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Posts posted by a7wazian

  1. Hey guys,


    I ve just joined the forum and started watching videos. Will probably purchase UBot licence if I see it s something I can use. 


    In the meantime, I ve got a small farm of 20 laptops with US residential IPs which I use for bots. If there s any bot developer here interested in cooperation, I d gladly send back 30% of my profits to that person in exchange for some passive bot/collection of bots. 


    I know great developers keep their stuff private and I m willing to fully respect that. 






    I am ready

    Skype :

    ahmad alipoor




    Paste the above into a load HTML or HTML Panel, the screen needs to be full screen otherwise the left right panels will move around to fit into the window, only something basic but you get an idea


    google some bootstrap templates for left and right side panels, use the ubot onClick thing will will need to find out about that on here, that fires a ubot function when clicked


    To edit save as a .html file, then download a code writer like visual studio code, and edit, open the file in your browser and refresh your browser to see the changes

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
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                     <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
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    thanks my friend.

    But how the browser is loaded in the middle of the screen ؟! marked browser with green line on image.

    on uk google this works

    run javascript("for(var x = 0; x< 1000;x++)\{document.querySelector(\"#tos-scroll\").scrollTop = x\}")



    my friend how i can scroll this ?!!

    i us "focus" and

    run javascript("$(window).scrollTop($(\"*:contains(\'load more comments\'):last\").offset().top);")

    but not working !!!!


    test on this link : https://www.instagram.com/p/BQoP0Z_DzCW/

  4. i fix "like" for the home page on instgram



        loop(#manylfg) {
            if($exists(<class="_soakw coreSpriteHeartOpen">)) {
                then {
                    click($element offset(<class="_soakw coreSpriteHeartOpen">, 1), "Left Click""No")
                    if($either($comparison(#checkboxcommentfp"="$true), $either($exists(<class="_7uiwk _qy55y">), $not("<title=\"Delete Comment\">>")))) {
                        then {
                            type text($element offset(<input,class="_7uiwk _qy55y">, 1), #commentlfg"Standard")
                            type text($element offset(<input,class="_7uiwk _qy55y">, 1), "\{ENTER\}""Standard")
                            wait for element(<button,class="_4vltl">"""Appear")
                        else {



    But the "comments" have problems ...!!!

    any on ???? i neeed help ,please

  5. hi everybody


    this source for like and comments home page for my account on the Instagram.

    But there's a problem....


       loop(#manylfg) {
            if($exists(<class="_soakw coreSpriteHeartOpen">)) {
                then {
                    focus(<class="_9q0pi coreSpriteEllipsis _soakw">)
                    click(<class="_soakw coreSpriteHeartOpen">"Left Click""No")
                    if($comparison(#checkboxcommentfp"="$true)) {
                        then {
                            type text(<input,class="_7uiwk _qy55y">#commentlfg"Standard")
                            type text(<input,class="_7uiwk _qy55y">"\{ENTER\}""Standard")
                            wait for element(<button,class="_4vltl">"""Appear")
                        else {
                else {
                    run javascript("window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);")



    A number of element (like and comments) are too high.

    and i can't show increment number :(

    Because Click on all Elements. While I'm one by one click !!!

    what's the solution؟



  6. I would use {ENTER} instead of this. This will act as if you are pressing enter on your keyboard so if you ran the bot and had another window that is active (with the bot in the background) it would press enter in the active window instead of in your program.

    :D  my bro i find this on http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/19661-how-to-type-text-then-press-enter-node-view/?p=122895

    is your post.

    You're Great :rolleyes:

  7. I would use {ENTER} instead of this. This will act as if you are pressing enter on your keyboard so if you ran the bot and had another window that is active (with the bot in the background) it would press enter in the active window instead of in your program.


    i need example for us {enter} :unsure:



    I want to write comments on Instagram and send .But I do not want to use plugin command("WindowsCommands.dll", "keyboard event", "Enter", "Key Press").






    tnx my bro :)


    Here is how you can see the account you are on and also keep a running account number/row number:

    ui stat monitor("Account Number:",$add(#row,1))
    clear table(&accounts)
    loop(5) {
        set table cell(&accounts,#row,0,"username{#row}")
        set table cell(&accounts,#row,1,"password{#row}")
        comment("Account Number")
        set table cell(&accounts,#row,2,#row)

    If I want to use this on html panel [  ui stat monitor("Account Number:",$add(#row,1))  ] !!! How I turned؟!

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