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Posts posted by VaultBoss

  1. s that still an illegal practice?


    As long as you would clearly state boldly to your phone app users that you are not directly associated to the 3rd party website and that you will take their credentials in the process and use them to login and upload on their behalf, you could maybe be safe (but consult a lawyer on that, do not reside on my opinion, which is NOT a professional one!)


    If you ask me, I wouldn't even try it though... but that's just me.

    Even the best intentions could be misconstrued and what you are trying to accomplish is extremely dangerous, imho...

    Wouldn't be better to be safe rather than sorry?

    Just sayin'...



  2. Well... doesn't that look pretty much like phishing?  LOL


    Basically, you want to 'interpose' something (say UBS bot) between the REAL user, and the end website (Ruten) that isn't yours, but a 3rd party's..


    Phishers do that ILLEGAL action by replicating the target website, most of the times, lol


    Please tell me that I'm wrong!

    Not trying to be harsh here, as I might still haven't fully understood your motives or process, just saying how it looks like...


    UBS is a tool that is normally used to automate things that one user (or even a number of fake users, acting on behalf and for the benefit of one person), would normally do on a website...

    In no way appears in this process an attempt to get any REAL person's login credentials - apart from maybe the UBS user themselves... but they do that willingly...


    Again, not wanting to say anything bad about you, just trying to understand what you want to accomplish. For now, it looks like phishing...

    Maybe some other people may chime in too, maybe I'm out of line.


    I look forward to more clarification and if I am wrong I apologize in advance! No harm meant...



  3. I'm pretty sure that this is not the best way to deal with what you want, using UBS..


    Usually, forms on a website would collect input data from the users and send it to the server when the user clicks a SUBMIT button
    (not polling incessantly the form fields to 'see' if there is new data to grab from there...)


    Such sites(forms) are built using PHP and they communicate very well with the backend MySQL database on the server.


    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why would you want to use UBS instead of the forms?


    UBS can help you input data into those forms from the website and click the submit button, indeed... OR even more, if you want to bypass using the browser at all, there is again... Aymen's HTTP Post plugin - that would probably do exactly what you need - :)



    @Aymen.. Bro, I'm singing praises to you, lol

  4. There is a MySQL commands plugin from UBS team as well as an SQLite plugin from Aymen.
    I believe both would work only if you had Pro or Dev license, not STD.. but you should ask Aymen and/or support for that.


    Using an SQL DB would help you achieve your goals of pushing/pulling data between your PC and a server..


    As for automating the start/run/stop of bots per se, that is another topic. You might probably envisioned using Cron Jobs for that, as you mentioned a server?

    But actually, you can do that using Windows Task Scheduler on the local PC.


    As for a remote scheduler, such as the bots running on a VPS, then that is again a bit different - you need to check the VPS account to see what you can do for that.

    • Like 1
  5. Try using the DEBUGGER to see what happens with your variables along the bot running...
    Place stop script OR pause script in certain places so that you can evaluate the results partially, etc...


    Now, strictly on topic: I didn't check your scrape, but if it works as you want it to and it returns what I see there
    "17 - 15 = ", then this line of code:


    set(#captcha, $replace(#captcha, " ", $nothing), "Global")

    ... should return the value:   '17-15='   in DEBUGGER


    Obvioulsy, $eval CANNOT do the math on a text like that.
    (You can do it in Google's search box if you want to, though...)


    You need to 'transform that string into something that $eval could use

    Hint: for instance remove the equal sign '=' ;)


    You might even have to use a $trim on that, to eliminate the line feed above the math string, too...

  6. Opening a thread with the title "Problem" is not a good practice.


    Try being specific, so that other users with similar problems may find help too, later, as well as hinting to the more experienced ones to what your issue is about so that they can chime in and try to help you.


    Very few people will find a thread with this title when searching. They would usually use keywords pertaining to their problems per se.


    In your case, the title maybe should have been: "Compiled (.exe) bots' browser freezes randomly" or some such...


    BTW... this approach is useful on ANY forum you may be a member of, for pretty much the same basic reasons.



  7. You should test thoroughly the OR/AND operators that you tried there.. AFAIK UBS uses $either and $both functions, instead...


    As for coding in Code View... not many people do that. Most use the Node View, but let's be honest, UBS team is actually trying to attract regular marketers as customers, not programmers (professional coders, I mean) so it is Rara Avis to find someone coding in Code View exclusively.

    Not to mention, *some* things HAVE to be done in Node View anyway... that is the way UBS grew up and was built.


    Best way to find the way the syntax works is to drag'n'drop a coding sequence in Node View, then switch to Code View and analyze it.
    You won't find script references for the code syntax at this moment (maybe Eddie or someone else will add that in the future to the Wiki?)

    • Like 1
  8. You should NOT write the code with so many nested IFs, use the sequence IF THEN ELSE IF instead, like below:

                if($comparison(.................)) {
                    then {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)
                    else if($comparison(.................)) {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)
                    else if($comparison(.................)) {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)
                    else if($comparison(.................)) {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)
                    else if($comparison(.................)) {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)
                    else {
                        remove from list(%define_commands, #position)

    ...so that all of them are on the same 'level'.


    Deep nesting of IFs like you described will surely crash your UBS, even sooner if you use drag'n'drop in Node View than if you code directly on Code View.


