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Everything posted by Ettienne

  1. Hello again, I'm constantly running into the same problem on a number of sites, and that's phone/sms verification. As soon as my bot clicks "Create Account", I get the "we need to make sure you're an actual person - phone verification code require" (or similar) kind of message. I'm by no means an expert yet, as I've only had Ubot for a week now. But is there ANY way to avoid this from happening? It's very frustrating working almost a week on a nice bot with a bunch of features only to run into this wall over and over again. I have the http post plugin, although I haven't touched it yet
  2. Cool, yes I think I'll leave that site alone for now and learn a bit more on easier sites before going back to it. Thanks again
  3. The problem with the wildcard is that the First name, last name, email, and security answer all use these random ID values that keep changing, so the wildcard changes all those fields. The element offset just leaves the fields blank. So far the closest I've come is using the type text(<innertext="First Name">,$account data("First Name"),"Standard") but gives me double values "PaulPaul" or "PeterPeter", what causes that? Thanks for all the replies so far
  4. Okay now it enters 1 name (if id="ida" is found), but still having problems with the random field generator on that site. When I ran my script again, that same HTML I listed above changed this, leaving the name field blank: <div class="InputText"> <label for="id4c"> <span>First Name</span> <span class="Required" title="required" id="id4d">*</span> </label> <span class="Text"> <input class="Text ColouredFocus" type="text" value="" name="z34847
  5. Hello, I'm struggling with an issue where account creation fields return double inputs. For example, the random name generator will generate "Paul", but when it types it into the name field it comes up as "PaulPaul". What causes this? set(#firstname,$account data("First Name"),"Global") set(#lastname,$account data("Last Name"),"Global") type text(<innertext="First Name">,$account data("First Name"),"Standard") comment("above makes double name") The page html script (red letters are randomly generated and change on every page load, that's why i use innertext firstname instead of the
  6. Payment made, email sent, waiting for activation. Please assist.
  7. Oh okay I seen the ID part now in the code Name field: <input class="Text ColouredFocus" type="text" value="" name="z1982738825" id="idc" maxlength="30" onchange="var wcall=wicketAjaxPost(';jsessionid=218BD339C1FCC52AE8F5C441F29C18F3.jport-eu-bs02?wicket:interface=:0:FormRegistration:ListRegistrationData:0:ItemRegistrationData:BorderBoxRegistrationData:PanelRegistrationData:Row2:Field::IBehaviorListener:1:', wicketSerialize(Wicket.$('idc')),function() { }.bind(this),function() { }.bind(this), function() {return Wicket.$('idc') != null;}.bind(this));" tabindex="2">
  8. Thank you, but it's still only changing the dropdown menus, the name/last name fields are left blank. In that code you sent type text(<id="ida">,$account data("First Name"),"Standard") type text(<id="idc">,$account data("Last Name"),"Standard") What does the "ida" and "idc" represent? Or when would I use that in general?
  9. I'm just messing around for now trying to create gmx.com email accounts, that's where I'm facing the random field problem with those "z" values. I found a workaround for the popup issue using alerts/pause scripts so that's not too much of an issue right now
  10. 1. Account Problem: click($element offset(<create account link>,2),"Left Click","No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") reset account("Any") type text(<name="z814136229">,$account data("Last Name"),"Standard") change dropdown(<name="ListRegistrationData:0:ItemRegistrationData:BorderBoxRegistrationData:PanelRegistrationData:RowBirthDate:Field:month">,"Random") change dropdown(<name="ListRegistrationData:0:ItemRegistrationData:BorderBoxRegistrationData:PanelRegistrationData:RowBirthDate:Field:day">,"Random") change dropdown(<name="ListRegistrationData:0:
  11. Hello, I purchased Ubot on Friday and have been able to do some pretty neat things so far, however, I've come across 2 issues so far: 1. Account Creation Okay, it's pretty simple so far, BUT... I've come across Name/Password (etc.) fields that are "randomly generated" by the site, obviously to block bots from creating accounts. Ie: Let's say I want to click the name field to enter the name. When I drag the "click text" or "click" commands into Ubot, each time the "create an account" page loads these values change inside the box, so the bot can't find the box and skips it. Dragging the elem
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