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Posts posted by LordPorker

  1. So I'm looking to create a ton of accounts on a social site, but am looking for some recommendations re email verification.


    To avoid leaving a footprint, I'd prefer to use all the common email providers (hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc). What is the easiest way to verify the new account emails, and do you recommend any sellers of these email accounts? What possible issues can I run into, etc?


    Just looking for tips from all you veterans!



  2. I think he's referring to deals that are about to go live, right? Then that is maybe tricky, as you'd need to know when the 'Buy it' button is 'live' (for example).


    Personally, I'd use Get to compare the page differences (possible issues as there are timestamps, etc, that keep changing - so you'd need to discount these changes), then when it goes live, then use a browser based bot to go thru the whole ordering process.

  3. Thanks guys, and yes I have sold a few small bots so far. I actually am having better success on seoclerks then I am having on fiverr. I have sold 3 bots recently on seoclerks and have not sold anything on fiverr in a long time. Plus seoclerks has a referral system so anyone that joins with my link I get a small cut from there sales. So if anyone wants to join then PM me.


    Also I was able to get the updates too for ubot so now I have the full ubot 5 version and it's great having so many coding options.


    Your SeoClerks link in the sig is dead.


    So can you set any price for your bots on there?


    Change your settings to allow less secure apps to access your account. follow these steps:

    1. Go to the "Less secure apps" section in My Account.
    2. Next to "Access for less secure apps," select Turn on



    Thanks man!


    Here are the instructions to get you up and running with Gmail.


    Assuming you have Gmail's two step verification set up, do the following:


    1) Go to apps passwords, and set up the name of the app (i.e. ubot)


    2) Then in uBot, use the following configuration:




    Use your email address, and the app password that you generated earlier on.


    Hope this helps!

  5. Despite having IMAP enabled in Gmail, I cannot retrieve any mail.


    I'm using the instructions as per Gmail here (incoming mail section). But I keep receiving the 'failed to connect to server' error message. Tried doing it via the wizard, but no luck there.


    Is Gmail blocking the application?


    Any pointers would be appreciated.


    Update: I'm going to try the advice here.

  6. Hi.


    I need to save the actual page source to a variable, and then regex all the proxies to a file.


    What is the best way to achieve this via commands?


    I've tried to use page scrape (using beginning/end html tags), but nothing happened.


    Url of site:

  7. So I'm creating a bot that scrapes a proxy site, but I think the logic is whack so looking for some advice.


    I've put almost all of the commands in a loop while, and if the next button is live then click to the next page. When it reaches the final page, it stops ok but it seems to fail on the else section, namely save to file & the alert popup. Can anyone tell me why?



    Bot is attached.




    Ok, so I deleted the else section, and put the save file & alert outside the loop while. It seems to work ok.

    Proxy Scraper.ubot

  8. Ye said:


    In addition there is this notion called a "Scope". You may have noticed inside list and set's there is a drop down to set the Scope to the default "Global" or "Local". Local means the data contained in a variable or list is localized to the define that "list" or "set" node it resides in. It also means it wont be seen in the debugger. So when it works that is the time to change necessary nodes to "Local". This is a must do while multi - threading.



    So re the debugger; during testing you set either list or set as Global in order to view the results? Then, once it's all ready, you change it to Local?


    If so, are there any other UB commands that need the same treatment?


    Great tut btw! Kudos for helping us out.

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