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Bob The Builder

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Bob The Builder

  1. It is on the list of to be added but just not yet I believe.
  2. My list of biggest must haves for 4.1 or sooner Libraries Fully customizable UI Optional address bar browser Completely invisible in new browser Better node formatting, less endless scrolling and resizing Set default window size in compiled bots Compile time options (version, icon, description, eliminate need to resource hack this stuff out) Full read email support via pop3 and imap with and without ssl Intellisense Rename ubotbrowser.exe to be non-ubot name UI grid output for live feedback and output (stretch for 4.1 but would rock) Install vc++ and all required software in compiled bots a
  3. You used to be able to make a killing with Squidoo, now it is much more difficult as squidoo is no longer easy mode.
  4. I believe mass +1 hitting will ultimately create footprints for Google to find sites using questionable techniques. There is so little benefit from it right now I wouldn't even deal with the hassle. I can't imagine Google hasn't put in some code to see when a site gets a +1 like on all their pages in a very short period of time from one or more accounts. Sure if you drip it over months I'm sure it would help more but as Abs say it only has minor influence on what is in your contact list and no influence anywhere else. You also have to consider velocity, if you do this, but then don't co
  5. Hey Abs, I'm not sure it is a good time to convert so much, there are still a lot of issues with v4. It is a much better system but everything I do runs into issues and I pretty much gave up fighting against it and now using v3 myself. Some of the issues are minor some are more of a headache. Eddie has been great about fixing them as they come up there just seems to still be a lot to do. I still consider v4 as a beta right now. I have 5 bots in limbo right now, all v4 held up due to different bugs. One was 99% done and worked great but now doesn't even work at all. So keep in mind
  6. Abs, with your account creation tool, does it some how interface with this tool to let it know the accounts it needs to check or do the end users have to setup things in your tool, then also setup the email settings in this tool as well? Can it talk with your uBot tool?
  7. I was doing the following: variable counter loop code increment end loop What I found out, is I need to do variable function code increment variable loop call function
  8. I wanted a smaller foot print than 6 different user agents.
  9. I wanted to create a library for a random user agent from a big pool of user agents. Anyone is welcome to use this rather simple code to add that functionality into their bot. It selects from a pool of 120 unique and recent user agents for IE, FF, and Chrome and sets it to one of them. The code should be self explanatory as it is silly simple. Enjoy! useragents.ubot
  10. Got 12g, and 18ghz water cooled, CPU more of an issue, it spikes hard but could be werfault.exe issue I just reported.
  11. I tested pretty aggressively running 100 processes at once and it worked like a champ
  12. 4.0.52 seems to help this a lot. I am going to do some more testing, but it looks like the problem bots I was see it with, have been resolved.
  13. You can also store it in a file the hard code loading it. This would allow users to change it if they want but if they don't do anything it will handle it automatically.
  14. I think I have this figured out. Doing some more testing.
  15. Yes, it was a text file, using notepad++ to edit it. I'll try this in 4.0.47 and see what happens, but I had same problem in v3 and I verified my data. I will make a dedicated bot and try it, I was trying to crank out a bot for Dev approval before I left for camping so I just went another way. The final result is actually a lot more useful than what I was initially doing anyway, but I would like to get this working as I have a lot of bot ideas that need to send email and read this information from a configuration file. I'll post an update here when I can test it. Thanks!
  16. I verified them with a write to browser. I know they are right, I even tried them one at a time.
  17. You are thinking about a dev license, the pro license is a no brainer, pays for itself in time savings.
  18. If I type the info directly it works fine but using table cell or variable fails in v3 and v4.
  19. Contact me when I get back next week or when you are working on this. I can give you lots of feedback when you need it. I am a wp ninja and do a lot with this stuff.
  20. I think it is for pro users, it is well worth the upgrade as it gives you easier scraping and text functions. Saves ton of time.
  21. I think it might be limited to Pro. search page is under functions->qualifiers find regular expression is under functions->text
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