE fix this.
  19. So the purpose of this is so that bots you sell can be scheduled? I have lots of bots that run automatically on a schedule. I just do a define command with the script and onload run that command. Schedule the bot to run inside windows task scheduler. It's very easy, but I guess I can see the benefit of scheduling bots you sell to customers.
  20. Like I said, your business model works for you. I personally would rather sell a bot for a high price up front and include updates free. It's nice to have that recurring income (and I plan to do this for some future launches), but if it's a high price item I feel that updates are required for it to work and therefore should be free. Just look at all the people who get pissed about paying just $9 per month for ubot updates.
  21. Hey, just stopping by to say that meter's system is legit. He's an experienced cracker himself, so this dude knows his shit. I'm just glad he's on our side Also, his customer support and updates are always quick and helpful. Seriously, for the price you can't go wrong.
  22. Nice test! I'm about to roll back to 4.1.13 myself. Isn't that the one that doesn't have the ui panel freezes or the browser.exe crashes as well?
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