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Posts posted by nicolai

  1. It is not built into Ubot, there are a couple of plugins that do it though, this one is free:


    TJ's system commands: http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/20737-21-free-plugins-being-given-away/

    In the end I used FileFolderCommand plugin to get file size.


    This function gets the file size of the downloaded file and then, displays the file size in the html + also increases the total data downloaded and also converts the bytes to two decimal MB number.


    Took me around 6 hours to get it working correctly!

    define get_file_size(#file_path) {
        set(#this_file_size,$plugin function("FileFolderCommands.dll", "$get file info", #file_path, "Total Size"),"Global")
        set(#this_file_size_downloaded_mb,$number format($divide(#this_file_size,1048576)),"Global")
        set(#total_data_downloaded_mb,$number format($divide(#total_data_downloaded_bytes,1048576)),"Global")

    Thank you everyone for helping me.

    • Like 2
  2. why is divide a mystery? it is the same as the rest.


    in most fields just put


    so use  the


    to divide.





    I am using code view. 


    EG: set(#this_file_size_mb,$eval($divide(#file_size,1024)),"Global")


    This does not seem to work even when #file_size is a numeric value.

  3. Sorry, found the answer by searching.  Thanks.

    and the answer is?


    I am trying to simply divide two numbers and its driving mental trying to look for answer.


    I can see its possible to add numbers. multiple numbers. Subtract numbers. but divide number? Is a mystery.

  4. I have made a robot and currently I open the .exe 16 times in order to run the processes. The problem is there is a 10-25 second delay between launching each .exe and till it opens.

    Is there a way I can either:

    1. open 1 instance of the .exe and it opens 16 tabs and runs that same processes as tab 1



    2. open 1 instance and then it spawns 16 times.


  5. Hi Dan,

    Nice looking plugin for sure and thank you in advance for your time to help me.

    I tried it but not sure cos its not working for me.

    When I am starting the 1.4 version of my bot on my computer, I was thinking that it should check the remote xml file and see that it says 1.5 and then download the new version from my server but bot just starts as if nothing has happened.

    On my computer I have Updater.exe in same folder as bot file.

    Here is screenshot of my bot code and xml file.


  6. Yes, your source code and all the plugins you enabled are sent to the Ubot server. They compile it on their server and then the compiled bot will download to your PC.



    I think they should make it clear in software during compiling what is happening.


    At least for some form of transparency sake.


    It's concerning to me that my source code is being transmitted over internet to someones server without me knowing.


    For example...



  7. Yes, your source code and all the plugins you enabled are sent to the Ubot server. They compile it on their server and then the compiled bot will download to your PC.




    thanks for reply dan.


    But fuckety bollocks, means that when I want to compile I have to upload 20mb file.


    When I was developing on my VPS compiling was really fast as upload is 1GB connection through data centre, but now that I am running ubot on my new windows laptop from home office, as my upload speed is only 750kb it kills the internet for several minutes.


    I will need to get fibre connection me thinks or solid 4g connection.



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