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Posts posted by illmill

  1. Hi Dan



    If you have any questions regarding plans for UBot 5 for our staff, please go to support.ubotstudio.com and open a ticket there.


    Our staff are located at our support center and we will happily answer any questions you might have through the appropriate portal.


    See you there!

    Good call, Lilly!  (lol, I don't understand...  if you're gonna use a fake name and a fake profile pic, then why not just create a new account rather than use your old one?)


    EDIT: I wanted to make sure and drop in real quick before I forget and give a quick vouch for illmill. Communication since first contact has been outstanding, and the UI issues have been addressed.

    Thanks for your purchase and kind words!  But more importantly, I'm glad it's working for you now.


    Everyone who bought this - you should have received an email with your new download (check your paypal email).  If you didn't, please send me a pm with your transaction id and paypal email.

  3. Hey man, I sent you an email at the support email given at purchase, but thought I'd play it safe and leave you a message here as well. It seems the UI doesn't show up the way I think it's supposed to, instead I get a header text of what I'm guessing is a domain of yours and a link to go purchase it at namejet...?


    Tried in both windows 8.1 and 7, same deal. I had a lot planned for this thing too; I hope we can get it working!

    This has been fixed now.  Please let me know if there are any other issues.


    FYI: ubots don't really play nice with windows 8.1.  There's usually extra steps you need to take to get bots to work in windows 8.1.

  4. Great news, may I ask which method you used?


    I have no trouble with my method :)

    The random wait at the end of each thread helps a lot with this.


    EDIT:  Okay, I will give you the only two sufe fire ways to solve this problem.


    1.  Get Aymen's http post plugin and use that 100% of the time because it doesn't use the browser at all.  Please note: there is a learning curve with this and you will not be able to convert your bots to this overnight.  But, this is probably your best long term solution.


    2.  Create a script/bot with something (not with ubot) to run an infinite loop and close those error messages when it finds one.  

  5. Hey man, I sent you an email at the support email given at purchase, but thought I'd play it safe and leave you a message here as well. It seems the UI doesn't show up the way I think it's supposed to, instead I get a header text of what I'm guessing is a domain of yours and a link to go purchase it at namejet...?


    Tried in both windows 8.1 and 7, same deal. I had a lot planned for this thing too; I hope we can get it working!



    Hey man, my bad for not getting back to you sooner.  I don't really go on the ubot forum anymore (for reasons I won't get into here).  If anyone needs support on this or any of my other products, please hit me up on skype: ericmiller67

  6. Okay, I got it set up.  Now I just have to modify my bot to run off the database the way that kev outlined, but I figured I could take a break to explain how you can set up your site to do this without paying for any form plugin or service (although jotforms looks really good, they wouldn't let me have fields for 'email' and 'password' so I had to figure something else out).  


    I like to use Wishlist Member plugin for Wordpress to set up all my membership sites.  I bought their license that lets me install it on as many domains as I want and I think it was something like $200 one time fee.  It's by far the best investment I have made (next to ubot) and has paid for itself many times over. I recommend it, but if you have another way to charge people for this service and protect the content so they have to pay to get access, then by all means save your money.  


    This will work on a non-wp website and it will actually be a bit easier to set up, but I will explain how to do everything.


    Step 1: Do everything Kev generously outlined for setting up the php script where people will be sent after they click submit.  You can remove the field for IP unless you want to set up a script that captures their IP and sends that in a hidden field.  Leave the field for submission_id.  You will need this one otherwise the whole script and database stuff won't work.  Here is my exact script I used minus my database login credentials:

    function ExtendedAddslash(&$params)
           foreach ($params as &$var) {
               // check if $var is an array. If yes, it will start another ExtendedAddslash() function to loop to each key inside.
               is_array($var) ? ExtendedAddslash($var) : $var=addslashes($var);
    // Initialize ExtendedAddslash() function for every $_POST variable
    $submission_id = $_POST['submission_id'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $db_username = '-------';
    $db_password = '-------';
    $db_name = '-------';
    mysql_connect( $db_host, $db_username, $db_password) or die(mysql_error());
    // search submission ID
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `myTableName` WHERE `submission_id` = '$submission_id'";
    $sqlsearch = mysql_query($query);
    $resultcount = mysql_numrows($sqlsearch);
    if ($resultcount > 0) {
        mysql_query("UPDATE `myTableName` SET
                                   `submission_id` = '$submission_id',
                                   `email` = '$email',
                                   `password` = '$password',
                                WHERE `submission_id` = '$submission_id'")
        or die(mysql_error());
    } else {
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO `myTableName` (submission_id, email, password)
                                  VALUES ('$submission_id', '$email', '$password') ")
        or die(mysql_error());
      header( 'Location: http://google.com' ) ;

    Step 2: Create the form.  This took a while for me to figure out because I don't know php, but after I got it I realized how easy it actually is.  What's cool is that you can set up the forms with bootstrap, css3, html5, etc. so they look really nice on all different devices.  I have an android phone and it has a smaller screen than most phones so I like this because I can make it look good on my phone as well as all other smartphones.  Keep in mind that I'm using wordpress and php doesn't work inside wordpress so I had to get a plugin called Shortcode Exec PHP.  It lets you execute PHP inside your posts or pages or whatever.  Here is the PHP I set up inside that plugin.  If you aren't using wp then you can skip this part and just use the php script straight inside the code for your form.  I set up a new shortcode [random_number] with the code:   echo(mt_rand(1,999999999));


    After that I use that shortcode in the form.  Here's the entire code for that form:

    <form action="../../submissions/mySubmissionScript.php" method="post" name="myForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="submission_id" value="[random_number]"><br>
    <input id="email" type="text" name="email" /></h3>
    <input id="password" type="password" name="password" /></h3>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

    Step 3: Follow the rest of Kev's instructions on setting up the loop so your bot checks for new submissions and runs 24/7.  That's the part I'm on now.  

