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Posts posted by LordPorker

  1. I've looked under the marketplace, but couldn't find a solution. I'm looking for a decent decaptcha plugin for uBot. Would prefer one that also solves the pic ones that you often encounter.


    Would appreciate any recommendations, plus any recommendations for the third-party decaptcha services out there.



  2. ExBrowser Type Text: Types text in the selected element.



    Hi. Ready to make a purchase, but a couple of questions.


    Re type text; can we set the speed for added realism? And does this plugin work well with uBot v. 5.9.19? Finally, are there any tuts on using this?



  3. @uniquebot this script does not change the MAC address. It changes the computer name, The first set node gets the original so you can use that to change it back.


    If you are referring to TMAC that is third party software and it doesn't change original MAC address, comes with restore button



    @jamestar  many reasons to change your computer name, it's mostly for anonymity across multiple web services (Social Media) and many others...just a unique identifier that can be changed.






    Thanks for this. Can sites see your PC name when uploading text/pic files?

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