    As for the crashed bot, you should try to open the archive with some unzip utility and then remove the nested IFs, so that UBS would be able to open the file (or even copy/paste everything except the nested IFs into a new bot)


    Hope this helps...



  9. I use this method all the time, so I know it works.


    Set a Boolean variable inside each branch of error checkup, instead of directly using RETURN($true/false) using SET command:

        set(#var_BOL, $false, "Local")


    Last comand at the end of the DEFINE use RETURN(#var_BOL) that you set above... It will work.


    Also, make sure your DEFINE is a Function, or else it will not return the result (if it is set as a command)

  10. Here is the way I would code that...


    Build a DEFINE for each site you want to signup to.

    Add the Signup DEFINE names to a list of names - these will further act as On/Off switches.


    LOOP through the list and extract the current list position DEFINE NAME from it, then use a sequential IF THEN ELSE IF series of comparisons, so that within each branch of that IF only one DEFINE could be called, respectively the one that has the name the same as the current looping list item.


    Once found, Call that DEFINE (signup logic) in a new thread (for multithreading) and at the same time, delete the item (DEFINE Name) from the list you are looping through.


    On the other hand, each Signup DEFINE should end their own process, by adding their DEFINE's Name at the end of Signup DEFINEs LIST.


    This way, the list act pretty much like a conveyor belt.


    Every time you fire up a specific DEFINE in a new thread, that DEFINE's name is deleted from the top of the list, while every time a thread finishes its job, that particular DEFINE re-adds its own name at the bottom of the list.


    The list will be as long as many DEFINEs you have, but the LOOPing can be confined to a less number of threads if you want, by using a LOOP WHILE instead.


    ^^ All this is the basic concept, you will have to code it yourself. I wanted to provide some sample code, but unfortunately I have to run some place with some business, so I don't have time now.


    If you encounter any troubles implementing this idea, let me know and I might write some code later.


    Good luck with it!



    • Like 1
  11. Of course I can. Basically that is what I was explaining above.


    My question was if you plan to make the plugin deal with lists/tables too, in the near future, so that I do not have to code that workaround.


    That's all.

    • If you plan to, I'll be a happy camper.
    • If not, I'm still grateful for the free plugin anyway; I'll just have to work more to achieve the reults I want.





  12. You are loading three pages, one after the other, in a single thread, in a single browser, so it is acting just as it should.


    If you want them to load separately, each link in a separate thread in a separate browser, you need to put them, one by one, in a separate thread (so you code 3 threads there, not only one, like you did now)


    If you want to write this even smarter, you store the URLs to navigate in a list, you build a define that navigates to the URL you feed to it as a parameter, then you LOOP n times through the list of URLs and code the instructions within the LOOP to open a new thread and a new browser (like you already coded) BUT you write the DEFINE calling only once, using the current list item as parameter...


    If you are new to UBS, the above may seem to be a bit complicated.


    So start by simply doing what I said for ONE single thread first:  code the navigation in a DEFINE and call that define inside a loop with 1 iteration, using a parameter (variable) that contains the link, and not the link itself directly.


    Once you achieved that, you'll be prepared to do it as you want (multithreading)



    • Like 1
  13. While each link may point to the same image, in fact the links ARE different, so any suitable REGEX would return them all.


    Even if you focus the REGEX on the last (common to more than one link) part of the URL, the regex would still select them all.

    Probably when you add them to a list in UBS, with the advanced option to "Delete" dupes, they got deleted and only the first instance was kept, but at the expense of not getting the first part of the URL stored...


    You cannot construct a regex that would not follow the same rules for each row of data!

    In other words, you cannot have the regex select the link first time and 'forget' about the rest... unless they would be identical (if so, you could specify how many times you would like the regex to repeat the search).


    BUT, I'll say again, your URLs are different, all of them.

    So it is just normal that the regex would return all the results.


    However, once you got them loaded into a list in UBS, you could LOOP through the list and save to another list each element that is different from the one before it, using only the last part of the URL for comparison.


    I cannot imagine any other method to obtain the results that you want.


    If anyone could prove me wrong, I'd be happy to learn how, but afaik you won't be able to achieve what you seek from a single pass with regex, directly, w/o extra manipulations.


    Hope this helps...

  14. Here is an example of saving an encrypted list to a file...

    loop(1) {
        add list to list(%testList, $list from text("1,2,3,4,5,6", ","), "Delete", "Global")
        save to file("{$special folder("Application")}\\Support-Files\\test-encrypted-list.csv", $plugin function("TextEncryption.dll", "$TextEncryption_EncryptText", 123456987, %testList))

    ...you will notice that my list was probably automatically 'transformed' into a text (string) variable and then encrypted
    and saved as a single element in the csv file (obviously, the commas have disappeared on encryption).


    Now, how exactly am I going to load back this file into a list within UBS, w/o looping, or w/o running another $list from text to the decrypted content?


    Can you provide some code?


    Also, if we extend this to tables, I think the process becomes even more convoluted, as the table is after all, a collection of lists (in extremis only one list, when it has only one row or one column, but usually more...)


    Thanks in advance for any input you can provide into this matter.


    If I missed something, please explain, I'm tired now and I might think a bit fuzzy, I won't deny that... :)



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