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Everything posted by VaultBoss

  1. Looks great Aymen, as usual - once again, KUDOS mate... I've noticed I don't have quite all the functions that were on your screencast though... Are they part of another update?
  2. You have to run it from within the Connect to eMail Server Node, not outside
  3. Now you got it... although, once you got rid of the $next list item in the other commands, I'm puzzled why you kept it on the first one? The 'perfect' way to do it would be to call the list element with $list item in all your code. Dump $next list item altogether... Keep up the good work! Kudos
  4. Your code is close, but not totally correct. You see, the $next list item will not only return the item in the list at the current position, but at the SAME time it will advance the index to the next available position in the list. Using $next list item multiple times inside a LOOP will give you errors. Here is what happens in your code. The first time you use $first list item, it retrieves say... first link in your list of scraped links and it places that item in a variable set(#regex, $next list item(%regexurls), "Global") Which is excellent so far... But guess what... When yo
  5. You're assuming that all the elements would be 'instantly' available and visible.. which usually is NOT the case.. hence the very good habit to allow the page and its elements to load, with various WAITs between actions.. and sometimes even with lots of (seemingly) redundant error searching IFs... Imagine that your bot would not find that element loaded when it looks for it.. it would just stop. On the other hand, if your bot waits for the page to load, then eventually looks at the page and tries to determine if it is the correct page and not one that has an error message or such... your bot
  6. On the contrary, while you're totally missing the point there and the code is in fact doing nothing worth mentioning, YOUR EFFORTs are commendable. Just think how one like ME would look/sound when trying to play the piano? Back to the topic at hand... You are using a SET command that translates this way... ... take the word/string "amp;" and replace within it the substring/word "amp;" (btw, it is exactly the whole string!) with an empty substring. The result would be a substring from which the word "amp;" would be extracted.. but your initial string is the same word, so you end up with
  7. Here is a TIP. Start by writing your new bot in a TAB, pretty much like in pseudocode (write names of functions and commands that you didn't write yet, but descriptive to what they would have to do) Example: comment("MAIN Program Logic LOOP") loop(1) { comment("Initializing LOOP") loop(1) { comment("Clear ALL Variables") clearVariables() comment("Clear ALL Lists") clearLists() comment("Clear ALL Tables") clearTables() comment("Clear Environment") clearALLCookies() } divider comment("Navigate & Login
  8. You need to LOOP through the list, item after item and replace the unwanted characters with a $replace command, then add the newly created (edit) item at the end of the list and delete the old one, OR much simpler, just create a second list with the edited items with $add item to list inside the LOOP and when finished you can then simply delete (clear) the first list altogether...
  9. Why don't you simply replace the ending and unwanted & with $nothing?
  10. You can easily add your code when you post, by clicking on the <> button of the editor. That way it will keep nice formatting and all.
  11. When you read ALL the above tutorial, you'll understand WHY the code you pasted didn't work Tip: Beware the escaping characters!
  12. Ha, Ha, Ha .. ok, I might take you up on that, you know?.. LMAO
  13. I have already built a REGEX to grab URLs in a different thread in REGEX TUTORIALS: http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12459-regex-explained-match-extract-urls/&do=findComment&comment=67266 That should help you. Good luck!
  14. You have to set the list position only ONCE to 0 before the loop - then you move through the list with $next list item (which automatically moves the index in the list as soon as you retrieved the current list item).
  15. Use this to play with and test your REGEX: http://regexhero.net/tester/ Good luck!
  16. You need to employ REGEX to be able to extract all the URLs from the text version of the emails and then NAVIGATE to those links, instead of clicking on them.
  17. You can't create subfolders in Gmail ... eventually you could add labels for sorting. But that wouldn't help anyway. What you can do though, is to create separate Gmail accounts for separate purposes - and play with their advanced options accordingly (set the dld max to 200 emails, filter certain emails out directly in Gmail, make sure none go to spam, etc... whatever you want to) Once you have your different Gmail accounts structured for the various purposes, you could still play with them ALL in a single location, by forwarding them ALL to a central (hub) Gmail that you want to monitor pe
  18. If you used my code, that is normal to happen, as the variables within the function are "Local" so you won't see their values in the DEBUGGER, but only the variable returned by the RETURN command (the result of the function, basically) If you want to see how the variables inside the custom function work, turn them to "Global", watch the DEBUGGER... then in working environment, turn them back to "Local"
  19. You're welcome I created a whole library of JavaScript functions for UBS, to supplement what existed already natively. Helps a LOT!
  20. You can set the number of emails available to retrieve directly in the Gmail options. If you retrieve less, it will be faster. I setup mine to allow 1,000 emails when testing, but for working bots, I would rather limit that down to 100 and run the bot more frequently.
  21. Here is an example: divider define $integerNumJS(#var_INP_Number) { divider if($comparison(#var_INP_Number, "<", 0)) { then { set(#var_LOC_IntegerNum, $subtract(0, #var_INP_Number), "Local") } else { set(#var_LOC_IntegerNum, #var_INP_Number, "Local") } } divider set(#var_LOC_IntegerNum, $eval("var locworknum = {#var_LOC_IntegerNum}; locworknumint = ~~locworknum;"), "Local") divider if($comparison(#var_INP_Number, "<", 0)) { then { set(#var_OUT_Result, $subtract(0, #var_LOC_IntegerNum)
  22. Expandable substrings would be links that TW would change, the result being most times shorter than the original, but also could be longer in some particular cases. However, TW would count the initial length (with all the chars from your original long URL) towards the total count, even if, after being shrunk, the total length of the tweet would become less than the 140 limit. Can you post an example of a 140 chars string that you consider valid and that you can't post to TW?
  23. If you plan to sell the bot, I wouldn't recommend a local MySQL DB ... it would be difficult to explain to the customers that they need to install extra sw, configure it properly, etc... Rather use a web located DB on their server (if you know how, even try to hook into their WP already existing DB - with a plugin, for instance - as nowadays most people would have a WP blog) Hope this helps you...
  24. Content on web pages is often times arranged differently on the underlying page code than it 'appears' to be to the human visitor once it is rendered by the browser, because various HTML elements could float according to the page's coder wish. In fact, one smart trick for SEO is to have all navigational code, for instance, placed at the bottom of the page code, while the content per se at the top, so that SEs would first read that and confer more importance to it that way, as opposed to being diluted by the navigational links, etc... However, the navigation would still show on top of page,
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