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Everything posted by rocket976

  1. How can I download the update Kev? Im already on your list , it wont let me subscribe again...
  2. Hey Abbas any progress on the ffmpeg in a sub folder scenario? Im copying my ffmpeg around to whichever folder im using but its not always reliable. Thanks in advance. Rich
  3. set(#example, $substring(12.7333, 0, 5), "Global") Also works.
  4. More than likely you need quality us proxies or wherever your trying to emulate.
  5. Im down with that. I know there is a lot of potential for this plug in but I hav'nt had much time to dig into it properly personally.. More examples would help. .
  6. Has anyone noticed any issues with .net framework and Chinese customers? Just noticed a repeat of an issue where a customer was not prompted to download required libraries? Just wondering if any one else has noticed any odd issues when it comes to Chinese customers as this was the second time I encountered this... Thanks in advance,
  7. Already was set as admin , same results regardless. I think I need a reset.
  8. This bot is awesome, Its so good I debated to post if it was working or not as I want to keep it all to myself. Actually the problem I have is that I only have one license. Nice work on this.
  9. All of a sudden asked for email and key , entered it says invalid...
  10. Hi Dan just a few observations about the course 1. It is very detailed - were talking definitions of the http plug in commands, processes and all the tools needed to properly capture a session as well as touching on regex and proper use of the json parser to help you scrape the elements you need properly. 2. Language never factored into ANY of the tutorials at any point. Dan wile natively German commands English very well. I had no problems understanding any of the points in any of the tutorials and if your following along step by step it doesn't matter what language your browser is in,
  11. No problem, Ive bought them all and this one is the best and cheapest! (should up that if your adding new features meter)
  12. There are no limits to amount of licenses you can activate and manage.
  13. Looks good just wondering about getting member ids from a group, then messaging them all .. is that possible and what does this work out to in us or can $
  14. Pretty sure what your referring to is user agent strings. These are the most popular strings Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.114 Safari/537.36 Noted above you see windows linux and osx more here http://techblog.willshouse.com/2012/01/03/most-common-user-agents/
  15. Awesome Kev been waiting for this, thanks bud! Where do I send the check?
  16. Great source and fast. No need for commenting its very self explanatory.
  17. Updated to v3 - added in facebook coupon posting to groups - includes group harvester and submitter - Formulates coupon from project data for submission - Went over all sites, removed some, added about 20 new ones and edited a ton of exiting sites. - Updated proxy checker - Complete UI overhaul based on usability - Added new data fields - user name and pass now saved with project record Updated coupon preview - now in pop up window instead of browser window Preview of V3 http://masscouponsubmitter.com/mass-coupon-submitter-v3.png Many other small updates and twea
  18. 1 Complete developer rebranding 2 Continued updates for v4 the only version we all use... (double edged sword)
  19. Great stuff Kev cant wait to try this. Thank you. !
  20. Thanks that works , I can also replace it out of the original var to get the second part , the after _ , much appreciated.
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