  7. I hope you all have a most enjoyable time over the season break.


    In other news I'm in San Francisco for a few days if any ubotters want to meet up for a coffee. Am near union square (surprise surprise).





    Dang! I'll be there in a few weeks!

    Yooooo!!!  I'm moving there this sunday and I can't wait!  Ubot meetup?


    Hey Kev, will you still be there the 6th?  I'm guessing you probably already left, but I would love to meet up for some coffee if you're around.

  8. By the way, is there a list of languages supported here too? smile2.png

    Here meaning within ubot?  It seems like languages that use non-english characters (ie. japanese, chinese, some spanish and german characters, etc) ubot acts weird with them.  I'm not 100% on the details of what language or text works, but i know english definitely works fine.  I'm not sure if this has been fixed in v5.  I will send in a support ticket about this and see what they say.


    if i stop paying for updates for 6 months to let you guys fix ubot 5 will i then pay the same amount for updates as i am now (9$), when i sign up for them again after 6 months?

    I'm not sure about the price, but I stopped paying for updates a while ago and now there is no option for me to pay monthly.  I would have to pay up front for at least 6 months, i think.  

  10. Just a heads up to everyone: they will close your account and ban your ip if you are asking for email/username and password.  They consider this phishing even when you're not.


    Here's the message I got from their support:

    The problem is that you created a form to request password along with username/email. 
    Creating these type of forms violates our terms of use as it is considered a phishing activity
    Sorry, but we cannot reactivate your account

    Any other ideas on other form providers you could use for this?  I'm guessing any of them as long as they let you send POST data and be sent to a custom thankyou url.

  11. Bought it :)

    When scraping non English sites, the html-s are messed up. Characters shown for example “é” instead of “é” in the html file.

    Any chance to correct that?

    Sorry for the delay.  This is still on my "to-do" list.  Just been busy lately with other projects and the holidays and all.

  12. Hi, the title says it all.  This is my Twitter Follower Source Code.






    • Log in to twitter mobile
    • Search a list of keywords
    • Scrape users found for each keyword
    • Follow users
    • Wait customized random delays
    • Works with Standard, Pro and Dev editions of Ubot
    • Very easy and clean code to integrate with your own bots
    • Full bot resale license


    You have my full permission to use this source code for any purpose, including integrating it into your own bots which you sell.


    Ya wanna know what the best part is?


    It's only $10!



  13. Awesome work, P!  Thanks for the free download.


    It works great, but if I may offer a few points of improvement (since this is beta and all).  


    On the scraper tab, rather than have "next page" which people have to click have either a dropdown or text box with the number of pages to scrape.  People will always want to scrape more than one page and it's not very user friendly to click next page 20 times.


    In fact, I wouldn't recommend having two tabs for this at all.  There's no point in scraping without downloading, so they should both happen on the same tab.  Since your'e going to sell the source code, just split them up by putting them into different defines.


    With all that being said, I know how hard it is to scrape images from google, so really good work on this!  


    It would be cool if there was a way to get the full size images.  I used to have a bot that did this beautifully, but google changed the way they do their links and now it seems impossible.  Do they still give you the option on google images to search for images of a certain size?


    Anyway, good work, man....


    Ninja Edit: is there a way to download jpeg files instead of png?  I usually need jpegs.  Is this because you're doing it from the android user agent?  Of course, I could always convert in batches with photoshop, but the less work i have to do the better ;)

  14. Here's something that helped me (sorry, it's copy and pasted from a skype convo):


    Heres the correct steps:
    Step 1
    Rep String:
    Step 2
    Rep String:
    plugin command("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "
    Step 3
    (?<=plugin command\("LocalDictionary.dll", "local dictionary add", "\w+),\s
    Rep String:
    Step 4
    Rep String:
    It was done using regexhero.net.
    • Like 1
  15. "Create killer UI's for your bots.  Like the UI of Site Ninja?  I used it to create it's own UI."


    How do you do this?

    Well, while I was working on Site Ninja inside the UBS editor I browsed http://themeforest.net/category/marketing/landing-pages and found the theme you see in this UI.  I ran the URL through the bot and saved the theme to my local computer.  Then I did a bit of editing (really, I just deleted all the other stuff below the header and moved their search text box into the header area) and bam, I had a nice lookin UI.

  16. A couple of questions....


    Is there any way you can set it up so the actions performed by the bot are coming from their IP or something near them?  I just realized that doing this will mean that everything comes from my home IP and for the site I'm automating that's going to be a problem.  I could use proxies, but that won't really help me.


    How do you offer different packages for billing people and upselling them your different services?  Do you use wishlist member or something similar?


    3.) Using Aymen's SQLite and HTTP Post plugins you could build a small but powerful CRM software which integrates with almost anything that has an API. This could be a big deal if you tie it into something like Twilio for text message marketing or Mailchimp for email marketing. By using the power of ubot's flexibility the sky is the limit on the integrations here. You could open up entirely new forms of marketing to local businesses by simply marrying their CRM database with marketing services they never could use before.


    Also don't forget about the potential for reporting if you have access to their client CRM. I've been working on a bot recently to crunch some reports for a client of mine. These reports are going to tell my customer which paid ads he posts net him the most profit since we have collected data through the entire sales process (this is an idea in and of itself, but it is more difficult to mass produce since it tends to have quirks for individual customers).


    Oh wow!  This is an amazing idea.  Now I'm thinking of about a thousand ways to add on to this concept.

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