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Posts posted by Whiztech

  1. I want to create the hide bot could you give me some example of code ? after complied tell how it can be run through windows power shell or cmd ? how it can be unhide? is the bot could run through windows shedullar after complied?


  2. I want to create the hide bot could you give me some example of code ? after complied tell how it can be run through windows power shell or cmd ? how it can be unhide? is the bot could run through windows shedullar after complied?

  3. Hello
    I have question about Http plugin; I need some advise; I'm testing the API

    I have to use http for open ID Connect; please take a look in that link; give me some advise if you would like: https://sparkplatform.com/docs/authentication/authentication

    This code is not giving me the response:

    set(#spark1,$plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http post", "https://sparkplatform.com/openid/authorize?","&redirect_uri=https://sparkplatform.com/oauth2/callback&client_id=eovhjumopsl97csh46x2rmg0u&scope=openid&response_type=code&state=abcdefgh", $plugin function("HTTP post.dll", "$http useragent string", "Chrome 32.0 Win7 64-bit"), "", "", ""),"Global") load html(#spark)

  4. There is 1 problem; I am sracping zillow site that mentioned below element but debugger is not showing result like ubot studio. All the data is messed up in 1 line also there is also html script showing between the data. Please help me out if anyone can check it.

    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", $plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Generic Chrome Parameter", "disable-infobars"))
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://www.zillow.com/homes/")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Dom Ready", 30)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "<placeholder=\"Address, Neighborhood, or ZIP\">", "Appear", 30)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Type Text2", "<placeholder=\"Address, Neighborhood, or ZIP\">", "Yes", "1375 LILLYHILL DR, NEEDLES, CA 92363", 0, 0)
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "<class=\"zsg-searchbox-content zsg-search-button\">")
    plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Dom Ready", 30)
    comment("The expression for beds, baths and sqft")
    set(#beds,$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Scrape Element", "//*[@class=z-moreless-content hdp-fact-moreless-content]"),"Global")

  5. I need that features in Exbrowser Plugin; they are very use full to me..


    1 - Change attribute not working same as ubot's function

    2 - Need parameter same as: Element offset

    3 - A Picker its like a dropdown but we can pick more than 1 option from the list and some Pickers allows to pick 1 option only from the list.

    4 - type Date into date picker box.


    I will appreciate your help if you add those features with Exbrowser plugin.


    Change attribute

    Element offset


    Type Date into date picker box

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