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Everything posted by Aymen

  1. PM me or send me a skype message i'll send it to you
  2. In a week or so after i gather enough feedback and requests and see the sales status (if it is encouraging to add more features ) i will see about making another update , also i have a plan to work on a.NET style UI for Ubot , but all depends on the sales status of course (not trying to push you guys hands ) , if it is not encouraging there is no need to add serious features , at least not right now ! I'll let you know the ETA in couple of days from now.
  3. Once you add the grid you can't revert back to the browser , i'll work on something for that in the next version!
  4. Yes it should work with uihtml above it! Yes i'll make sure to fix that in the future for now you can choose to hide the navigation bar when you compile and that space will go away Sure that can be done , i'll see about that! I'll look into that! Yes it does replace the browser , but the browser object is still there so you can use browser functions just fine it is just in the background! And sorry there is no plans right now to integrate teh grid in the UI area , maybe with the .NET UI plugin
  5. Video Demo Get This for $47 Limited Time Offer http://ubot-plugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/add2cart_15.png PS : this works with Ubot 4 only for now
  6. In a lot of previous update emails i said that the commands under discontinued will be deleted in a future update and you should use the most current updatable commands and functions , bonus package is full of source codes that uses $http post and $http get , make sure to check them out Anyways here is a sample code related to what you posted (make sure to replace it) set(#ret, $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", #serverlink, #postData, #UserAgent, #referrer, "", ""), "Global")
  7. Sure i'll take a look at that! Yea sure i can do that!
  8. It doesn't convert Ubot code to VB.net code it only generates code for Ubot (Http Post Plugin) , C# for the time being!
  9. Hey I have a special offer if you are intending to buy both! PM me for details!
  10. Version 1.25 update : - Updated PostDataFormatter window (can now expand) - Fixed error when post data starts with & - Added a backup Licensing server when the main licensing server is down To update re-open the software !
  11. Yes that's right! I'll check that out , that may be a bug!
  12. The server is back online so you should be able to use the software ! Please try again and let me know if you are still having the issue!
  13. Yea i know , hosting is still down , trying to contact the hosting provider , they're really slow! I'll add a backup server in the future so you won't have to face this kind of things again! Sorry again for the issue!
  14. Http Post Plugin Update Version 2.5.3 Log : Fixed issues with Http Upload function Fixed Index out of range issue with Http post/get functions Couple other bug fixes and improvements
  15. You can't do that for now , i'll add it in a future update!
  16. Package has been sent to you! let me know if you still didn't receive it!
  17. Sent you a PM with a valid download link , sorry about the trouble
  18. Welcome to the forum Now your real journey begins
  19. i'll fix all the issues in the next update which will be released in at least 15 days from now! Regards
  20. K i'll check that out very soon !
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